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Homemade Claw Machine

I built my own, fully functional claw machine/ crane game!

AdvancedFull instructions provided44,921
Homemade Claw Machine

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
Mini Mp3 Module
Used for Music
8 Relays Shield
Used to control Lights and Motors
Limit switches
Button with LED
Arcade Joystick

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Custom parts and enclosures

Color Design

Claw Assembly

I found this in a Manual of a real Claw Machine.

Claw Crane Assembly

I found this in a Manual of a real Claw Machine.

Double Motor Assembly

I found this in a Manual of a real Claw Machine.


Claw Machine Program

Logic Schematic of Claw Machine Program

Circuit to invert the polarity

Circuit to invert the polarity of the Motors, so they can change their spinning direction.

Input assignments

Schematic of what inputs are going to what pins

Relay assignment

Old Schematic

Old Schematic of analog Claw Machine without Arduino


Claw Machine Code V3005

This is the complete Code of my Claw Machine!
No preview (download only).




1 project • 8 followers
