-0.96" OLED SPI Display (3.3V)
-SPI interface for fast graphics and animations.
-Vin = 3.3V
-display colour is white.
-current draw varies with brightness and pixels lit. The display draws between 8mA - 12mA.
-dimensions are 26.7mm from right to left, 26mm from top to bottom.
-data sheet for the glass is at: http://www.buy-display.com/default/oled-display-module.html
-I've had success installing the code onto the latest Angstrom and Debian located here: http://guy.carpenter.id.au/gaugette/2014/01/28/spi-ssd1306-oled-for-beaglebone-black/
I've also installed a service on Angstrom only that runs the python script on boot up located here:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11152657/angstrom-start-up-processes-beaglebone
Homepage: https://www.tindie.com/products/miker/beaglebone-black-096-oled-display/

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