Rather than designing for a group of people or a segment of a market, what if we were to design for a single person? Our team wanted to explore this methodology - Hyper Personal Prototyping.
We developed a printer that pulls "lifeguarding" and "political/government" job listings from the internet (indeed.com) and prints them on-command or at a set time during the day. The printer is encased in a blue, acrylic box to emulate ocean waves. A 3D-printed surfer dude holds the receipt of job listings. So, how did we come to this Hyper Personal Prototype?
Enter Connor Toscano, an acquaintance and fellow UCB student. To get to know Connor better, we conducted two rounds of interviews. First, a "grand tour" interview, in which he shared information about his interests, studies, and background. Following this interview, we wanted to "deep dive" and learn a little bit more about his lifestyle, day to day activities, and passion for the ocean.
Interview Process
Our interviews revealed that Connor:
- is a Senior studying Political Science
- is a Security Monitor at Foothill Dorms
- is from a beach town, and loves the ocean/lifeguarding/swimming/surfing
- packs his classes into two days a week, and "bums around" the other 5 days of the week
- leads a generally low-tech lifestyle. He doesn't use the internet all that much, doesn't have data on his phone, and wasn't aware about established and upcoming software companies like Groupon and Caviar
- and has been recently thinking about finding a job post-graduation, preferably related to lifeguarding or political science, and in the Bay Area. However, he isn't incredibly worried
Key Insights
Lacking in exercise
Unattached to technology
present mind
likes the thrill of rescuing
when forced to think fast, able to respond fast
Co-op/independent dynamics of living
- Stay in bay, or more to la for life guarding (decision-making)
Interview #1:
- videogames
- weed
- helping people
“it’s thrilling” when people are in trouble and he’s tasked with saving the day
bike/car accident
woman busted face in the ocean
- the ocean
- small talk
- distractions
- Deliberately packed classes into two days a week
- Hangs out the other days
Interview #2:
Thus, we wanted our Hyper Personal Prototype to 1) get Connor to think about his future, in a way that isn't abrasive to his low-tech lifestyle 2) appeal to his love for the ocean and surfing 3) be a way to way to fill his free time that he otherwise spends "bumming around"
Design Process
Buoy Ball Game
Launch/Send buoy down to save person in limited time
Otherwise, platform underneath arduino goes down (and person drowns)
Laser-cut waves on edge to frame game box
Laser-cut or 3D printed buoy
Accelerometer on skateboard to warn people
or play “move bitch move out the way” song
Spaceship game
Tabletop waves connected to gears that move with push of button (figure of him in a speedo)
Soundboard, presses button and plays random audio (something funny to make him laugh, calming beach sounds)
Top Ideas
Skateboard sensor that would play music/a sound that alerts people that he is coming up behind him
Skateboard sensor that uses a servo/cam to squeeze an air horn to alert people that he is coming up behind him
Conch shell that senses when ear is nearby and plays ocean sounds
Buoy Ball Game
Launch/Send buoy down to save person in limited time
Otherwise, platform underneath arduino goes down (and person drowns)
Printer for government jobs
Decision-making watch
We decided to make a printer that would print our jobs related to Connor's major. This printer would print out 5 jobs every day.
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