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officine-innestoDavide GombaArduino_Genuino
Published © CC BY-SA

Monitor Your Energy Bill via Modbus, MKR WiFi 1010 and RS485

Connect a Modbus energy meter to an Arduino and monitor power consumption via Home Assistant.

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Monitor Your Energy Bill via Modbus, MKR WiFi 1010 and RS485

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Arduino MKR 485 Shield
Arduino MKR 485 Shield
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB Power Supply
Any power supply compatible. The MKR485 shield has a 7-24V buck converter built in.
Twisted single pair shielded cable

Software apps and online services

Home Assistant
Home Assistant
Arduino Web Editor
Arduino Web Editor

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Mastech MS8217 Autorange Digital Multimeter
Digilent Mastech MS8217 Autorange Digital Multimeter
Electrician Scissors
Small flathead screwdriver
for MKR485 terminals
Medium size philips screwdriver


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Modbus RTU to MQTT bridge for Finder

This sketch provides a full bridge between the finder energy meter and mqtt. Developed to monitor electricity costs and usage in Casa Jasmina.


5 projects • 49 followers
Innovative company that deals with design & technology, connecting the physical with the digital world. Education - R&D - prototyping & more
Davide Gomba
11 projects • 89 followers
Davide Gomba is an Italian maker / storyteller. Loves creating experiences about IoT STEAM Domotics Agrotech and Transformational Festival.
91 projects • 11344 followers


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