While we were discussing the purpose of our project, we realized we would definitely want to introduce music into our project. However, we wanted our target audience to be unique, one that most college undergraduates may not focus on.
How about babies?
someone asked.
Right, babies love music!
So, we decided to utilize three different components from the Display launchpad kit to play pre-programmed music, but we wanted it to help babies. How could we help infants in any way with music besides having them simply go to sleep? We could change the music based on distance (displayed), which would help the infant learn counting and depth perception before they drifted away into a deep slumber.
Currently, it plays “My Heart will Go On” by Celine Dion. We have enabled users (parents) to have some control over the tune by altering its speed based on their baby's distance from the ultrasonic ranger. The display also shows the distance reading from the ultrasonic ranger in centimeters.
Thank you for reading!
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