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Avinash BaranitharanKarthikeyan

Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm Using Kinect & Arduino

This is a Simulink model to control a robotic arm using gestures that are captured using Kinect; robotic arm developed using servo motors.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)3 hours18,500
Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm Using Kinect & Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
Kinect Sensor
Microsoft Kinect Sensor
Kinect for XBox 360
Microsoft Xbox Kinect Adapter
Adafruit Servo Motor
SparkFun USB to Serial Breakout - FT232RL
SparkFun USB to Serial Breakout - FT232RL
Solderless Breadboard Full Size
Solderless Breadboard Full Size
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Microsoft Kinect for Windows SDK v1.6
Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1
MATLAB 2013a


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Custom parts and enclosures

Simulink Model

Open the GestureControlledRoboticArm.mdl using Matlab after installing the Simulink Support for Kinect.

Matlab Simulink Code & Library Files (Instructions included)

In the .ZIP, you can find the Simulink for Kinect Support developed by Takashi Chikamasa, Mathworks. Inside the "slkinect" folder, you can find the instruction on how to install the library file in Matlab.


Arduino - Servo Connection

The data output (angle) from the matlab software is sent to the arduino via TTL device. The connection from the TTL - Arduino & Arduino - Servo motors are as shown in the diagram.

Simulink Model (Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm)

This is the simulink model we have developed to aquire the data from kinect, convert xyz co-ordinates to angle, decrypt the data and send it to Arduino via Serial Communication.


Arduino Program to Receive Angle Data from Matlab

The angle output from the Matlab Software is encypted. In the Arduino IDE, we have written a rogram to receive the angle data, decrypt it and send it to the servo motors.
#include <Servo.h> 
Servo myservo1; //Servo Shoulder Vertical Movement
Servo myservo2; //Servo Shoulder horizontal Movement
Servo myservo3; //Elbow Movement
Servo myservo4; //Gripper Movement

void setup() 
  myservo1.attach(9); //Attach Shoulder Vertical Movement Control Signal Pin To 9
  myservo2.attach(10); //Attach Shoulder Horizontal Control Signal Pin To 10
  myservo3.attach(3); //Attach Elbow Movement Control Signal Pin To 3
  myservo4.attach(5); //Attach Gripper Movement Control Signal Pin To 5

void loop() 
 if(Serial1.available()>0) //Check for any data in Serial Port
   byte con = Serial1.read(); //Read serial data and store it in con
   if(con > 0)
   if(con < 50)
   con = (180*con)/50;  //Decrypt the data obtained
   myservo1.write(con); //Write the data to myservo1          
   if(con > 50)
   if(con < 100)
   con = (180*(con-50))/50; //Decrypt the data obtained
   myservo2.write(con); //Write the data to myservo2            
   if(con > 100)
   if(con < 150)
   con = (180*(con-100))/50; //Decrypt the data obtained
   myservo3.write(con); //Write the data to myservo3
   if(con > 150)
   if(con < 200)
   con = (180*(con-150))/50; //Decrypt the data obtained
   myservo4.write(180); //Write the data to myservo4



Avinash Baranitharan
2 projects • 13 followers
Master of the Possible, an Engineer.
1 project • 5 followers
Some what good in arduino.


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