In this example 12 LEDs are used to show the time. They are arranged in a circular pattern. Each of the 12 LEDs represent numbers from 1 to 12. Depending upon the time of day, the LED of that position will glow. If current time is 4:15 then 4th and 3rd LED will glow. 4th LED will indicate hour and 3rd LED will indicate minutes. LED which shows hours will glow continuously. LED which shows minutes will blink with delay of 1 sec. If time 6.30 then hour LED and minute LED will be the same (6th LED), then 6th LED will blink with delay of 250 milliseconds. e.g 4.20, 9.45, 11.55. We can set the current time in code.
Configuring the idIoTware ShieldSince neither the Arduino, nor the shield have a real time clock you need to define the current time first. Once we upload the code to Arduino, you will be able to see current time on the LED ring.
No more connecting LEDs to breadboard and messy wiring. With the idIoTware shield the sky's the limit.