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Abhishek Nandysourav lahoti
Created September 7, 2020 © MIT

RL Coach environments with Cartpole and Atari

In this project, we will introduce Reinforcement Learning Coach and see how it is utilized as a framework for implementing Reinforcement Lea

BeginnerProtip18 minutes115

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Intel NUC 8 Mini PC
Intel NUC 8 Mini PC

Software apps and online services

Intel open vino


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Image flow


Python Code for the Project

(py35) abhi@abhi-HP-Pavilion-Notebook:~$ coach -r -p Atari_NEC -lvl breakout -s 60
Please enter an experiment name: Atari_NEC
Creating graph  name: BasicRLGraphManager
Creating agent  name: agent

./rl_coach -m <xmlbin path> -i <algorithm> -d CPU
./rl_coach -m 0060.xml -i NEC -d CPU


Abhishek Nandy

Abhishek Nandy

5 projects • 4 followers
Intel Black Belt ,Microsoft MVP and Intel Software Innovator
sourav lahoti

sourav lahoti

0 projects • 1 follower
