The aim of the project is to observe and determine whether the condition of the soil is suitable to be used for plantation. The chilli padi plant is used as an example in order to set the desired parameters of each process. The three main processes with their respective sensors/actuators in the system are:
1. Soil moisture monitoring (moisture sensor),
2. Soil pH monitoring (pH probe meter), and
3. Fertilizer addition (DC motor/servo motor).
Chilli padi, or bird’s eye chilli, is a chilli pepper of the species Capsicum Frutescens. The plant is characterized by its small spicy fruits and white flowers, in addition to its distinct feature when compared to another similar Capsicum’s family of growing pointing upwards. It is considered as one of the hottest peppers containing the highest amounts of capsaicin, which is highly anti-inflammatory and benefits inflammatory disorders, such as arthritis osteoarthritis, psoriasis, shingles and diabetic neuropathy. Chili padi is usually planted in warm areas with as much sunlight as possible. Its soil should be damp and water regularly.
The soil moisture sensor is designed to detect the moisture level (ML) and then determine whether or not to add water to the soil to meet the plant’s specific moisture, which in the case of chilli planting is 50% – 70%. ML values are in percentage and can be obtained by using the formula below:
Hence, the processes of the soil moisture sensor circuit are as follows:
( 1 ) If the moisture level is less than 50%, it will give an indicator through the Red LED and print the message "Add Water"; else
( 2 ) If the moisture level is more than 70% and/or between 50% and 70%, it will give an indicator through the Green LED and print the message "Stop Add Water".
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Soil pH Monitoring and Regulation Section:
The following section focuses on monitoring and regulating the pH level of the soil, which is a critical factor in plant health and nutrient absorption. This section will discuss the specific context for this explanation, maintaining a broad understanding.
Soil pH Measurement: Soil pH refers to the measure of acidity or alkalinity in the soil. Different plants thrive within specific pH ranges, as it directly impacts the availability of nutrients in the soil. Within this section of the project, a pH meter is employed to determine the pH value of the soil, expressed on a scale from 0 to 14. A pH value of 7 is considered neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline.
pH Meter Calibration: Prior to obtaining accurate pH measurements, the pH meter requires calibration. The section's code includes a calibration value, tailored to the pH meter being used. This value ensures that the pH readings are precise and aligned with the actual pH levels.
Optimal pH Range: For successful plant growth, it's crucial to identify the ideal pH range for the specific plant being cultivated. Different plants have varying pH preferences. In this section, the optimal pH range for the plant's growth is defined as between 6.5 and 5.5. This range is determined based on research and knowledge about the plant's requirements.
LED Indicators: Visual indicators, namely LEDs, are utilized in this section to offer immediate feedback on the soil's pH condition:
- pH Too Low Indicator:
- If the pH value falls below the lower threshold of 5.5, the red LED turns on. This signals that the soil's pH is excessively acidic for the plant's optimal growth.
- pH Too High Indicator:
- Conversely, if the pH value exceeds the upper threshold of 6.5, the red LED turns on once more. This time, it signifies that the soil's pH is excessively alkaline for the plant's needs.
- Optimal pH Range Indicator:
- When the pH value falls within the ideal range of 5.5 to 6.5, both LEDs are deactivated. This indicates that the soil's pH aligns with the plant's growth requirements.
Section Purpose: The primary objective of this section is to create an automated system that monitors and alerts gardeners about soil pH conditions. By using visual indicators like LEDs, this section provides real-time feedback on whether the soil's pH is within the desired range. This information empowers gardeners to take necessary actions to adjust the pH if it falls outside the optimal range.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the soil pH measurement aspect of this section underscores the practical application of technology in agriculture. By monitoring and responding to soil pH conditions, the system assists in ensuring that plants receive the right pH level for optimal growth and nutrient uptake. This can lead to healthier plants and improved yields in various types of cultivation scenarios.
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As can be seen, a supporting platform that extends to the ground has been added to the servo motor. An additional creative idea includes attaching a scoop to the servo motor that will hold the fertilizer. This entire process, which has a close relationship to the pH level evaluation previously discussed, relates to the fertilizer application process. When the pH level rises above 6.5, a signal will be sent out. The servo motor will then be turned on, together with the attached fertilizer scoop, making it easier to apply fertilizer to the soil. Additionally, the start of this process depends on the pH level being higher than 6.5. The LCD display that shows "Add Fertilizer" will also turn on at the same time as a red LED indicator that lights up. A set of 10-second delays is implemented before triggering the servo motor's operation. This temporal pause is aimed at allowing the pH value to stabilize. Should the pH value persist above 6.5 even after the fertilizer addition, the entire process will be executed again.
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GUI and WIFI (Andrew Denilson TP058450)As can be seen above, the Blynk app and a WiFi Uno ESP32 are used to provide a seamless solution for soil monitoring with a target moisture level of 55% and pH level of 8. The system mixes mobile technologies, software, and hardware. The ESP32 interfaces with pH and soil moisture sensors to gather and send data. The authentication token powers the Blynk app, which uses widgets to display pH and moisture data in real-time. Users are informed of deviations by alerts, allowing them to take prompt corrective action. Users can remotely regulate conditions using the app to make necessary adjustments. By optimising this synergy, precision agriculture ensures favourable circumstances for plant growth and resource-conserving procedures.
This integrated soil monitoring solution extends beyond immediate benefits by utilising the WiFi Uno ESP32 and the Blynk app. The effective use of resources and sustainability is where its promise resides. The Blynk app's real-time insights make it possible to make data-driven decisions that increase crop output, cut down on water use, and lessen the need for chemical interventions. Remote management of soil conditions reduces the dangers posed by imbalances, promoting the long-term health of the soil. This technology positions itself as a vital instrument for contemporary agricultural innovation as it offers a forward-looking strategy that is in line with eco-friendly and productive farming practices. Agriculture is facing issues.
Soil Monitoring & Analysis SystemAs can be seen from the circuit above, the three main processes are the soil moisture sensing, soil pH sensing, and fertilizer addition (using servo motor). Thus, the entire system was created by integrating the three processes.
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