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Vasil IakimovitchCarlos Villanueva

ME 446 Robotic Arm Project

We programmed a CRS robot arm to perform a demo using impedance control!

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)160
ME 446 Robotic Arm Project

Things used in this project

Hardware components

CRS Robot Arm

Software apps and online services

Code Composer Studio
Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio
Used for recording and plotting robot states.


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C Header File
 * LabFinal_vars.h
 * Authors: Carlos Villanueva and Vasil Iakimovitch
 * Abstract:
 * Variable declarations for LabFinal_VI.c


// Standard constants
#define PI          3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define TWOPI       6.283185307179586476925286766559
#define HALFPI      1.5707963267948966192313216916398
#define GRAV        9.81

// Motor encoder offsets (determined experimentally)
const float offset_Enc2_rad = -25.6*PI/180;
const float offset_Enc3_rad = 11.40*PI/180;

// Print function variable
int UARTprint = 0;

// Timer counter
long mycount = 0;

// Simulink plotting variables
float Simulink_PlotVar1 = 0;
float Simulink_PlotVar2 = 0;
float Simulink_PlotVar3 = 0;
float Simulink_PlotVar4 = 0;

// Values to print
float printtheta1motor = 0;
float printtheta2motor = 0;
float printtheta3motor = 0;

float printX = 0;
float printY = 0;
float printZ = 0;

float printInvTheta1Motor = 0;
float printInvTheta2Motor = 0;
float printInvTheta3Motor = 0;

float printInvDHtheta1 = 0;
float printInvDHtheta2 = 0;
float printInvDHtheta3 = 0;

// Low pass filter variables
float Theta1_old = 0;
float Omega1_old1 = 0;
float Omega1_old2 = 0;
float Omega1 = 0;

float Theta2_old = -25.6*PI/180;
float Omega2_old1 = 0;
float Omega2_old2 = 0;
float Omega2 = 0;

float Theta3_old = 11.40*PI/180;
float Omega3_old1 = 0;
float Omega3_old2 = 0;
float Omega3 = 0;

// Friction compensation variables
float u_fricfac1 = .9; //0.5 to 0.9
float u_fric1 = 0;
float Vpos1 = 0.17;
float Cpos1 = 0.303;
float Vneg1 = 0.19;
float Cneg1 = -0.303;
float slope1 = 3;
float vmin1 = .1;

float u_fricfac2 = 0.9;
float u_fric2 = 0;
float Vpos2 = 0.13;
float Cpos2 = 0.330;
float Vneg2 = 0.18;
float Cneg2 = -0.330;
float slope2 = 2.5;
float vmin2 = .05;

float u_fricfac3 = 0.7;
float u_fric3 = 0;
float Vpos3 = 0.2;
float Cpos3 = 0.370;
float Vneg3 = 0.2;
float Cneg3 = -0.370;
float slope3 = 2.5;
float vmin3 = .05;

// Transpose and rotation matrix variables
float cosq1 = 0;
float sinq1 = 0;
float cosq2 = 0;
float sinq2 = 0;
float cosq3 = 0;
float sinq3 = 0;
float JT_11 = 0;
float JT_12 = 0;
float JT_13 = 0;
float JT_21 = 0;
float JT_22 = 0;
float JT_23 = 0;
float JT_31 = 0;
float JT_32 = 0;
float JT_33 = 0;
float cosz = 0;
float sinz = 0;
float cosx = 0;
float sinx = 0;
float cosy = 0;
float siny = 0;
float R_11 = 0;
float R_12 = 0;
float R_13 = 0;
float R_21 = 0;
float R_22 = 0;
float R_23 = 0;
float R_31 = 0;
float R_32 = 0;
float R_33 = 0;
float RT_11 = 0;
float RT_12 = 0;
float RT_13 = 0;
float RT_21 = 0;
float RT_22 = 0;
float RT_23 = 0;
float RT_31 = 0;
float RT_32 = 0;
float RT_33 = 0;

// Task space PD controller gains
float KPx = 190;
float KPy = 100;
float KPz = 100;

float KDx = 15;
float KDy = 12;
float KDz = 10;

float xdesired=0.2540;
float ydesired=0;
float zdesired=0.5080;

float xdotdesired=0;
float ydotdesired=0;
float zdotdesired=0;

float xdot = 0;
float ydot = 0;
float zdot = 0;

float xcurr = 0;
float xold = 0;
float xdotold1 = 0;
float xdotold2 = 0;

float ycurr = 0;
float yold = 0;
float ydotold1 = 0;
float ydotold2 = 0;

float zcurr = 0;
float zold = 0;
float zdotold1 = 0;
float zdotold2 = 0;

float errorx = 0;
float errory = 0;
float errorz = 0;

float errorxdot = 0;
float errorydot = 0;
float errorzdot = 0;

// Trajectory forward and reverse direction tracker
int tictoc = 1;

// Impedance control axis angles
float thetax = 0;
float thetay = 0;
float thetaz = 0;

// Straight line trajectory parameters
long starttime = 0;
long endtime = 0;
float duration = 0;

float xstart = 0;
float ystart = 0;
float zstart = 0;

float xend = 0;
float yend = 0;
float zend = 0;

float deltax = 0;
float deltay = 0;
float deltaz = 0;

// Struct for storing straight line trajectory waypoints
struct point_tag {
    float nextX;
    float nextY;
    float nextZ;
    float nextThetaX;
    float nextThetaY;
    float nextThetaZ;
    float duration; // [milliseconds]
    float KPx;
    float KPy;
    float KPz;
    float KDx;
    float KDy;
    float KDz;

// Variables for managing execution of straight line trajectory loops
int point_count = 0;
bool first_time = true;
bool first_loop = true;

// Torque enable
bool torqueEnable = true;

#endif /* LAB_FINAL_VARS_H_ */


 * LabFinal_VI.c
 * Authors: Carlos Villanueva and Vasil Iakimovitch
 * Abstract:
 * This script commands a CRS robot arm to perform a motion demonstration as described in the ME 446 final project manual.
 * In order to complete this demonstration, the robot arm is commanded using straight line trajectories.
 * These trajectories are executed by an impedance controller that incorporates friction compensation and torque limiting.
 * Impedance control is implemented such that impedance can be adjusted along any arbitrary axis or set of arbitrarily rotated orthoginal axes.
 * Friction compensation is implemented to account for both Coloumb and viscous friction.
 * Please see LabFinal_vars.h for variable declarations.

// Includes
#include "math.h"
#include "F28335Serial.h"
#include "LabFinal_vars.h"

// Allocate space for global variables
#pragma DATA_SECTION(whattoprint, ".my_vars")
float whattoprint = 0.0;

#pragma DATA_SECTION(printval, ".my_vars")
float printval = 0.0;

// Number of waypoints to be traversed
int numPoints = 27;

// Struct containing all motion waypoints using format described in LabFinals_vars.h
struct point_tag points[27] = {{0.1392, 0, 0.4329, 0, 0, 0, 3000, 20, 10, 10, 15, 12, 10}, // Starting position
                              {0.1230, 0.2079, 0.3172, 0, 0, 0, 500, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Move to arbitrary point
                              {0.1230, 0.2079, 0.3172, 0, 0, 0, 500, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Rest at arbitrary point
                              {0.0344, 0.3473, 0.1873+.02, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Above hole
                              {0.0344, 0.3473, 0.1873+.02, 0, 0, 0, 250, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Settle above hole
                              {0.0342, 0.3489, 0.1339, 0, 0, 0, 500, 200/2, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Inside hole
                              {0.0342, 0.3489, 0.1339, 0, 0, 0, 500, 200/2, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Dwell inside hole
                              {0.0344, 0.3473, 0.1873+.1, 0, 0, 0, 500, 200/2, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Above hole
                              {0.3791-0.2, 0.1209, 0.1995+.02, 0, 0, 0, 500, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Intermediate point
                              {0.3791, 0.1209, 0.1995+.025, 0, 0, 0, 500, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Entrance to zigzag
                              {0.4096, 0.0699, 0.1995+.025, 0, 0, -36.87*180/PI, 250, 200, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Zigzag line 1
                              {0.4127, 0.0301, 0.1995+.025, 0, 0, -90*180/PI, 150, 200, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Zigzag curve 1 point 1
                              {0.3899, 0.0238, 0.1995+.023, 0, 0, -90*180/PI, 150, 200, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Zigzag curve 1 point 2
                              {0.3350, 0.0501, 0.1995+.023, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 250, 200, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Zigzag line 2
                              {0.3178, 0.0591, 0.1995+.023, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 150, 200, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Zigzag curve 2 point 1
                              {0.3033, 0.0326, 0.1995+.023, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 150, 200, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Zigzag curve 2 point 2
                              {0.3844, -0.0475, 0.1995+.023, 0, 0, -36.87*180/PI, 400, 200, 100/2, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Zigzag line 3
                              {0.3988, -0.0682, 0.1995+.023, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 150, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Zigzag exit point
                              {0.2185, -0.0537, 0.3996, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 500, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Intermediate point
                              {0.2695, 0.1865, 0.3743+0.02, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 500, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Above egg
                              {0.2695, 0.1865, 0.3065+0.047, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 250, 200, 100, 20, 15, 12, 10}, // Closer above egg
                              {0.2695, 0.1865, 0.3065+0.047, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 500, 200, 100, 20, 15, 12, 10}, // Apply force to egg
                              {0.2695, 0.1865, 0.3065+0.047, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 4000, 200, 100, 20, 15, 12, 10}, // Dwell when applying force to egg
                              {0.2695, 0.1865, 0.3065+0.057, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 1500, 200, 100, 20, 15, 12, 10}, // Intermediate above egg 1
                              {0.2695, 0.1865, 0.3065+0.067, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 1500, 200, 100, 20, 15, 12, 10}, // Intermediate above egg 2
                              {0.2695, 0.1865, 0.3065+0.077, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 1500, 200, 100, 50, 15, 12, 10}, // Above egg
                              {0.254, 0, 0.254*2, 0, 0, 0*180/PI, 1000, 200, 100, 100, 15, 12, 10}, // Home position


void mains_code(void);
    * FUNCTION: mains_code
    * Dummy function that is run by the main function

void main(void)
    * FUNCTION: main
    * Main function that continuously calls a dummy function until code is externally terminated by user


void lab(float theta1motor,float theta2motor,float theta3motor,float *tau1,float *tau2,float *tau3, int error)
    * FUNCTION: lab
    * This function is called every 1 millisecond to command the robot arm to follow a series of straight line trajectories.
    * Straight line trajectories are followed using impedance control with added friction compensation and torque limiting behaviour.
    * PD-control is used to implement impedance control about an arbitrarily rotatible set of orthoginal axes.
    * INPUTS:
    * theta1motor: Measured angle of motor 1 (rad)
    * theta2motor: Measured angle of motor 2 (rad)
    * theta3motor: Measured angle of motor 3 (rad)
    * *tau1: Pointer used to set commanded torque of motor 1 (Nm)
    * *tau2: Pointer used to set commanded torque of motor 2 (Nm)
    * *tau3: Pointer used to set commanded torque of motor 3 (Nm)

     * Forward Kinematics
     * Forward kinematics is used to calculate the current position of the end effector in the X, Y, and Z directions
     * Pre-computated trigonometric terms allow for the reuse of common terms and saves on the overall computation time.

    // Precompute motor cosine and sine terms
    cosq1 = cos(theta1motor);
    sinq1 = sin(theta1motor);
    cosq2 = cos(theta2motor);
    sinq2 = sin(theta2motor);
    cosq3 = cos(theta3motor);
    sinq3 = sin(theta3motor);

    // Forward kinematics
    xcurr = 0.254*cosq1*(cosq3 + sinq2);
    ycurr = 0.254*sinq1*(cosq3 + sinq2);
    zcurr = 0.254*cosq2 - 0.254*sinq3 + 0.254;

     * Task-Space Velocity
     * The velocity is found using the finite difference method: the difference between two points for a given direction
     * is divided by the time step to get the velocity in that direction. An infinite-impulse response filter is applied
     * to reduce noise by filtering high frequencies from the computed velocity.

    // Low pass filter for X linear velocity
    xdot = (xcurr - xold)/0.001;
    xdot = (xdot + xdotold1 + xdotold2)/3.0;
    xold = xcurr;
    xdotold2 = xdotold1;
    xdotold1 = xdot;

    // Low pass filter for Y linear velocity
    ydot = (ycurr - yold)/0.001;
    ydot = (ydot + ydotold1 + ydotold2)/3.0;
    yold = ycurr;
    ydotold2 = ydotold1;
    ydotold1 = ydot;

    // Low pass filter for Z linear velocity
    zdot = (zcurr - zold)/0.001;
    zdot = (zdot + zdotold1 + zdotold2)/3.0;
    zold = zcurr;
    zdotold2 = zdotold1;
    zdotold1 = zdot;

     * Straight Line Trajectory Execution
     * This section of the code commands the arm to move between the waypoint positions specified in the points struct.
     * For the first waypoint, we command the arm to move to a starting position that is close to its physical starting position.
     * This first move is done using purely PD control to smoothly initialize the initial state of the arm.
     * For all remaining points, we use straight line trajectories to move the arm to the desired waypoint.
     * Straight line trajectories are computed by multipling the gradient (deltax, deltay, deltaz) with the fraction of time elapsed
     * for the specified trajectory ((mycount-starttime)/duration) and adding the trajectory starting position (xstart, ystart, zstart).
     * When the time duration of a given trajectory elapses, we advance to the next trajectory by setting the new start position to be equal to the
     * previous trajectory end position and the new start time to be equal to the previous end time.
     * When all trajectories have been traversed, the arm remains at its final commanded location.

    // Command the arm to move to its starting position
        starttime = mycount;
        endtime = starttime + points[0].duration;

        xend = points[0].nextX;
        yend = points[0].nextY;
        zend = points[0].nextZ;

        KPx = points[0].KPx;
        KPy = points[0].KPy;
        KPz = points[0].KPz;

        KDx = points[0].KDx;
        KDy = points[0].KDy;
        KDz = points[0].KDz;

        first_time = false;

    // Force arm to move to the starting position using PD control 
    if(first_loop && mycount >= endtime){
        first_loop = false;

    // Move end effector to each waypoint using consecutive straight line trajectories
    if(!first_loop && point_count < numPoints){
        if(mycount < endtime){ // Move the end effector in a straight line
            xdesired = deltax*(mycount-starttime)/duration + xstart;
            ydesired = deltay*(mycount-starttime)/duration + ystart;
            zdesired = deltaz*(mycount-starttime)/duration + zstart;
        } else if(point_count < numPoints-1){ // Switch from one straight line trajectory to the next
            // New starttime picks up at previous endtime
            starttime = endtime;

            // New starting point picks up at previous ending point
            xstart = xend;
            ystart = yend;
            zstart = zend;

            // Advance to next waypoint index

            // Calculate duration and endtime of next waypoint trajectory
            duration = points[point_count].duration;
            endtime += duration;

            // Extract new end position from struct
            xend = points[point_count].nextX;
            yend = points[point_count].nextY;
            zend = points[point_count].nextZ;

            // Calculate gradient of the new straight line trajectory
            deltax = xend - xstart;
            deltay = yend - ystart;
            deltaz = zend - zstart;

            // Extract impedance control parameters from struct
            thetax = points[point_count].nextThetaX;
            thetay = points[point_count].nextThetaY;
            thetaz = points[point_count].nextThetaZ;

            KPx = points[point_count].KPx;
            KPy = points[point_count].KPy;
            KPz = points[point_count].KPz;

            KDx = points[point_count].KDx;
            KDy = points[point_count].KDy;
            KDz = points[point_count].KDz;
    } else { // Remain at final waypoint once it has been reached
        xdesired = xend;
        ydesired = yend;
        zdesired = zend;

     * Task-Space Error
     * Task-space error is computed by simply taking the difference between the desired and measured position and velocity terms.

    // Task space position error
    errorx = xdesired - xcurr;
    errory = ydesired - ycurr;
    errorz = zdesired - zcurr;

    // Task space velocity error
    errorxdot = xdotdesired - xdot;
    errorydot = ydotdesired - ydot;
    errorzdot = zdotdesired - zdot;

     * Impedance Control
     * Impedance control is implemented with PD-feedback and in such way as to enable control of impedance about an arbitrarily 
     * rotated set of orthoginal axes. The terms of the Jacobian tranpose and the rotation matrix that specifies the orientation of these
     * arbitrarily rotated axes are precomputed to enhance computational efficiency.

    // Precompute Jacobian transpose terms
    JT_11 = -0.254*sinq1*(cosq3 + sinq2);
    JT_12 = 0.254*cosq1*(cosq3 + sinq2);
    JT_13 = 0;
    JT_21 = 0.254*cosq1*(cosq2 - sinq3);
    JT_22 = 0.254*sinq1*(cosq2 - sinq3);
    JT_23 = -0.254*(cosq3 + sinq2);
    JT_31 = -0.254*cosq1*sinq3;
    JT_32 = -0.254*sinq1*sinq3;
    JT_33 = -0.254*cosq3;

    // Precompute rotation matrix terms
    cosz = cos(thetaz);
    sinz = sin(thetaz);
    cosx = cos(thetax);
    sinx = sin(thetax);
    cosy = cos(thetay);
    siny = sin(thetay);
    RT_11 = R_11 = cosz*cosy-sinz*sinx*siny;
    RT_21 = R_12 = -sinz*cosx;
    RT_31 = R_13 = cosz*siny+sinz*sinx*cosy;
    RT_12 = R_21 = sinz*cosy+cosz*sinx*siny;
    RT_22 = R_22 = cosz*cosx;
    RT_32 = R_23 = sinz*siny-cosz*sinx*cosy;
    RT_13 = R_31 = -cosx*siny;
    RT_23 = R_32 = sinx;
    RT_33 = R_33 = cosx*cosy;

    // Impedance control (copied from MATLAB script)
    *tau1 = (JT_11*R_11 + JT_12*R_21 + JT_13*R_31)*(KDx*RT_11*errorxdot + KDx*RT_12*errorydot + KDx*RT_13*errorzdot + KPx*RT_11*errorx + KPx*RT_12*errory + KPx*RT_13*errorz) + (JT_11*R_12 + JT_12*R_22 + JT_13*R_32)*(KDy*RT_21*errorxdot + KDy*RT_22*errorydot + KDy*RT_23*errorzdot + KPy*RT_21*errorx + KPy*RT_22*errory + KPy*RT_23*errorz) + (JT_11*R_13 + JT_12*R_23 + JT_13*R_33)*(KDz*RT_31*errorxdot + KDz*RT_32*errorydot + KDz*RT_33*errorzdot + KPz*RT_31*errorx + KPz*RT_32*errory + KPz*RT_33*errorz);
    *tau2 = (JT_21*R_11 + JT_22*R_21 + JT_23*R_31)*(KDx*RT_11*errorxdot + KDx*RT_12*errorydot + KDx*RT_13*errorzdot + KPx*RT_11*errorx + KPx*RT_12*errory + KPx*RT_13*errorz) + (JT_21*R_12 + JT_22*R_22 + JT_23*R_32)*(KDy*RT_21*errorxdot + KDy*RT_22*errorydot + KDy*RT_23*errorzdot + KPy*RT_21*errorx + KPy*RT_22*errory + KPy*RT_23*errorz) + (JT_21*R_13 + JT_22*R_23 + JT_23*R_33)*(KDz*RT_31*errorxdot + KDz*RT_32*errorydot + KDz*RT_33*errorzdot + KPz*RT_31*errorx + KPz*RT_32*errory + KPz*RT_33*errorz);
    *tau3 = (JT_31*R_11 + JT_32*R_21 + JT_33*R_31)*(KDx*RT_11*errorxdot + KDx*RT_12*errorydot + KDx*RT_13*errorzdot + KPx*RT_11*errorx + KPx*RT_12*errory + KPx*RT_13*errorz) + (JT_31*R_12 + JT_32*R_22 + JT_33*R_32)*(KDy*RT_21*errorxdot + KDy*RT_22*errorydot + KDy*RT_23*errorzdot + KPy*RT_21*errorx + KPy*RT_22*errory + KPy*RT_23*errorz) + (JT_31*R_13 + JT_32*R_23 + JT_33*R_33)*(KDz*RT_31*errorxdot + KDz*RT_32*errorydot + KDz*RT_33*errorzdot + KPz*RT_31*errorx + KPz*RT_32*errory + KPz*RT_33*errorz);

     * Angular Velocity
     * Much like the velocity calculation for linear velocity, the same approach was taken for angular velocity.
     * The velocity is found using the finite difference method: the difference between two points for a given direction
     * is divided by the time step to get the velocity in that direction. An infinite-impulse response filter is applied
     * to reduce noise by filtering high frequencies from the computed velocity.

    // Low pass filter for velocity for theta 1
    Omega1 = (theta1motor - Theta1_old)/0.001;
    Omega1 = (Omega1 + Omega1_old1 + Omega1_old2)/3.0;
    Theta1_old = theta1motor;
    Omega1_old2 = Omega1_old1;
    Omega1_old1 = Omega1;

    // Low pass filter for velocity for theta 2
    Omega2 = (theta2motor - Theta2_old)/0.001;
    Omega2 = (Omega2 + Omega2_old1 + Omega2_old2)/3.0;
    Theta2_old = theta2motor;
    Omega2_old2 = Omega2_old1;
    Omega2_old1 = Omega2;

    // Low pass filter for velocity for theta 3
    Omega3 = (theta3motor - Theta3_old)/0.001;
    Omega3 = (Omega3 + Omega3_old1 + Omega3_old2)/3.0;
    Theta3_old = theta3motor;
    Omega3_old2 = Omega3_old1;
    Omega3_old1 = Omega3;

     * Friction Compensation
     * Friction is calculated using a piecewise model consisting of 3 linear equations for each motor. Initial
     * values for the parameters were given but were finely tuned in order to visually appear to "glide on ice" in the
     * X and Y directions and appear to free fall in the Z direction.

    if (Omega1 > vmin1) {
        u_fric1 = Vpos1*Omega1 + Cpos1 ;
    } else if (Omega1 < -vmin1) {
        u_fric1 = Vneg1*Omega1 + Cneg1;
    } else {
        u_fric1 = slope1*Omega1;

    if (Omega2 > vmin2) {
        u_fric2 = Vpos2*Omega2 + Cpos2 ;
    } else if (Omega2 < -vmin2) {
        u_fric2 = Vneg2*Omega2 + Cneg2;
    } else {
        u_fric2 = slope2*Omega2;

    if (Omega3 > vmin3) {
        u_fric3 = Vpos3*Omega3 + Cpos3 ;
    } else if (Omega3 < -vmin3) {
        u_fric3 = Vneg3*Omega3 + Cneg3;
    } else {
        u_fric3 = slope3*Omega3;

    *tau1 = *tau1 + u_fric1*u_fricfac1;
    *tau2 = *tau2 + u_fric2*u_fricfac2;
    *tau3 = *tau3 + u_fric3*u_fricfac3;

     * Torque Saturation
     * Clamps torque at an amplitude of 5 Nm

    if (*tau1 > 5) {
        *tau1 = 5;
    } else if (*tau1 < -5){
        *tau1 = -5;
    if (*tau2 > 5) {
        *tau2 = 5;
    } else if (*tau2 < -5){
        *tau2 = -5;
    if (*tau3 > 5) {
        *tau3 = 5;
    } else if (*tau3 < -5){
        *tau3 = -5;

     * Utilities
     * Blink LEDs, increment counter for timers, update Simulink variables

    // Blink LEDs
        if ((mycount%500)==0) {
            UARTprint = 1;
            GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO34 = 1; // Blink LED on Control Card
            GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO60 = 1; // Blink LED on Emergency Stop Box

    // Increment count for timers

     * Update Simulink Variables
     * The simulink PlotVar variables were used when rapid testing to gauge trajectory tracking performance of the arm. They were
     * used less in this lab assignment since the performance metrics were more qualitative and less quantitative. But they
     * were still used to track trajectories in Simulink to ensure the robot moved between the points we specified.
    Simulink_PlotVar1 = xcurr;
    Simulink_PlotVar2 = ycurr;
    Simulink_PlotVar3 = zcurr;
    Simulink_PlotVar4 = zdesired;

     * Torque Enable
     * Disable torques if specified by torqueEnable in LabFinal_vars.h
     * Used to observe behaviour of controller code during debugging

        *tau1 = 0;
        *tau2 = 0;
        *tau3 = 0;


void printing(void)
    * FUNCTION: printing
    * Print current position of the end effector to the terminal

    if (whattoprint == 0) {
        serial_printf(&SerialA, "Pos FK: %.4f %.4f,%.4f   \n\r",xcurr, ycurr, zcurr);
    } else {
        serial_printf(&SerialA, "%.2f   \n\r",printval);


Vasil Iakimovitch
1 project • 0 followers
Carlos Villanueva
1 project • 0 followers


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