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Andrew R GrossJonathan Gross
Published © CC BY-SA

Controlling a Robot with a PlayStation Controller

A USB Playstation controller controls brushless motors to drive a Remotely Operated Vehicle in real time over a USB connection

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Controlling a Robot with a PlayStation Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Sony USB Playstation 3 Controller
SONY DualShock 3 Wireless Controller
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
18A Speed Controller (ESC) for Brushless RC car motors
Brushless motor, 800kV
XT60 5V/12V Power Distribution Board w/BEC
3S LiPo Battery Pack, 2200 mAh 25C
SparkFun USB to micro USB cable - 6"
SparkFun USB to Mini USB cable - 6"
XT60 Connectors
SparkFun Solder, lead-free
Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)

Software apps and online services

Raspberry Pi Raspbian
Python 2.6
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
SparkFun Third hand for soldering


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PS3 controller to motor diagram

A schematic of how the PS3 controller connects to the motors via the Raspberry Pi, the Arduino, and the ESCs



Reads in data from joysticks and sends it out as text over serial
### controller-reader.py -- Andrew R Gross -- 2017-11-12 -- andrew@shrad.org
### This program will read input from a joystick or videogame controller, format it, 
### and then send it over a serial channel so an Arduino can receive it.
### Rows that should be customized are commented with '#-# '.

import serial
import pygame
import time

### 1: Identify the controller

pygame.init()                                     # Initiate the pygame functions
j = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)                   # Define a joystick object to read from
j.init()                                          # Initiate the joystick or controller
print 'Detected controller : %s' % j.get_name()   # Print the name of any detected controllers

### 2: Open a Serial Channel to the Arduino

serial_is_on = False                            #-# Make 'True' to attempt a serial connection 
serial_port = '/dev/ttyUSB0'			        #-# Assign the location of the port that appears when the Arduino is plugged into the pi to a value
baud_rate = 9600					              # Assign the baudrate to a value

if serial_is_on == True:                          #Create an object that represents our open serial connection
    ser = serial.Serial(serial_port, baud_rate, timeout=1)	

### 3: Select which axes to check
axes_to_check = [1,3]		    		        #-# List the axes to check. Here, I want to check axis #1 and #3.
check_frequency = 5                             #~# Specify how many times a second to check for new values
breakout_button = 3                             #-# Specify which button stops the program

### 4: Begin reading the controller

while True:					                      # The program will check the button and joystick states until interrupted

    pygame.event.pump()			                  # The event.pump function refreshes knowledge of what events have changed (I think)
    recent_values = []		                      # Declare an empty list to store the values in before writing to serial
    for current_axis in axes_to_check:	          # Loop through the axes to check
        latest_value = j.get_axis(current_axis)	  # Store the current value of the axis
                                                  # If either axis isn't centered, the value will be reported
        if latest_value != 0.00: print 'Axis %i reads %.3f' % (current_axis, latest_value)
        #print(latest_value)                    #-# Uncomment to see all the raw values.  Spoiler alert: they'll mostly be zeros
                                                  # The value gets converted to an integer ranging from 0 - 200
        value_mod = int(round(latest_value*100,2)+100)
        value_mod = str(value_mod)                # The value gets converted to a string
        recent_values.append(value_mod)           # The string is added to the list of values to send over serial

    serial_output =','.join(recent_values) + ';'  # The list gets converted to a character string
    #print(serial_output)                       #-# Uncomment to see the character string that gets sent

    if serial_is_on == True:
        ser.write(serial_output)                  # The text string is sent over serial, one character at a time

    time.sleep(1/check_frequency)                 # The program waits the specified length before checking new values

    if j.get_button(breakout_button) == 1:        # If the breakout button is being held, the program ends


An Arduino sketch for converting numbers contained in a text string back to numerical values and then writing them to serovs or motor controllers.
  controller-intepreter -- Andrew R Gross -- 2017-11-23 -- andrew@shrad.org

  This sketch uses values sent over a serial connection to control servos or other motor controllers.
  It reads a string from serial; parses it into a list of integers; scales the inegers to the correct range
  for the motor controller, and then outputs the signal to control a motor.

/// 1: Header

#include <Servo.h>       // Import servo libraries
Servo esc_left;          // Create a servo object named esc_left
Servo esc_right;         // Create another servo object for the right esc

String inString = "";    // define a string to hold received serial characters
int inChar = 0;          // define a variable to hold the latest character from serial
int thruster_left;       // define a variable to hold the latest signal to the left thruster
int thruster_right;      // define a variable to hold the latest signal to the right thruster
int save_as_second = false;// define a logical element that tracks if values are part of the second value in the string

/// 2: Setup

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);    // Open a serial channel at a baudrate of 9600
  esc_left.attach(9);    // Assign a servo object to pin 9
  esc_right.attach(10);  // Assign a servo to pin 10

/// 3: Main loop

void loop() {
  /// 3.1 : Read serial data
  if (Serial.available()) {  // If serial data is available...
    inChar = Serial.read();  // Save the latest byte
    inString += char(inChar);// Join the latest character to a growing string of recent chracters
    /// 3.2 When a comma is detected, save the current string as a number and assign it to one of the output variables
    if (inChar == ',') {
      if (save_as_second == false) { // If the most recent chracter is a comma, confirm that the current string is the first value.
        thruster_left = inString.toInt(); // Save the string as an integer in one of our two output variables
        inString = "";               // Reset the string
        save_as_second == true;      // Indicate that the next value detected is for the second thruster
    /// 3.3 When a semicolon is detected, save the current string as a number and assign it to the other output variables
    if (inChar == ';') {     // If the latest chracter is the end-of-line character...
      thruster_right = inString.toInt();// Assign the most recent number string to the second thruster
      inString = "";        // Reset the string
      save_as_second = false;// Indicate that the next value detected is for the first thruster

      /// 3.4 Write out the new values to the servos and to serial
      Serial.print("Left Thruster:"); // Print the values of each thruster to serial
      Serial.print("Right string: ");
      esc_left.write(thruster_left);  // Write the signal value to one of the servo objects

Operating a robot with USB controller files

This repository contains the latest versions of the two files used in this project.


Andrew R Gross

Andrew R Gross

7 projects • 19 followers
Biomedical engineer by profession, wanna-be roboticist on the weekends
Jonathan Gross

Jonathan Gross

2 projects • 5 followers
engineer and nerd
Thanks to Garrett Owen.
