This project was built as the final deliverable for our Embedded System course.
Nowadays, one of the most important problems for any person is the protection of their home and office so that, if there is no place in it, they can safely be informed of the safety of the place.
Telegraph is one of the most recently introduced communications services. Today, this service is almost accessible to all individuals. Therefore, we can use this service to ensure that the place of work or residence is safe.
That way, we can have a safe house at a very low price, and we can also look at wherever you go online
How to workIn this project, we plan to build a safe house using the Motion Detection Sensor and Webcam Camera This project has two parts: a camera section that we can look at whenever and whenever you want. The second part is where a sensor is placed in the required places, and if there is a move, using the Swiss communication photos or videos for you
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