As busy engineering students, we know the importance of saving time. Especially in the morning, every extra minute is well worth it. That's why we have created a shower temperature system. Using this system, you can turn on your shower and go back to whatever you were doing. Rather than having to stick your hand into the shower, you can wait for the system to notify you that the shower is ready. In addition to helping save time, this system also helps you avoid uncomfortable showers. No one likes getting into the shower, only to realize that the shower is freezing cold or scolding hot. Imagine the possibilities available with this temperature sensing system. With a target temperature and an accurate error reading, many of the building blocks are in place to turn a normal shower into a shower that can set its own temperature. Overall, this project has been a great learning experience, and we hope you find it useful!
Here's a video that explains our project:
And here are some other pictures showing our work!A graph of the data taken during the video:
The temperature sensor board:
The indicator board:
The temperature sensor attached to a shower head: