Read moreThis time, one LED will show three colors. You can mix these three colors to show different colors. The colors are beautiful!
PreparationsYou need to these.
- 1xBreadboard
- 1xArduino 101 or Genuino 101 board
- 1xCommon Cathode RGB LED
- 3x100Ω Resistors
- 6xJumper Wires
This is RGB LED. The color looks like a picture, so watch and connect!
The first photo used all six lines as shown, but like the second one, I connected it more simply. I did not use the '-' part of the bread board, but I connected the line directly to GND.
Operation is the same as the image below.
100 projects • 115 followers
Looking back on my childhood, I was happy when I was making something and I was proud of myself.
"Making is instinct!"
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