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Alan De Windt
Published © GPL3+

Smart Multi-Mode PC Fan Speed Controller

Automatically control PC fan speed based on temperature or manually set to 50, 75 or 100% duty cycle

IntermediateFull instructions provided77
Smart Multi-Mode PC Fan Speed Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
PC Fan - 12 VDC, 4 pin PWM
Relay Module - 3.3 VDC


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Smart Multi-Mode PC Fan Speed Controller Schematic


Smart Multi-Mode PC Fan Speed Controller

// Smart Multi-Mode PC Fan Speed Controller
// Written by Alan De Windt
// January 2024

// DISCLAIMER:  Use at your own risk!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

#include <DHT.h>  // DHT library from Adafruit
#define DHTPIN 18  // Digital pin for temperature and humidity sensor
#define DHTTYPE DHT22  // Type of sensor - DHT22
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE);  // Initialize temperature and humidity sensor

const int fanPwmPin[4] = {9, 11, 13, 15};  // Fan PWM pins
const int fanRpmPin[4] = {8, 10, 12, 14};  // Fan RPM pins
boolean isFanOperational[4] = {true, true, true, true};  // Assume all fans are connected and not faulty (not stuck, burned out or disconnected)

const int buttonPin = 17;  // Push-button pin
boolean lastButton = HIGH;
boolean currentButton = HIGH;

const int ledPin = 16;  // LED pin
const int fanPowerPin = 19;  // Fan 12 volt power pin connected to relay module

// Operating modes
const int TempControl = 0;  // Temperature controlled
const int DutyCycle50 = 1;  // 50% duty cycle
const int DutyCycle75 = 2;  // 75% duty cyclee
const int DutyCycle100 = 3;  // 100% duty cycle
int Mode = TempControl;  // Default mode which is set to temperature controlled

boolean isFansOn = false;  // To keep track of whether fans are currently off or on
boolean isCheckingFans = false;  // To keep track of whether or not we are currently checking fans
volatile int fanBeingChecked = 0;  // To keep track of which fan we are currently checking
boolean isFaultyFan = false;  // To keep track of whether or not we have one or more faulty fans (stuck, burned out or disconnected)
boolean isFansCheckedOnce = false;  // To keep track of whether or not fans have been checked at least once (to prevent mode change until fans have been checked at least once)

int dutyCycle = 0;  // Current duty cycle
int newDutyCycle = 0;  // Newly calculated duty cycle to compare to current duty cycle

unsigned long timeRpmStart = 0;  // Time we have started counting fan rotations to later compute RPM
volatile long int pulseCount = 0;  // Count of fan rotations (2 counts = one full rotation)
volatile boolean prevState = HIGH;  // Previous state of fan rotation/RPM pin
volatile boolean currentState = HIGH;  // Current state of fan rotation/RPM pin

unsigned long timeFanStart = 0;  // The time when fans were started (to check when they have been running for at least 3 seconds)
unsigned long timeDelayForNextTempCheck = 0;  // Used to check temperature every 10 seconds

unsigned long timePressedDown = 0;  // Time when push-button has been pressed down to check for short vs. long press
unsigned long timePressedDownIntervalStart = 0;  // Time when mode was last changed while push-button remained in the pressed down state

unsigned long timeLastLedBlinkSequence = 0;  // Time when the LED was last blinked to indicate that there is at least one faulty fan
unsigned long timeLastLedBlink = 0;  // Time when the LED was last blinked (set to on or off state)
int ledBlinkDuration = 100;  // How long the LED should remain on or off during a blinking operation
int countLedBlinks = 0;  // The number of times the LED has blinked / set on or off during a blink sequence operation
boolean isLedOn = false;  // To indicate if the LED is currently on or off

float startupTemp = 0.0;  // To store initial temperature when power first came on

void setup() {

  // Fan's RPM pin is "floating" (not LOW or HIGH), and is taken low twice per fan rotation when it is spinning
  // so we need to configure as INPUT_PULLUP
  for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
    pinMode(fanRpmPin[i], INPUT_PULLUP);
    analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], 0);  // Set each fan to 0% duty cycle (off)

  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);  // Pin to control LED to indicate when fans are on
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  // Set LED off

  pinMode(fanPowerPin, OUTPUT);  // Pin to control relay which powers all fans
  digitalWrite(fanPowerPin, LOW);  // Set to off / no 12 VDC power to fans

  // Initialize serial port
  //while (!Serial) { }
  //Serial.println("Starting up...");

  // This fan controller will be installed in the SimBox and will come on when power is turned on for the entire SimBox
  // (therefore, before the PC is turned on, etc.).  We are going to get the temperature at this time (at initial startup)
  // and use this temperature as reference to determine if the PC compartment has warmed up since then, and by how much,
  // and will set the fan speeds accordingly whenever the fans are turned on.
  dht.begin();  // Activate the DHT22 temperature & humidity sensor
  //Serial.println("Waiting 5 seconds for temperature sensor.");
  float t = dht.readTemperature();
  if (!isnan(t)) {
    //Serial.print("Startup temperature is ");
    //Serial.println(" degrees Celsius.");
    startupTemp = t;
  } else {
    //Serial.println("Startup temperature reading FAILED!");
    //Serial.println("Assuming 27 degrees Celsius (ideal temperature).");
    startupTemp = 27.0;

  //Serial.println("Startup completed!");

void loop() {

  // If fans are on...
  if (isFansOn == true) {

    // If current mode is temperature controlled then we need to regularly check the temperature, adjust duty cycle, etc.
    // ...but only after we have given the fans 3 seconds to spin up and stabilize a bit
    if (Mode == TempControl && millis() > timeFanStart + 3000) {

      // If we are not currently checking fans then we should get temperature...
      if (isCheckingFans == false) {

        // ...but only once every 10 seconds!
        if (millis() > timeDelayForNextTempCheck + 10000) {

          // Read temperature
          float t = dht.readTemperature();

          // Check if read failed and proceed only if successful
          if (!isnan(t)) {
            //Serial.print("Current temperature is ");
            //Serial.println(" degrees Celsius.");
            // Update PWM based on temperature, but only if we were able to get an initial temperature at startup
            // Calculate a new duty cycle if the current temperature is higher than the initial temperature at startup
            if (t > startupTemp) {
              // Using "* 40" in the below formula means that the fan will increase speed up to max speed when temp reaches
              // 5 degrees above startupTemp.  
              // Reduce from 40 to less if fan should be more reactive / should increase speed with less rise in temperature.
              newDutyCycle = 51 + ((t - startupTemp) * 40);
              if (newDutyCycle > 255) {
                newDutyCycle = 255;
            } else {
              newDutyCycle = 51;
            if (newDutyCycle != dutyCycle) {
              dutyCycle = newDutyCycle;
              //Serial.print("New duty cycle!  ");
              //Serial.print("analogWrite = ");
              for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
                if (isFanOperational[i] == true) {  // Change PWM on operational fans only
                  analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], dutyCycle);
          } else {
            //Serial.println("Temperature reading FAILED!");
          timeDelayForNextTempCheck = millis();

          // Now that we have checked the temperature, lets start checking the fans again
          isCheckingFans = true;
          // Get the number of the first operational fan to check...
          fanBeingChecked = 0;
          while (isFanOperational[fanBeingChecked] == false && fanBeingChecked < 3) {
          // If none of the fans are operational, turn off fans to stop checking temperature and whether or not they are turning (pointless)
          if (isFanOperational[fanBeingChecked] == false) {
            //Serial.println("No fans functioning / connected!");
            isCheckingFans = false;  // Stop checking fans
            isFansOn = false;  // Fans are all off now
            dutyCycle = 0; // 0% duty cycle (off)
            for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
              analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], dutyCycle);  // Set each fan to 0% duty cycle (off)
            digitalWrite(fanPowerPin, LOW);  // Cut 12 volt power to fans
            digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  // Turn off LED
            isLedOn = false;  // LED is off
          } else {
            // ...otherwise add hardware interrupt for first fan to be checked.
            //Serial.println("Checking fans...");
            timeRpmStart = millis();  // Save current time to count fan rotations for 1 second
            pulseCount = 0;  // Zero out rotation count
            prevState = HIGH;
            currentState = HIGH;
            attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(fanRpmPin[fanBeingChecked]), add_pulse, CHANGE);  // Attach hardware interrupt on fan rotation pin

      // ...otherwise we are in the process of checking fans
      } else {

        // We need to count fan revolutions for 1 second (done by add_pulse being called by hardware interrupt on fan's RPM pin)
        if (millis() > timeRpmStart + 1000) {


          // Disable fan if it is not rotating which means it is physically stuck, burned out or not connected
          if (pulseCount == 0) {
            isFaultyFan = true;  // We have a faulty fan (stuck, burned out or not connected)
            isFanOperational[fanBeingChecked] = false;  // Set fan to not operational so that we don't control it anymore
            analogWrite(fanPwmPin[fanBeingChecked], 0);  // Set it to 0% duty cycle (off)
            //Serial.print("Fan ");
            //Serial.println(" not operational!");
            timeLastLedBlinkSequence = millis();  // We want LED to start blinking 3 short pulses in 10 seconds from now to indicate that we have at least one faulty fan
          } else {
            // ...otherwise indicate current RPM
            //Serial.print("Fan ");
            //Serial.print(" RPM = ");
            // One fan rotation generates two pulses, so / 2 for number of rotations, * 60 because we sampled for only 1 second
            //Serial.println((pulseCount / 2) * 60);  

          // If all 4 fans have been checked, stop checking fans and get new temperature reading when it is time again
          if (fanBeingChecked == 3) {
            isCheckingFans = false;  
            isFansCheckedOnce = true;
            //Serial.println("Finished checking fans.");
          } else {
            // ...otherwise check the next fan
            do {
            } while (isFanOperational[fanBeingChecked] == false && fanBeingChecked < 3);

            // If we have run out of operational fans, stop checking fans and get temperature reading
            if (isFanOperational[fanBeingChecked] == false) {
              isCheckingFans = false;  
              isFansCheckedOnce = true;
              //Serial.println("Finished checking fans.");
            } else {
              // ...otherwise lets start getting RPM readings for this next fan by activating/configuring a hardware interrupt
              timeRpmStart = millis();
              pulseCount = 0;
              prevState = HIGH;
              currentState = HIGH;
              attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(fanRpmPin[fanBeingChecked]), add_pulse, CHANGE);

    // Blink LED while in temperature controlled mode if one or more fans are faulty
    // ...but only every 10 seconds and as long as the push-button is not being pressed down
    if (isFaultyFan == true && Mode == TempControl && currentButton == HIGH && millis() > timeLastLedBlinkSequence + 10000) {
      if (millis() > timeLastLedBlink + 100) {  // Flip the LED on or off every 100 milliseconds
        if (isLedOn == true) {
          digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  // Turn off LED
          isLedOn = false;
        } else {
          digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
          isLedOn = true;
          if (countLedBlinks > 7) {  // If we blinked the LED 3 times on/off...
            timeLastLedBlinkSequence = millis();  // Save current time so that we start blinking again in 10 seconds
            countLedBlinks = 0;  // Re-initialize blink counter
        timeLastLedBlink = millis();  // Save current time so that next blink on/off occurs in 100 milliseconds

    // Blink LED slowly, faster or fastest (depending on fixed speed/PWM duty cycle mode) when not in temperature controlled mode
    if (Mode != TempControl && millis() > timeLastLedBlink + ledBlinkDuration) {
      if (isLedOn == true) {
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  // Turn off LED
        isLedOn = false;
      } else {
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
        isLedOn = true;
      timeLastLedBlink = millis();  // Save current time so that next blink on/off occurs in 100 milliseconds


  // Check push-button  
  currentButton = debounce(lastButton, buttonPin);

  // If push-button has just been pressed down, save current time
  if (lastButton == HIGH && currentButton == LOW) {
    timePressedDown = millis();  // Used on release of push-button to determine if it was a short press vs. long press to change mode
    timePressedDownIntervalStart = millis();  // Used to change mode every 2 seconds while button remains pressed down

  // If push-button is being kept down to change mode...
  if (isFansOn == true && lastButton == LOW && currentButton == LOW) {
    // If 2 seconds have elapsed since it was pushed down or since last mode change while remaining down, and fans
    // have been checked at least once...
    if (millis() > (timePressedDownIntervalStart + 2000) && isFansCheckedOnce == true) {
      Mode++;  // Switch to next mode
      if (Mode > 3) {
        Mode = 0;  // Loop back to default temperature controlled mode
      switch (Mode) {
        case TempControl:  // Configure temperature controlled mode
          //Serial.println("Switching to temperature controlled mode.");
          dutyCycle = 51; // 20% duty cycle
          for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
            if (isFanOperational[i] == true) {  // If fan is operational...
              analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], dutyCycle);  // Set each fan to 20% duty cycle
          isCheckingFans = false;  // We are not checking fans yet (we want to get current temperature first)
          digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
          isLedOn = true;  // LED is on
          timeFanStart = millis();  // Save current time to start checking temperature and fans in 3 seconds (to allow them time to spin up and stabilize)
          timeLastLedBlinkSequence = millis();  // Save current time so that we start blinking LED 3 short pulses in 10 seconds if we have one or more faulty fans
        case DutyCycle50:  // Configure 50% duty cycle mode
          //Serial.println("Switching to 50% duty cycle.");
          dutyCycle = 128; // 50% duty cycle
          for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
            if (isFanOperational[i] == true) {  // If fan is operational...
              analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], dutyCycle);  // Set each fan to 50% duty cycle
          digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
          isLedOn = true;  // LED is on
          ledBlinkDuration = 100;  // Blink LED every 100 milliseconds
        case DutyCycle75:  // Configure 75% duty cycle mode
          //Serial.println("Switching to 75% duty cycle.");
          dutyCycle = 192; // 75% duty cycle
          for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
            if (isFanOperational[i] == true) {  // If fan is operational...
              analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], dutyCycle);  // Set each fan to 75% duty cycle
          digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
          isLedOn = true;  // LED is on
          ledBlinkDuration = 75;  // Blink LED every 75 milliseconds (faster)
        case DutyCycle100:  // Configure 100% duty cycle mode
          //Serial.println("Switching to 100% duty cycle.");
          dutyCycle = 255; // 100% duty cycle
          for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
            if (isFanOperational[i] == true) {  // If fan is operational...
              analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], dutyCycle);  // Set each fan to 100% duty cycle
          digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
          isLedOn = true;  // LED is on
          ledBlinkDuration = 50;  // Blink LED every 50 milliseconds (fastest)
      timePressedDownIntervalStart = millis();

  // If push-button has been released and it was a short press (shorter than 2 seconds - not a long press to change mode)
  if (lastButton == LOW && currentButton == HIGH && millis() < timePressedDown + 2000) {
    if (isFansOn == false){  // If fans are currently off then turn them on
      //Serial.println("Turning fans on giving them 3 seconds to spin up before we start checking them.");
      digitalWrite(fanPowerPin, HIGH);  // Turn 12 volt power on for fans
      Mode = TempControl;  // Set/reset mode to default temperature controlled mode
      dutyCycle = 51; // 20% duty cycle
      for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
        isFanOperational[i] = true; // Assume all fans are functional to recheck them all
        analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], dutyCycle);  // Set each fan to 20% duty cycle
      isFansOn = true;  // Fans are now on
      isFaultyFan = false;  // We don't have any faulty fans (current assumption)
      isCheckingFans = false;  // We are not checking fans yet (we want to get current temperature first)
      isFansCheckedOnce = false;  // To prevent change of mode until fans have been checked or re-checked at least once
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  // Turn on LED
      isLedOn = true;  // LED is on
      timeFanStart = millis();  // Save current time to start checking temperature and fans in 3 seconds (to allow them time to spin up and stabilize)
    } else {  // Fans are currently on so we should turn them off...
      //Serial.println("Turning fans off...");
      digitalWrite(fanPowerPin, LOW);  // Cut off 12 volt power to fans
      dutyCycle = 0; // 0% duty cycle (off)
      for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++) {
        analogWrite(fanPwmPin[i], dutyCycle);  // Set each fan to 0% duty cycle (off)
      isFansOn = false;  // Fans are now off
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  // Turn off LED
      isLedOn = false;  // LED is off
      //Serial.println("Fans turned off.");
  lastButton = currentButton;


void add_pulse() {
  // For some reason, when a non-zero and non-max duty cycle is set, the fan RPM pin fluctuates/spikes a few microvolts
  // up/down at every PWM transition which causes an interrupt.  For this reason, it is important to use the CHANGE 
  // mode interrupt, read the rpmPin and add a pulse only when there is a transition from (previously) LOW to (now) HIGH.
  // Note:  The voltage "spike" up/down lasts for a few microseconds,so by the time this code runs the voltage has
  // stabilized once again.
  currentState = digitalRead(fanRpmPin[fanBeingChecked]);
  if (prevState == LOW && currentState == HIGH) {
  prevState = currentState;

// Button debouncer
boolean debounce(boolean last, int pin) {
  boolean current = digitalRead(pin);
  if (last != current) {
    current = digitalRead(pin);
  return current;


Alan De Windt
4 projects • 23 followers
Currently a Business Analyst and UI/UX Designer. Started career as a developer, still coding but as a hobby only.


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