This guide provides detailed instructions for implementing face detection on two (2) cameras using the Ultra96-V2 and Dual-Camera Mezzanine.
This guide will describe how to download and install the pre-built SD card images, and execute the AI applications on the hardware.
Design OverviewThe following block diagram illustrates the hardware design included in the pre-built image.
The pre-built SD card image includes a hardware design built with Vitis with the following DPU configurations:
- u96v2_sbc_dualcam: 1 x B1152 (low RAM usage), 200MHz/400MHz
The following images capture the resource utilization with the DPU, in the form of resource utilization.
The following images capture the resource utilization with the DPU, in the form of resource placement.
The following image illustrates the dual capture pipeline for the dual camera mezzanine.
The dual-camera mezzanine makes use of MIPI in order to connect the image cameras to the processing board.
The hardware design implemented in the PL includes the following components:
- MIPI CSI-2 RX receiver IP core
- Image Pipeline : implemented with Color-Space-Conversion, and Scaler
- Frame Buffer Write : the DMA engine implementing writes to external DDR
It is important to known that the AP1302 ISP receives the stereo images and generates a single side-by-side-image, as shown below:
Although the side-by-side image reflects the frontal view of the dual camera mezzanine, it is important to know that it contains:
- image from left (L) camera on right side
- image from right (R) camera on left side
This clarification is essential for any stereo processing that is attempted.
When in doubt, or to convince yourself, place your finger in front of one of the cameras and notice which side of the side-by-side image is blocked.
Step 1 - Create the SD cardA pre-built SD card image has been provided for this design.
You will need to download the following pre-built SD card image:
- u96v2_sbc_dualcam : MD5SUM = 90fdcbd9037e6ef53497159e28e48dcd)
The SD card image contains the hardware design (BOOT.BIN, dpu.xclbin), as well as the petalinux images (boot.scr, image.ub, rootfs.tar.gz). It is provided in image (IMG) format, and contains two partitions:
- BOOT – partition of type FAT (size=400MB)
- ROOTFS – partition of type EXT4
The first BOOT partition was created with a size of 400MB, and contains the following files:
- boot.scr
- image.ub
- platform_desc.txt
- dpu.xclbin
- arch.json
The second ROOTFS partition contains the rootfs.tar.gz content, and is pre-installed with the Vitis-AI runtime packages, as well as the following directories:
- /home/root/dpu_sw_optimize
- /home/root/Vitis-AI, which includes pre-built VART samples and pre-built Vitis-AI-Library samples
Once downloaded, and extracted, the.img file can be programmed to a 16GB micro SD card.
0. Extract the archive to obtain the.img file
1. Program the board specific SD card image to a 16GB (or larger) micro SD card using Balena Etcher (available for Windows and Linux)
Step 2 - Execute the Dual Camera passthroughThis section covers how to execute the default dual camera passthrough example.
2. Boot the target board with the micro SD card that was create in the previous section
System Initialization
3. After boot, launch the script
$ cd ~/dpu_sw_optimize/zynqmp
$ source ./
This script will perform the following steps:
- Auto resize SD card’s second (EXT4) partition
- Optimize the DDR memory's QoS configuration for DisplayPort output
4. [Optional] Disable the dmesg verbose output:
$ dmesg -D
This can be re-enabled with the following:
$ dmesg -E
5. Validate the Vitis-AI runtime with the xdputil utility.
For the u96v2_sbc_dualcam target, this should correspond to the following output:
$ xdputil query
"DPU IP Spec":{
"DPU Core Count":1,
"DPU Target Version":"v1.4.1",
"IP version":"v3.4.0",
"generation timestamp":"2021-12-15 10-30-00",
"git commit id":"706bd10",
"git commit time":2112151029,
"regmap":"1to1 version"
"VAI Version":{
"":"Xilinx vart-runner Version: 2.0.0-d02dcb6041663dbc7ecbc0c6af9fafa087a789de 2022-02-03-15:37:06 ",
"":"Xilinx vitis_ai_library dpu_task Version: 2.0.0-d02dcb6041663dbc7ecbc0c6af9fafa087a78
9de 2022-01-20 07:11:10 [UTC] ",
"":"Xilinx xir Version: xir-d02dcb6041663dbc7ecbc0c6af9fafa087a789de 2022-02-03-15:34:36",
"target_factory":"target-factory.2.0.0 d02dcb6041663dbc7ecbc0c6af9fafa087a789de"
"DPU Arch":"DPUCZDX8G_ISA0_B1152_01000020F6012203",
"DPU Frequency (MHz)":200,
"IP Type":"DPU",
"Load Parallel":2,
"Load augmentation":"enable",
"Load minus mean":"disable",
"Save Parallel":2,
"XRT Frequency (MHz)":200,
"name":"DPU Core 0"
6. Close the x-windows desktop
$ /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm stop
X-windows can be restarted with the following command or simply rebooting the board:
$ /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart
Running the dual camera passthrough
7. Change the resolution of the DP monitor to 1920x1080
$ modetest -D fd4a0000.display -s 43@41:1920x1080@AR24 -P 39@41:1920x1080@YUYV -w 40:alpha:0 &
This will put the monitor in 1920x1080 resolution, and display the following test pattern.
8. Launch the Dual Camera passthrough script
$ run_1920_1080
This will display a side-by-side image of the two AR0144 cameras. Notice that the width is compressed by a factor of 2, which is only to make the image fit on the monitor.
Understanding the dual camera passthrough (optional)
If we look at the "run_1920_1080" script, it is performing the following:
- initialize capture pipeline for dual camera mezzanine
- launch gstreamer pipeline
The gst-launch-1.0 utility is used to launch the following gstreamer pipeline.
gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 io-mode="dmabuf" \
! "video/x-raw, width=$OUTPUT_W, height=$OUTPUT_H, format=YUY2, framerate=60/1" \
! videoconvert \
! kmssink plane-id=39 bus-id=fd4a0000.zynqmp-display render-rectangle="<0,0,$OUTPUT_W,$OUTPUT_H> fullscreen-overlay=true sync=false" \
The video source for the pipeline is specified with the following lines:
v4l2src device=/dev/video0 io-mode="dmabuf" \
! "video/x-raw, width=$OUTPUT_W, height=$OUTPUT_H, format=YUY2, framerate=60/1" \
The video sink for the pipeline is sent to the DisplayPort output with the following lines:
! videoconvert \
! kmssink plane-id=39 bus-id=fd4a0000.display render-rectangle="<0,0,$OUTPUT_W,$OUTPUT_H> fullscreen-overlay=true sync=false" \
Investigatingthe dual camera passthrough (optional)
The gstreamer pipeline can be further investigated using gstreamer's graph capability. In order to enable the generation of graphs, set the following environment variable:
$ export GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR=/tmp/
Run the passthrough script again:
$ run_1920_1080
The /tmp directory will now contain 5 graphs format:
Since we are using gst-launch-1.0
, a new pipeline graph will be generated on each pipeline state change. This is helpful for debugging our pipeline during caps negotiation. The graph that we are interested in is the fifth graph called "PAUSED_READY". file can be converted to pdf, or jpg on a linux machine (with the graphviz package installed) as follows:
dot -Tpdf > run_1920_1080_graph.pdf
dot -Tjpg > run_1920_1080_graph.jpg
Here is the resulting jpg pipeline for the previous example:
We can see that the gstreamer pipeline is composed of the following elements:
- GstV4l2Src
- GstCapsFilter
- GstVideoConvert
- GstKMSSink
We can also see that the pipeline has the following configuration:
- 1920x1080 resolution
- YUYV format
The previous "run_1920_1080" application uses the gstreamer infrastructure.
The python examples described in this section make use of the OpenCV API.
If we terminated the X-windows in the previous section, we need to restart it with the following commands:
$ modetest -D fd4a0000.display -w 40:alpha:255
$ /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart
We then need to define our display for the X-windows environment as follows:
$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
We can then configure the resolution of the dual camera pipeline to 640x480 with BGR color format.
$ cd ~/u96v2_dualcam_python_examples
In order to launch the python script that performs a simple passthrough, use the following command:
$ python3
In this example the dual side-by-side image is treated as a single image and displayed to the monitor.
dualcam = DualCam('ar0144_dual',width,height)
# Capture input
left,right = dualcam.capture_dual()
# dual passthrough
output = cv2.hconcat([left,right])
# Display output
cv2.imshow('u96v2_sbc_dualcam_ar0144 - dual passthrough',output)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
In order to launch the python script that performs a simple stereo processing (anaglyph), use the following command:
$ python3
In this example, the dual side-by-side image is split into left and right images, for further processing.
dualcam = DualCam('ar0144_dual',width,height)
# Capture input
left,right = dualcam.capture_dual()
# Calculate anaglyph
# reference :
# - right : cyan (blue+green)
anaglyph = right
# - left : red
anaglyph[:,:,2] = left[:,:,2]
# Display output
cv2.imshow('u96v2_sbc_dualcam_ar0144 - anaglyph',anaglyph)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
The anaglyph algorithm is the traditional method for showing 3D videos with the use of colored lenses. The anaglyph implementation is taken from the LearnOpenCV web site:
In order to appreciate the depth of the anaglyph output, a pair of red-cyan glasses are required:
The next example combines face detection with the stereo cameras. In order to launch the python script that performs the stereo face detection, use the following command:
$ python3
In this example, face detection is performed on each of the left and right images.
# Vitis-AI/DPU based face detector
left_faces = dpu_face_detector.process(left_frame)
right_faces = dpu_face_detector.process(right_frame)
If one face is detected in each image, then the following additional processing is done with the detected faces:
- calculate the centroid (center of bounding box) for each face
- calculate the landmarks (5 points) for each face
- calculate the horizontal distance between both centroids (delta_cx) dans landmarks (delta_lx)
- calculate distance estimation based on baseline and delta_cx or delta_lx.
- check if the distance is within a certain range
The output of the example displays both left and right images, each with different annotations.
- image from left (L) camera displayed on the left
- image from right (R) camera displayed on the right
The right image displays annotations which represent the intermediate results, including:
- cyan bounding box + cyan centroid/landmarks => right face bounding box
- white bounding box + white centroid/landmarks => left face bounding box
- current value of delta_cx and delta_lx
# if one face detected in each image, calculate the centroids to detect distance range
distance_valid = False
if (len(left_faces) == 1) & (len(right_faces) == 1):
# loop over the left faces
for i,(left,top,right,bottom) in enumerate(left_faces):
# centroid
if bUseLandmarks == False:
x = int((left+right)/2)
y = int((top+bottom)/2),(x,y),4,(255,255,255),-1)
# get left coordinate (keep float, for full precision)
left_cx = (left+right)/2
left_cy = (top+bottom)/2
# get face landmarks
startX = int(left)
startY = int(top)
endX = int(right)
endY = int(bottom)
face = left_frame[startY:endY, startX:endX]
landmarks = dpu_face_landmark.process(face)
if bUseLandmarks == True:
for i in range(5):
x = startX + int(landmarks[i,0] * (endX-startX))
y = startY + int(landmarks[i,1] * (endY-startY)) frame2, (x,y), 3, (255,255,255), 2)
x = startX + int(landmarks[nLandmarkId,0] * (endX-startX))
y = startY + int(landmarks[nLandmarkId,1] * (endY-startY)) frame2, (x,y), 4, (255,255,255), -1)
# get left coordinate (keep float, for full precision)
left_lx = left + (landmarks[nLandmarkId,0] * (right-left))
left_ly = bottom + (landmarks[nLandmarkId,1] * (bottom-top))
# loop over the right faces
for i,(left,top,right,bottom) in enumerate(right_faces):
# centroid
if bUseLandmarks == False:
x = int((left+right)/2)
y = int((top+bottom)/2),(x,y),4,(255,255,0),-1)
# get right coordinate (keep float, for full precision)
right_cx = (left+right)/2
right_cy = (top+bottom)/2
# get face landmarks
startX = int(left)
startY = int(top)
endX = int(right)
endY = int(bottom)
face = right_frame[startY:endY, startX:endX]
landmarks = dpu_face_landmark.process(face)
if bUseLandmarks == True:
for i in range(5):
x = startX + int(landmarks[i,0] * (endX-startX))
y = startY + int(landmarks[i,1] * (endY-startY)) frame2, (x,y), 3, (255,255,0), 2)
x = startX + int(landmarks[nLandmarkId,0] * (endX-startX))
y = startY + int(landmarks[nLandmarkId,1] * (endY-startY)) frame2, (x,y), 4, (255,255,0), -1)
# get right coordinate (keep float, for full precision)
right_lx = left + (landmarks[nLandmarkId,0] * (right-left))
right_ly = bottom + (landmarks[nLandmarkId,1] * (bottom-top))
delta_cx = abs(left_cx - right_cx)
delta_cy = abs(right_cy - left_cy)
message1 = "delta_cx="+str(int(delta_cx))
delta_lx = abs(left_lx - right_lx)
delta_ly = abs(right_ly - left_ly)
message2 = "delta_lx="+str(int(delta_lx))
if bUseLandmarks == False:
delta_x = delta_cx
delta_y = delta_cy
if bUseLandmarks == True:
delta_x = delta_lx
delta_y = delta_ly
The distance estimation is performed using the following information:
- baseline (distance between both image sensors) == 50mm
- focal length
The focal length (in pixels) is calculated based on the following information from the AR0144
- Focal Length (mm) = 2.48 mm
- Pixel Size = 0.003 mm
- Focal Length (pixels) = Focal Length (mm) / Pixel Size (mm/pixel) = 827 pixels
With this information, the distance can be calculated using the following formula:
- Distance = (Baseline * Focal Length) / Disparity
- mm = ( mm * pixels ) / pixels
- Distance = (50 * 827) / Disparity
# distance = (baseline * focallength) / disparity
# ref :
# baseline = 50 mm (measured)
# focal length = 2.48mm * (1 pixel / 0.003mm) = 826.67 pixels
# ref:
disparity = delta_x * (1280 / width) # scale back to active array
distance = (50 * 827) / (disparity)
message1 = "disparity : "+str(int(disparity))+" pixels"
message2 = "distance : "+str(int(distance))+" mm"
Finally, a range threshold is applied to identify the face as being in a desired distance range.
if ( (distance > 500) & (distance < 1000) ):
distance_valid = True
The left image displays annotations for the final result, including:
- disparity (in pixels)
- distance (in mm)
- left face bounding box in green => if distance is within desired range
- left face bounding box in red => if distance is outside range
# loop over the left faces
for i,(left,top,right,bottom) in enumerate(left_faces):
if distance_valid == True:
if distance_valid == False:
By default, the centroids are used to calculate the distance estimation.
With a USB keyboard connected to the Ultra96-V2 board, the following keys can be used to change how the distance is calculated:
- 'd' : toggle between selection of centroid or landmark for distance calculation
- 'l' : toggle between one of the five landmark points
Note that if more than one face is detected, there will not be annotations in the right image, and all the detected faces will be displayed in red in the left image.
Feel free to modify the python scripts to experiment with your own ideas.
I hope these python examples provide enough examples to get you started on your own stereo application !
Appendix 1 – Rebuilding the DesignThis section describes how to re-build this design.
The DPU-enabled designs were built with Vitis. With this in mind, the first step is to create a Vitis platform, which can be done with a linux machine, which has the Vitis 2021.2 tools correctly installed.
The following commands will clone the Avnet “bdf”, “hdl”, “petalinux”, and “vitis” repositories, all needed to re-build the Vitis platforms:
git clone
git clone –b 2021.2
git clone –b 2021.2
git clone –b 2021.2
Then, from the “vitis” directory, run make and specify the following target
- u96v2_sbc_dualcam : will re-build the Vitis platform for the Ultra96-V2 Development Board + Dual-Camera Mezzanine
Also specify which build steps you want to perform, in order:
- xsa : will re-build the Vivado project for the hardware design
- plnx : will re-build the petalinux project for the software
- sysroot : will re-build the root file system, used for cross-compilation on the host
- pfm : will re-build the Vitis platform
To rebuild the Vitis platform for the Ultra96-V2 with Dual-Camera, use the following commands:
cd vitis
make u96v2_sbc_dualcam step=xsa
make u96v2_sbc_dualcam step=plnx
The petalinux project just be modified to include version 2.0 of the Vitis-AI content. The Vitis-AI documentation ( describes two ways of doing this:
- Using recipes-vitis-ai in this repo:
- Upgrading PetaLinux esdk
As of this writing, the "PetaLinux esdk" update is not available, so the "recipes-vitis-ai" must be copied to the petalinux project's project-spec/meta-user sub-directory.
With the petalinux project modified for Vitis-AI 2.0, it can be built as follows:
cd ../petalinux/projects/u96v2_sbc_dualcam_2021_2
petalinux-build -c avnet-image-full
With the petalinux project built for Vitis-AI 2.0, the Vitis platform can be generated as follows:
cd ../../../vitis
make u96v2_sbc_dualcam step=sysroot
make u96v2_sbc_dualcam step=pfm
With the Vitis platform built, you can build the DPU-TRD, as follows:
make u96v2_sbc_dualcam step=dpu
For reference, this build step performs the following:
- clone branch v2.0 of the Vitis-AI repository (if not done so already)
- copy the DPU-TRD to the projects directory, and rename it to {platform}_dpu
- copy the following three files from the vitis/app/dpu directory:- Makefile : modified Makefile- dpu_conf.vh : modified DPU configuration file specifying DPU architecture, etc…- config_file/prj_config : modified configuration file specifying DPU clocks & connectivity
- build design with make
This will create a SD card image in the following directory:
Where {platform} will be something like “u96v2_sbc_dualcam_2021_2”.
This SD card image can be programed to the SD card, as described previously in this tutorial. However, it does not yet contain all the installed runtime packages and pre-compiled applications.
In order to complete the full installation, you will need to follow the instructions in the following sections of the Vitis-AI repository:
- Installing the Vitis AI runtime v2.0 (for Edge)
- Installing the VART examples well as the images/video filesvitis_ai_runtime_r2.0.0_image_video.tar.gz
- Installing the Vitis AI Library examples well as the image/video filesvitis_ai_library_r2.0.0_images.tar.gz and vitis_ai_library_r2.0.0_video.tar.gz
- Install the compiled models to the /usr/share/vitis_ai_library_models directory, as described below
With the DPU-TRD design built, you can compile the AI-Model-Zoo for this design, as follows:
make u96v2_sbc_dualcam step=zoo
For reference, this build step performs the following:
- clone branch v2.0 of the Vitis-AI repository (if not done so already)
- *copy the models/AI-Model-Zoo to the projects directory, and rename it to {platform}_zoo
- copy the following files from the vitis/app/zoo directory- : script to compile all models
In order to perform the actual compilation (ie. for u96v2_sbc_dualcam), perform the steps described below:
Instructions to build AI-Model-Zoo for {platform} platform:
cd projects/{platform}_zoo/.
./ xilinx/vitis-ai:
source ./
Additional Information:
- to compile only one (or a few) models,
remove unwanted model sub-directories from model-list directory
This will create compiled models in the following directory:
Appendix 2 - Camera SetupThe dual camera mezzanine must be oriented as shown below in order to obtain an image in the correct orientation.
Also, the AR0144 sensors have a lens that can be manually adjusted to obtain a clear focus.
ConclusionI hope this tutorial, with its pre-built SD card image, will help you to get started quickly with Vitis-AI 2.0 on the Ultra96-V2 and Dual-Camera Mezzanine.
If there is any other related content that you would like to see, please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Revision History2022/02/28 - Initial Version
AcknowledgementsI would like to thank Kris Gao and Watson Chow for their initial work on the dual camera design.
I would like to thank Tom Curran, Chris Ammann, and the Witekio team (Florian Rebaudo, Stanislas Bertrand, Thomas Nizan) for their work adding this design to the Avnet git hub repositories.
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