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Alexis Gimeno Martínez

LED Christmas Tree Decoration

Christmas tree LED decoration with a 555 timer and blinking LEDs.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,284

Things used in this project

Hardware components

555 Timers Ultra Low Voltage
Texas Instruments 555 Timers Ultra Low Voltage
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Green
5 mm LED: Green
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Capacitor 100 µF
Capacitor 100 µF
PCBWay Custom PCB
PCBWay Custom PCB
<a href="https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/555_Timer_based_Blinking_LED_Christmas_ornament.html"><img src="https://www.pcbway.com/project/img/images/frompcbway.png" alt="PCB from PCBWay"></img></a>
Coin Cell Battery Holder
Coin Cell Battery Holder


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Alexis Gimeno Martínez

Alexis Gimeno Martínez

2 projects • 6 followers
Electronic hobbyist but translator in real life. I love to tinker around and I'm never afraid of learning something new
