An Arduino-based keyboard emulator which injects (types) a sequence of letters sent via Bluetooth protocol or from predefined SD card payloads.
Check it out on my GitHub 👇:
SD card modeWhen it's on SD-card mode, it reads content of the a payload (which is selectable using three switches; means 8 possible payloads) and starts typing them as soon as being recognized as a keyboard to the host. Payloads must be written in the software's simple syntax explained below.
When the payload injection is done, it automatically switches to Bluetooth mode to give more control to the operator.
Bluetooth modeWhen it's explicitly set to Bluetooth mode, it has nothing to do with the SD card. As soon as it gets plugged into the host, it'll wait for operation to connect via Bluetooth protocol.Bluetooth Terminal HC-05 can be used as a simple (yet powerful) client for Android based devices. Install it, connect to the device and let it recognize itself as a keyboard. When it's ready, type whatever you need using the software's simple syntax explained below.
... and a bonus!A photoresistor is implemented in the circuit which can be used a an activator. It can be used by {LDR}
action (see Payload Syntax section). Basically, it'll keep the initial brightness and will wait for the room to become darker (like when lights go off). Then, it'll continue it's operation.
See rest of the description on my GitHub since it may get updated: AmirrezaNasiri/usb-keystroke-injector