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Asaad Kaadan
Published © MIT

Compact Multi-Switch Data Logger

Build a tiny data logger by connecting buttons and switches of all types to Hexabitz uSD card module.

BeginnerFull instructions provided30 minutes660
Compact Multi-Switch Data Logger

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Micro SD Memory Card (H1BR6x)
Hexabitz Micro SD Memory Card (H1BR6x)
Mechanical limit switch (NO)
Optical end-stop limit switch (NC)
Reed Switch, Magnet Switch Set
Reed Switch, Magnet Switch Set


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Project Firmware

main.c has code for first example. To compile the second example, rename main_ex2.c into main.c
No preview (download only).

uSD card module original firmware

Hexabitz H1BR60 uSD card module original firmware


Asaad Kaadan

Asaad Kaadan

10 projects • 23 followers
