The Story we all want to invent our own RC Boat that's fast, rigid and reliable enough to Play tell you feel bored from it...
In this demonstration we offer the new way to make your own RC Boat..
What's New ??
A new way to control the flipping direction instead of the motor H-Bridge module, we have used Two Relays to work as a H-Bridge Using the Arduino UNO... by that we offer a high current passing through the splitted Power rather than going to buy a high current H-Bridge...
A new way to connect the 2.4GHz Wireless Transmission System. By upgrading Amplifying the transmission rang to 140 meters instead of 30 meters... Using an old RC car transmission system rising UP the voltage to the high voltage limit in the IC transmission inside the Remote will Upgrade the transmission range... Remember to see the Full IC Characteristics. to insure not to burn the IC... Using the Wifi antenna We can Expand the range of the Transmission.... Don't forget to take the 2.4GHz one Not the 5GHz....
A new Way to have higher speed of the DC motors and torque. by Studying the DC motor characteristics we can see the highest level of torque.. we measure the voltage to get the Voltage limit. not to go over. this will insure you a great Playing Drift RC car...
A long Time Playing by increasing the capacity of the Li-Ion Batteries that we have installed....
Finally Connect the Receiver Transmission to the Arduino UNO, connect the Boat to the Computer to start reading the Transmission interference to Programing the commands you wants. depending on the data transferred you see at the monitor....
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