I have no space for a full sized pinball machine so I am taking a 1980 Bally Centaur Pinball Machine and converting it into a working and playable coffee table! I know that others have put playfields into coffee tables, and some have gone so far as to light them up, but this project goes beyond that! Once complete, I will have created an interactive coffee table that tilts up and plays just like the original! However, it will rest no higher than 18 inches from the ground when not being played.
Lift Off!Current State:Fusion Renderings:
My project milestone to date are:
- Prototype cabinet constructed
- Custom Apron fabricated to include 3.5" OLED screen
- Complete playfield restoration
- Implemented a display decoder chip using the open-source TinyFPGA BX board (Hackaday project HERE).
- Coding my own SPI core in Verilog.
- Addressing the display decoder logic.
- The display decoder logic leverages combinational logic to simultaneously sample one digit which is instantaneously shown to the user. The score values are stored in RAM, created in the FPGA, and an interrupt output is toggled to notify the Teensy 4.1 that a score has been updated from a previous value.
- The Teensy will then display the score on a couple of test OLEDs using the font of the original game. The main 3.5" OLED will be mounted in the custom apron.
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