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Giovanni '@Cyb3rn0id' Bernardo
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

(Yet Another) Dot Matrix Clock

A simple and eye-catching Dot Matrix Clock/Calendar showing also temperature and Humidity with a practical 3D-printed enclosure

BeginnerFull instructions provided18 hours2,840
(Yet Another) Dot Matrix Clock

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Dot Matrix Led Display 32x8 with MAX7219 (or compatible)
NodeMCU Lolin ESP8266 (31x58mm)
DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
3D Printer with buildplate having dimensions 235x235mm at least
M3 Brass Inserts
PVC Filter
Precision cutter


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Custom parts and enclosures


Box has a lot of holes: I made them for attaching other things if I need. Bigger 6 holes (M4) in corners and center are meant for fixing box or put some feet to let box on a desk.

Top Frame

Box - Larger

Edit by @MrLoba81 for fitting larger displays, having a gap between matrixes

Top Frame - Larger

Edit by @MrLoba81 for fitting larger displays, having a gap between matrixes


(Yet Another) Dot Matrix Clock Schematic

Display -> NodeMCU
CLK -> D5
CS -> D8
DIN -> D7
VCC - > VU (or VV or VUSB)

DHT22 -> NodeMCU
PIN 1 (VCC) -> 3V3
PIN 2 (Data) -> D2
PIN 3 (NC) : nc


Source code for Arduino IDE


Giovanni '@Cyb3rn0id' Bernardo
8 projects • 46 followers
Technical Writer, Maker. Addicted to retrocomputing and making stuff with microcontrollers & 3D-printing. Available for technical reviews.


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