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How to Make a Holiday Window Decoration with LED Strip

Surfing the internet but failed, big clocks take too much space, small ones are hard to check the time. Well, I decide to make my own clock.

BeginnerFull instructions provided4 hours784
How to Make a Holiday Window Decoration with LED Strip

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Solar Power Manager (for 9V/12V/18V solar panel)
DFRobot Solar Power Manager (for 9V/12V/18V solar panel)
Gravity: Analog Ambient Light Sensor For Arduino
DFRobot Gravity: Analog Ambient Light Sensor For Arduino
DFRobot Gravity: I2C 3.7V Li Battery Fuel Gauge
DFRobot DFRduino UNO R3
Silicon Solar Panels(9V)
Lithium Battery 3.7v/10000mah
DFRobot Gravity: I2C DS1307 RTC Module
WS2812B RGB led
(combines with enameled wires and 3M twin adhesive)
NPN triode (10k resistor)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines



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