From time to time, I need to demo the Weather Underground Weather Station upload protocol, and thought I could use a prop - a colorful prop.
With some help from Sparkfun, Adafruit and I quickly cobbled together a bmp280 and small NeoPixel ring to a Particle Photon to create a bare bones weather station (Pressure, Humidity, Temperature) that will upload to Wunderground with a basic visual indicator of what is going on.
The temperature fill/color logic section was lifted from Jonathan Eskow's work on his 'Indoor NeoPixel Thermometer'. I also modified that else/if logic to display Humidity going from light to dark blue as it fills up to distinguish itself from temperature.
Sign up for a free Weather Underground account. This gives you a place to upload and view the data on the web or in their apps (iOS / android).
There are two variables near the top of the example code where you can put your station ID and Key.
You can go to where the Xs are your station ID.
To see the data you can use CoolTerm or the Arduino IDE to watch the serial port.
On OSX/linux you can also use the command line:
screen /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXX 9600
Where XXXX is the number of your specific device. (If you type tty.usb
and hit tab it should autocomplete.)