I hope you have watch my previous post regarding SIM 800L ATcommands. It is the basic and important part to understanding the working of SIM 800L module. Now in easy mades shall we go for more advance part that to understand the way of applying this module in to practical.
Watch before start the project
You know we can sen SMS and read SMS using this module. Once we received a massage we can read it and also we can send any word(texts). That text massage facility can be used as a special command. If we can get that command filtering other text massages, we can use those as a pass-code to activate a device or to send another command. 1st we have to filter our sms which is to be taken as commands out of other SMSs. Then assign the massage to a variable . after having red the variable you can do you activity.
Therefore, i change and made updates to sim800l Library. because sim 800l library can only get the massage details but we need only massage body. I will give you all the links at the end of this page.
Wiring part is same as my previous lesson PART 01, If you have not read that lesson, please read it. Only deference is i have added an LED to pin number 12 of Arduino Uno board.
Only for understanding I have added an LED if you want to operate AC device or any high volt device, you can add a relay instead of LED. I hope you know how to add a relay, but for beginners I have added that circuit below.
Following are the pin connection
If the wiring part is completed upload the codes
Our code is like this, If you want to On the device you have to send "#ON"without comma and also if you want to off the device you have to send an sms as"#OFF". the # mark is the identity to understand this device it as a command to active arduino code.If you read the code, you can make more improvements to this code.Download the coding file and library from the link given below.
Download the codes and library
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