I bought a toroidal transformer from junk dealer.
This transformer has symmetrical 28V(high power), symmetrical 12V and symmetrical 22V output and single 5V and single 6V output. Except 28V output, all outputs are low power.
I want to make symmetrical 30V output but RK6006 is negative ground switching. So symmetrical power supply is not possible with RK6006. I solved this problem with a making surgery to toroidal transformer. I disassambled tape of toroidal top coat. The outer winding is symmetrical 28V. I seperated common out. So I have two seperated 28V output.
I used a case the product of Altınkaya Electronic Enclosure for this project. This case is DT355. It's size 288mm x 274m x 150mm. Thanks to Altınkaya Electronic Enclosure for supporting my projects. Product link is below.
I placed RK6006 and bourn jacks to the case.
Rectifier Baord:
Regulator Board
I made some revision of placement.
and finally:
I have planned to make a DC power supply. Although not often, sometime AC supply is needed at projects. I added yellow bourn jacks to projects. It is 5V AC output.
I made some mistakes on regulator board. I will make some revisions on regulator board.
The rectifier board can be accessed and ordered by the following link.
My PCBWAY account is below.
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