
Measuring RMS and Peak-to-Peak AC Voltage with Arduino

Measuring a RMS and Peak to Peak Voltage in a small AC signal also use of one opamp LM324 to amplify the signal

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Measuring RMS and Peak-to-Peak AC Voltage with Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Trimmer Potentiometer, Multiturn
Trimmer Potentiometer, Multiturn
Resistor 220K
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 47 µF
Capacitor 47 µF
Capacitor 1uF
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Resistor 470K


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Vrms and Peak-to_peak Voltage

 Name:    readADCVoltage.ino
 Created: 12/29/2021 6:47:41 PM
 Author:  Carlos Balseiro
 Adapted from the code of openenergymonitor (https://github.com/openenergymonitor/EmonLib/blob/master/EmonLib.cpp#L114)

#define ADC_COUNTS 1023

double calcV(int ch, double offsetV, double SupplyVoltage, double* Vrms, double* Vpp)

  unsigned int crossCount = 0;             //Used to measure number of times threshold is crossed.
  unsigned int numberOfSamples = 0;        //This is now incremented
  unsigned int timeout = 500;              //mseconds 
  unsigned int crossings = 10;            // sampling 10 trace crossing 
  double adjustedV;
  double sampleV;
  double startV;
  double sqV;
  double sumV = 0;
  int sumMin = 0, sumMax = 0, max = 0, min = 1023, Chng = 0, maxCount = 0, minCount = 0, lastSample, onLow = 0, onUp = 0, oldChng = 0, stayCount = 5;
  double lastVCross;
  double checkVCross;
  int maxValue = 0;
  int minValue = 1024;
  int i = 0;

  // Start
  numberOfSamples = 0;
  crossCount = 0;
  adjustedV = 0;
  double start = millis();
  sumV = 0;                                       //Reset accumulator
  startV = analogRead(ch);
  lastSample = startV;

  // Measurement loop
  while (crossCount < crossings && (millis() - start) < timeout)     //millis()-start makes sure it doesnt get stuck in the loop if there is an error.
    numberOfSamples++;                       //Count number of times looped.
// Read in raw voltage samples
    sampleV = analogRead(ch);
    // Voltage calculation corrected by offset
    adjustedV = sampleV / ADC_COUNTS * SupplyVoltage;
    //Serial.print(adjustedV); Serial.print(" ");
    adjustedV -= offsetV;

    // RMS voltage
    sqV = adjustedV * adjustedV;
    sumV += sqV;
    // Find the number of times the voltage has crossed the initial voltage
    // - every 2 crosses we will have sampled 1 wavelength 
    // - so this method allows us to sample an integer number of half wavelengths which increases accuracy
    lastVCross = checkVCross;
    if (sampleV > startV) checkVCross = true;
    else checkVCross = false;

    if (numberOfSamples == 1)
      lastVCross = checkVCross;

    if (lastVCross != checkVCross) {

    // Find max peak and min peak to measure peak to peak voltage
    if (lastSample < sampleV) {               //trace is going up
      if (Chng < 0 && onUp < stayCount)       //If minimum was detected we are going to check there is not a false minimum
        oldChng = Chng;
      if (oldChng < 0 && onUp> stayCount) {   //if we found a minimum and after stayCount samples the trace is going up then recorded the minimum and reset
        sumMin += min;
        min = 1023;
        oldChng = 0;
        onUp = 0;
        onLow = 0;
      lastSample = sampleV;
      Chng = 1;
      if (max < sampleV)
        max = sampleV;                      // get max value
    else if (lastSample > sampleV) {        //trace is going down
      if (Chng > 0 && onLow < stayCount)    //If maximum was detected we are going to check there is not a false maximum
        oldChng = Chng;

      if (oldChng > 0 && onLow > stayCount) {   //if we found a maximum and after stayCount samples the trace is going down then recorded the maximum and reset
        sumMax += max;
        max = 0;
        oldChng = 0;
        onLow = 0;
        onUp = 0;
      lastSample = sampleV;
      Chng = -1;
      if (min > sampleV)
        min = sampleV;                      //get min value
      lastSample = sampleV;


  // Vrms and Vpp calculations
  //Calculation of the root of the mean of the voltage squared (rms)
  *Vrms = sqrt(sumV / numberOfSamples);
   if (minCount != 0 && maxCount != 0)
    *Vpp = (double)(sumMax / maxCount - sumMin / minCount) / ADC_COUNTS * SupplyVoltage;
    *Vpp = 0;

  if (*Vpp < 0)
    *Vpp = 0;

  //Serial.println("Vrms: " + String(Vrms) + "  Vpp: " + String(Vpp));



void setup() {
  while (!Serial) {};


void loop() {

  // Get Voltage   pin, offset, VSupply
  double Vpp, Vrms;
  calcV(0, 2.34, 5.0, &Vrms, &Vpp);

  Serial.println("Vrms: " + String(Vrms) + "  Vpp: " + String(Vpp));





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