For years I've neglected tons of MP3s on several drives, my beloved audiobooks (???), Podcasts, sound collections and so on. Donald Bell has created an awesome tutorial on how to revive them. Please go to his project for the video and the initial setup of your Raspi Zero PiDrive from WDLabs as well as Pi MusicBox. I've rebuilt/ copied this rad project with some small additions. Unfortunately, I could not change or add to my replication of Donald's project. So I am covering the end of the story and concentrate on the Taking it further part: How to connect to Soundcloud, Spotify and Google Music.
Go to Mopidy to authenticate your Mopidy installation to access Soundcloud and Spotify.
Connect to your Soundcloud account and get the token. Go back to settings and paste it to the Client-ID blank.
Do the same with Spotify. Copy the credentials and fill in the Client-ID as well as Client-Secret blank. Don't forget to save the changes.
Google Music seemed to be more complex since you need your e-mail address instead the usual username and in case you're using a 2-way authentication, you need an application-specific password. You can set up the latter via this support site. Furthermore identify your device ID. For Android phones install any Device ID app, like this one.
The Mopidy GitHub config tipps are very helpful and more elaborate.
Reboot. Enjoy.