#include <Wire.h>
#include "LedControl.h"
#include <EEPROMex.h>
#include <FastLED.h>
#define NUM_LEDS 38
#define NUM_LEDS2 14
#define DATA_PIN 8
#define DATA_PIN2 9
#define BRIGHTNESS 255
CRGB ledsbig[NUM_LEDS2];
LedControl lc=LedControl(7,5,6,2);
int Balls = 1; //Number of Balls
int MaxBalls = 5; //Number of Maxballs
int Milli = 50; //Delay 1
int MilliRoll = 100; //Delay 2
int Milli_Bumper = 30; //Delay for Bumpers
int Oncepergame = 0;
int Skillshot_active = 0; //Activates the Skillshot
int Skillshot1_active = 0;
int Skillshot2_active = 0;
int Skillshot3_active = 0;
int PlayMusicOnce = 0;
int randNumber; //Random Number for the Skillshot
unsigned long previousMillis_Skillshot = 0;
const long interval_skillshot = 10000; //The Skillshot is active for 10 seconds once the ball is in play
int Ball_active = 0;
int AttractMode = 0;
int Torpedo1_primer =1;
int Torpedo2_primer =1;
int Torpedo3_primer =1;
int Torpedo1_active =0;
int Torpedo2_active =0;
int Torpedo3_active =0;
int Vari_Bonus_active =0;
int Vari_top_bottom = 0; //Target recognition starts at the top (position 5) to the bottom (position 1). Highest positions is cored and locks the rest.
//Mosfet Variables//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const long interval = 50; // interval at which to trigger bumper solenoids (milliseconds)
const long interval_vari_activate = 500; // interval after which to activate the vari target coil (milliseconds)
const long interval_vari_deactivate = 1200; // interval after which to deactivate the vari target coil (milliseconds)
unsigned long Solenoid_TimeTemp;
unsigned long Solenoid_FireTime;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis_vari_activate = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis_vari_deactivate = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis_cap = 0;
const long interval_grace_cap = 900; // interval at which the captive Balls can't be triggered again after the first trigger
unsigned long VariTargetBurnTime = 0; //Burn Timers to protect the solenoids from stuck switches
unsigned long BumperBurnTime = 0;
unsigned long KickoutBurnTime = 0;
unsigned long ReleaseBurnTime = 0;
unsigned long SolenoidOnFireTime = 1800;
unsigned long VariTargetBurnTimeBase;
unsigned long BumperBurnTimeBase;
unsigned long KickoutBurnTimeBase;
unsigned long ReleaseBurnTimeBase;
int MosfetState = LOW;
int Kickout_Trigger = 0;
int Bumper_Trigger = 0;
int Vari_Trigger = 2;
int BallRelease_Trigger = 0;
//Variables to avoid ghosting//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int Rollover_Lane1_int_last = LOW;
int Rollover_Lane2_int_last = LOW;
int Rollover_Lane3_int_last = LOW;
int CaptiveBall1_int_last = LOW;
int CaptiveBall2_int_last = LOW;
int CaptiveBall3_int_last = LOW;
int Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int_last = LOW;
int Sidelanes_Left1_int_last = LOW;
int Sidelanes_Right2_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Low_int_last = LOW;
int Target_High_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari1_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari2_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari3_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari4_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari5_int_last = LOW;
int VariTarget_int_last = LOW;
int Kickout_int_last = LOW;
int Rollunder_int_last = LOW;
int BallRelease_int_last = LOW;
int Bumper_int_last = LOW;
int Bumper_shockproof = 0;
int Ballinplay_int_last = LOW;
int Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int_last = LOW;
int Rubberband123_int_last = LOW;
//Attract Mode/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int AttatchInteruptOnce = 0;
//volatile int AttractMode = 0;
int Attractcounter1 = 0;
int Attractcounter2 = 0;
int Attractcounter3 = 0;
int Attractcounter4 = 0;
int Attractdelay1 = 800;
int Attractdelay2 = 400;
int Startplay_A = 0;
int Startplay_ACTIVE = 0;
//Attract Mode/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Score and Scoredisplay//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int adress = 0; //Adress for saved Highscore
long HighScore = EEPROM.readLong(adress);
long Score = 0;
long Bonus; //Bonus points
long Bonus_temp = 0; //Bonus counter
long Bonus_fix = 0; //Bonus --> Ships sunk
int DoubleBonus = 0;
int Ships_sunk = 0;
int Ships_allive = 10;
int Max_Bonus_multiplier = (Ships_allive-Ships_sunk);
int Torpedo_Bonus = 0; //(0-10)
int Bonus_Counter = 0;
int Bonus_low_target = 0;
int Kickout_Bonus = 0;
int VariTorpedo1 = 0;
int VariTorpedo2 = 0;
int VariTorpedo3 = 0;
int num0;
int num1;
int num2;
int num3;
int num4;
int num5;
int num6;
int num7;
int Highnum0;
int Highnum1;
int Highnum2;
int Highnum3;
int Highnum4;
int Highnum5;
int Highnum6;
int Highnum7;
int loopnumber =0;
//PINS 50,51,52,53 reserved//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int Rollover_Lane1 = 44;
int Rollover_Lane2 = 42;
int Rollover_Lane3 = 40;
int CaptiveBall1 = 49;
int CaptiveBall2 = 48;
int CaptiveBall3 = 46;
int Grace_Trigger = 0; //Grace Trigger for the Captive Balls
int Outlanes_Links_Rechts = 47;
int Sidelanes_Left1 = 43;
int Sidelanes_Right2 = 45;
int Target_Low = 26;
int Target_High = 28;
int Target_Vari1 = 31;
int Target_Vari2 = 29;
int Target_Vari3 = 27;
int Target_Vari4 = 25;
int Target_Vari5 = 30;
int Spinner = 32;
int Rollunder = 34;
int Ballinplay = 36;
int Slingshots_Left_Right_Up = 33;
int Rubberband123 = 38;
int Kickout = 37;
int Bumper = 35;
int VariTarget = 24;
int BallRelease = 39;
//Pins activate Solenoids when High!//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const int solenoidPin_Kickout = A15;
const int solenoidPin_Bumper = A14;
const int solenoidPin_VariTarget = A13;
const int solenoidPin_BallRelease = A12;
void setup()
FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN2>(ledsbig, NUM_LEDS2);
/////General Illumination
ledsbig[0] = CHSV(70, 165, 255);//
ledsbig[1] = CHSV(70, 0, 255);//
ledsbig[2] = CHSV(70, 0, 255);//
ledsbig[3] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
ledsbig[4] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
ledsbig[5] = CHSV(70, 205, 0);//
ledsbig[6] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
ledsbig[7] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
ledsbig[8] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
ledsbig[9] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
ledsbig[10] = CHSV(70, 205, 0);//
ledsbig[11] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
ledsbig[12] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
ledsbig[13] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);//
leds[37] = CHSV(150, 0, 255); //Bumper
/////General Illuminsation
// Inputs
pinMode(Rollover_Lane1,INPUT_PULLUP); //Rollover Lanes
pinMode(Rollover_Lane2,INPUT_PULLUP); //Rollover Lanes
pinMode(Rollover_Lane3,INPUT_PULLUP); //Rollover Lanes
pinMode(CaptiveBall1,INPUT_PULLUP); //Captive Balls
pinMode(CaptiveBall2,INPUT_PULLUP); //Captive Balls
pinMode(CaptiveBall3,INPUT_PULLUP); //Captive Balls
pinMode(Outlanes_Links_Rechts,INPUT_PULLUP); //Outlanes
pinMode(Sidelanes_Left1,INPUT_PULLUP); //Sidelanes
pinMode(Sidelanes_Right2,INPUT_PULLUP); //Sidelanes
pinMode(Target_Low,INPUT_PULLUP); //Targets
pinMode(Target_High,INPUT_PULLUP); //Targets
pinMode(Target_Vari1,INPUT_PULLUP); //Vari_Target
pinMode(Target_Vari2,INPUT_PULLUP); //Vari_Target
pinMode(Target_Vari3,INPUT_PULLUP); //Vari_Target
pinMode(Target_Vari4,INPUT_PULLUP); //Vari_Target
pinMode(Target_Vari5,INPUT_PULLUP); //Vari_Target
pinMode(Slingshots_Left_Right_Up,INPUT_PULLUP); //Spinner
pinMode(Rubberband123,INPUT_PULLUP); //Spinner
pinMode(Spinner,INPUT_PULLUP); //Spinner
pinMode(Rollunder,INPUT_PULLUP); //Rollunder
pinMode(Ballinplay,INPUT_PULLUP); //Ballinplay
pinMode(VariTarget,INPUT_PULLUP); //VariTarget Control if hit
pinMode(BallRelease,INPUT_PULLUP); //BallRelease Switch
pinMode(Bumper,INPUT_PULLUP); //Bumper
pinMode(Kickout,INPUT_PULLUP); //Bumper
pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); //Interrupt
//Outputs used to activate Solenoids//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
pinMode(solenoidPin_Kickout, OUTPUT);
pinMode(solenoidPin_Bumper, OUTPUT);
pinMode(solenoidPin_VariTarget, OUTPUT);
pinMode(solenoidPin_BallRelease, OUTPUT);
//deactivate all Solenoids just in case
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_Kickout, LOW);
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_Bumper, LOW);
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_VariTarget, LOW);
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_BallRelease, LOW);
// Initialize the MAX7219
//Serial.write("14CORE TEST CODE FOR LED MAX7219 LED TUBE\n");
lc.shutdown(0,false); // To Enable the Display
lc.setIntensity(0,1); // To set the brightness level (0 is min, 15 is max)
lc.clearDisplay(0); // To Clear the display register
lc.shutdown(1,false); // To Enable the Display
lc.setIntensity(1,1); // To set the brightness level (0 is min, 15 is max)
lc.clearDisplay(1); // To Clear the display register
//Serial.write("Solenoid Test ");
void loop()
//EIFR = bit (INTF2);
if (AttractMode == 0) {
if (AttractMode == 1) {
//detachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (3));
//AttatchInteruptOnce = 0; //Prevent the interrupt during the game
if (Startplay_ACTIVE == 0){
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { //Turn off all the lights from the Attract mode
leds[i] = CHSV(1, 255, 0); FastLED.show();
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(9); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Startplay_ACTIVE = 1;
unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); //Starting Time
detectCollision(); //Collision and Switch detection
control_lights(); //Lights
check_conditions(); //Checks for Bonuses
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Timed Soneloid Triggers running in Main Loop///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MOSFET !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int difference = currentMillis - previousMillis;
int difference_vari_activate = currentMillis - previousMillis_vari_activate;
int difference_vari_deactivate = currentMillis - previousMillis_vari_deactivate;
if ((difference >= interval)and (Bumper_Trigger == 1)) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
Bumper_Trigger = 0;
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_Bumper, LOW); //Bumper Solenoid deactivated
Serial.print("Bumper de-activated \n");
delay (10);
if ((difference >= interval)and (Kickout_Trigger == 1)) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
Kickout_Trigger = 0;
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_Kickout, LOW); //Kickout Solenoid deactivated
if ((difference_vari_activate >= interval_vari_activate)and (Vari_Trigger == 0)) {
previousMillis_vari_activate = currentMillis;
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_VariTarget, HIGH); //Vari Solenoid activated
Vari_Trigger = 1;
Serial.write("vari Activated\n");
if ((difference_vari_deactivate >= interval_vari_deactivate)and (Vari_Trigger == 1)) {
previousMillis_vari_deactivate = currentMillis;
Vari_Trigger = 2;
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_VariTarget, LOW); //Vari Solenoid deactivated
Serial.write("vari automatic release-deactivated\n");
Target_Vari5_int_last = LOW; //Reset at this position to prevent counting the hits more than once. Only after coil reset a new
Target_Vari4_int_last = LOW; //Varit Hit will be registered.
Target_Vari3_int_last = LOW;
Target_Vari2_int_last = LOW;
Target_Vari1_int_last = LOW;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MOSFET End !////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////Timed Events_______Grace and Skill/////////////////////////////
int difference_grace = currentMillis - previousMillis_cap;
if ((difference_grace >= interval_grace_cap)and (Grace_Trigger == 1)) {
previousMillis_cap = currentMillis;
Grace_Trigger = 0;
int difference_skill = currentMillis - previousMillis_Skillshot;
if ((difference_skill >= interval_skillshot) and (Skillshot_active == 1) and (Ball_active == 1)) {
Skillshot_active = 0;
Ball_active = 0;
Skillshot1_active = 0;
Skillshot2_active = 0;
Skillshot3_active = 0;
/////////////Timed Events_______Grace and Skill/////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Solenoid Burn protection////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((digitalRead(solenoidPin_VariTarget) == LOW) ){
VariTargetBurnTime = 0;
VariTargetBurnTimeBase = millis();
else if ((digitalRead(solenoidPin_VariTarget) == HIGH) ){
VariTargetBurnTime = VariTargetBurnTime + (millis() - VariTargetBurnTimeBase);
VariTargetBurnTimeBase = millis();
if ((digitalRead(solenoidPin_Bumper) == LOW) ){
BumperBurnTime = 0;
BumperBurnTimeBase = millis();
else if ((digitalRead(solenoidPin_Bumper) == HIGH) ){
BumperBurnTime = BumperBurnTime + (millis() - BumperBurnTimeBase);
BumperBurnTimeBase = millis();
if ((digitalRead(solenoidPin_Kickout) == LOW) ){
KickoutBurnTime = 0;
KickoutBurnTimeBase = millis();
else if ((digitalRead(solenoidPin_Kickout) == HIGH) ){
KickoutBurnTime = KickoutBurnTime + (millis() - KickoutBurnTimeBase);
KickoutBurnTimeBase = millis();
if ((digitalRead(solenoidPin_BallRelease) == LOW) ){
ReleaseBurnTime = 0;
ReleaseBurnTimeBase = millis();
else if ((digitalRead(solenoidPin_BallRelease) == HIGH) ){
ReleaseBurnTime = ReleaseBurnTime + (millis() - ReleaseBurnTimeBase);
ReleaseBurnTimeBase = millis();
//Serial.print("BumperBurnTime is ");Serial.print(BumperBurnTime);Serial.print("\n");
if ((VariTargetBurnTime > SolenoidOnFireTime) || (BumperBurnTime > SolenoidOnFireTime) || (KickoutBurnTime > SolenoidOnFireTime) || (ReleaseBurnTime > SolenoidOnFireTime)){
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_VariTarget, LOW); //Vari Solenoid deactivated
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_Bumper, LOW); //Vari Solenoid deactivated
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_Kickout, LOW); //Vari Solenoid deactivated
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_BallRelease, LOW); //Vari Solenoid deactivated
//Endless Loop. Prevents the re-activation of a solenoid due to a stuck switch. All solenoids have to be de-activated to be on the safe side.
Serial.print("Burnprotection ");Serial.print(VariTargetBurnTime);Serial.print(BumperBurnTime);Serial.print(KickoutBurnTime);Serial.print(ReleaseBurnTime);Serial.print("\n");
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Solenoid Burn protection END////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////Main END//////////voids//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////Routine for setting Lights//////////////////////////////
void control_lights(){
////////////////Activated Lights////////////////
if (Torpedo1_active == 1){
leds[17] = CHSV(50, 0, 255);
if (Torpedo2_active == 1){
leds[16] = CHSV(50, 0, 255);
if (Torpedo3_active == 1){
leds[15] = CHSV(50, 0, 255);
if (Torpedo1_active == 0){
leds[17] = CHSV(50, 0, 0);
if (Torpedo2_active == 0){
leds[16] = CHSV(50, 0, 0);
if (Torpedo3_active == 0){
leds[15] = CHSV(50, 0, 0);
if (Torpedo1_primer == 1){
leds[0] = CHSV(155, 255, 255);
leds[18] = CHSV(150, 255, 255);
if ( (Skillshot1_active == 1) and (Skillshot_active == 1)) { //Turn red when Skillshot is active
leds[0] = CHSV(255, 255, 255);
if (Torpedo1_primer == 0){
leds[0] = CHSV(155, 255, 0);
leds[18] = CHSV(150, 255, 0);
if (Torpedo2_primer == 1){
leds[1] = CHSV(155, 255, 255);
leds[23] = CHSV(150, 255, 255); //lane2
if ( (Skillshot2_active == 1) and (Skillshot_active == 1)) { //Turn red when Skillshot is active
leds[1] = CHSV(255, 255, 255);
if (Torpedo2_primer == 0){
leds[1] = CHSV(155, 255, 0);
leds[23] = CHSV(150, 255, 0); //lane2
if (Torpedo3_primer == 1){
leds[2] = CHSV(155, 255, 255);
if ( (Skillshot3_active == 1) and (Skillshot_active == 1)) { //Turn red when Skillshot is active
leds[2] = CHSV(255, 255, 255);
if (Torpedo3_primer == 0){
leds[2] = CHSV(155, 255, 0);
if (Vari_Bonus_active == 1){
leds[21] = CHSV(50, 0, 255); //vari
ledsbig[5] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);// VariBonus?`??
if (Vari_Bonus_active == 0){
leds[21] = CHSV(50, 0, 0); //vari
ledsbig[5] = CHSV(70, 205, 0);// VariBonus?`??
if (Bonus_low_target == 1){
leds[22] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //targetlow
if (Bonus_low_target == 0){
leds[22] = CHSV(50, 1, 0); //targetlow
for (int t=24; t<36;t++){ //Turns off all ship lights. They are subsequently re-lit according to the Bonus and Ship Sunk scores
leds[t] = CHSV(50, 1, 0); //
if (Bonus_temp > 0){
if (Bonus_temp == 1){
leds[33] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //10k
if (Bonus_temp == 2){
leds[31] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //20k
if (Bonus_temp == 3){
leds[34] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //30k
if (Bonus_temp == 4){
leds[30] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //40k
if (Bonus_temp == 5){
leds[35] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //50k
if (Bonus_temp == 6){
leds[29] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //60k
if (Bonus_temp == 7){
leds[27] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //70k
if (Bonus_temp == 8){
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
if (Bonus_temp == 9){
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
if (Bonus_temp == 10){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
if (Ships_sunk > 0){
if (Ships_sunk == 1){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
if (Ships_sunk == 2){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
if (Ships_sunk == 3){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
if (Ships_sunk == 4){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
leds[27] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //70k
if (Ships_sunk == 5){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
leds[27] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //70k
leds[29] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //60k
if (Ships_sunk == 6){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
leds[27] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //70k
leds[29] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //60k
leds[35] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //50k
if (Ships_sunk == 7){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
leds[27] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //70k
leds[29] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //60k
leds[35] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //50k
leds[30] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //40k
if (Ships_sunk == 8){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
leds[27] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //70k
leds[29] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //60k
leds[35] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //50k
leds[30] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //40k
leds[34] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //30k
if (Ships_sunk == 9){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
leds[27] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //70k
leds[29] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //60k
leds[35] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //50k
leds[30] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //40k
leds[34] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //30k
leds[31] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //20k
if (Ships_sunk == 10){
leds[25] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //100k
leds[26] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //90k
leds[28] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //80k
leds[27] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //70k
leds[29] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //60k
leds[35] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //50k
leds[30] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //40k
leds[34] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //30k
leds[31] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //20k
leds[33] = CHSV(50, 1, 255); //10k
for (int t=3; t<14;t++){ //Turns off all torpedo lights. They are subsequently re-lit according to the Torpedo scores
leds[t] = CHSV(50, 1, 0); //
if (Torpedo_Bonus > 0){
int Torpedolight = Torpedo_Bonus + 3;
leds[Torpedolight] = CHSV(25, 1, 255);
if (DoubleBonus == 1){
leds[32] = CHSV(230, 255, 255); //DoubleBonus
if (Kickout_Bonus == 1){
ledsbig[10] = CHSV(70, 205, 255);// ExtraBall?
////////////////Activated Lights////////////////
//Main Routine for detecting Conditions//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void check_conditions(){
if ((VariTorpedo1 == 1)&&(VariTorpedo2 == 1)&&(VariTorpedo3 == 1)&&(Vari_Bonus_active == 0)){ //Activation of VariBonus
if ((VariTorpedo1 == 1)&&(VariTorpedo2 == 1)&&(VariTorpedo3 == 1)&&(Kickout_Bonus == 0) && (DoubleBonus == 1)&& (Oncepergame == 0)){
Kickout_Bonus = 1; //Allows for Extra Ball
Oncepergame = 1; //Only one extra Ball per game
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(15); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
//Main Routine for detecting Conditions//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Main Routine for detecting Events and Scoring////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void detectCollision(){
//Serial.print("Collision Check\n");
//Definition of Sensor Reads
int Rollover_Lane1_int = digitalRead(Rollover_Lane1); //Variable for Rollover Lanes
int Rollover_Lane2_int = digitalRead(Rollover_Lane2); //Variable for Rollover Lanes
int Rollover_Lane3_int = digitalRead(Rollover_Lane3); //Variable for Rollover Lanes
int CaptiveBall1_int = digitalRead(CaptiveBall1); //Variable for CaptiveBalls
int CaptiveBall2_int = digitalRead(CaptiveBall2); //Variable for CaptiveBalls
int CaptiveBall3_int = digitalRead(CaptiveBall3); //Variable for CaptiveBalls
int Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int = digitalRead(Outlanes_Links_Rechts); //Variable for Outlanes Links Rechts
int Sidelanes_Left1_int = digitalRead(Sidelanes_Left1); //Variable for Sidelanes Left
int Sidelanes_Right2_int = digitalRead(Sidelanes_Right2); //Variable for Sidelanes rigth
int Target_Low_int = digitalRead(Target_Low); //Variable for Target_Low
int Target_High_int = digitalRead(Target_High); //Variable for Target_High
int Target_Vari1_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari1); //Variable for Target_Vari1
int Target_Vari2_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari2); //Variable for Target_Vari1
int Target_Vari3_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari3); //Variable for Target_Vari1
int Target_Vari4_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari4); //Variable for Target_Vari1
int Target_Vari5_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari5); //Variable for Target_Vari1
int Spinner_int = digitalRead(Spinner); //Variable for Spinner
int Rollunder_int = digitalRead(Rollunder); //Variable for Rollunder
int Ballinplay_int = digitalRead(Ballinplay); //Variable for Ballinplay Switch
int Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int = digitalRead(Slingshots_Left_Right_Up); //Variable for Slingshots
int Rubberband123_int = digitalRead(Rubberband123); //Variable for Rubberband123
int Kickout_int = digitalRead(Kickout); //Variable for Kickout Switch
int Bumper_int = digitalRead(Bumper); //Variable for Bumper Switch
int VariTarget_int = digitalRead(VariTarget); //Variable for VariTarget Switch
int BallRelease_int = digitalRead(BallRelease); //Variable for BallRelease Switch
int Startbutton = digitalRead(3); //Variable for Startbutton
//End of Definition of Sensor Reads End//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Definition of Events upon activating a Sensor//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Switches 1-3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((Ballinplay_int == LOW) && (Ballinplay_int_last == LOW) && (Skillshot_active == 1)){ //Ball in Play and Skillshot is active
Ballinplay_int_last = HIGH;
Ball_active = 1;
else if ((Ballinplay_int == HIGH) && (Ballinplay_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Ball in Play released
Ballinplay_int_last = LOW;
delay (150);
if ((Rollover_Lane1_int == LOW) && (Rollover_Lane1_int_last == LOW) ){ //Rollover_Lane1 triggered
Rollover_Lane1_event(); //Events triggered
Rollover_Lane1_int_last = HIGH;
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((Rollover_Lane1_int == HIGH) && (Rollover_Lane1_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Rollover_Lane1 released
Rollover_Lane1_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
if ((Rollover_Lane2_int == LOW) && (Rollover_Lane2_int_last == LOW) ){ //Rollover_Lane2 triggered
Rollover_Lane2_event(); //Events triggered
Rollover_Lane2_int_last = HIGH;
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((Rollover_Lane2_int == HIGH) && (Rollover_Lane2_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Rollover_Lane2 released
Rollover_Lane2_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
if ((Rollover_Lane3_int == LOW) && (Rollover_Lane3_int_last == LOW) ){ //Rollover_Lane3 triggered
Rollover_Lane3_event(); //Events triggered
Rollover_Lane3_int_last = HIGH;
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((Rollover_Lane3_int == HIGH) && (Rollover_Lane3_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Rollover_Lane3 released
Rollover_Lane3_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
//End of Switches 1-3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//CaptiveBalls 1-3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((CaptiveBall1_int == LOW) && (CaptiveBall1_int_last == LOW) && (Grace_Trigger == 0) ){ //CaptiveBall1_int triggered Grace_Trigger prevents double Activation by captive Balls
Grace_Trigger = 1 ;
CaptiveBall1_int_last = HIGH;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(10); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
CaptiveBall1_event(); //Events triggered
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((CaptiveBall1_int == HIGH) && (CaptiveBall1_int_last == HIGH) ){ //CaptiveBall1_int released
CaptiveBall1_int_last = LOW;
Serial.print("Captive1 released\n");
delay (MilliRoll);
if ((CaptiveBall2_int == LOW) && (CaptiveBall2_int_last == LOW) && (Grace_Trigger == 0) ){ //CaptiveBall2_int triggered
Grace_Trigger = 1 ;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(10); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
CaptiveBall2_event(); //Events triggered
CaptiveBall2_int_last = HIGH;
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((CaptiveBall2_int == HIGH) && (CaptiveBall2_int_last == HIGH) ){ //CaptiveBall2_int released
CaptiveBall2_int_last = LOW;
Serial.print("Captive2 released\n");
delay (MilliRoll);
if ((CaptiveBall3_int == LOW) && (CaptiveBall3_int_last == LOW) && (Grace_Trigger == 0) ){ //CaptiveBall3_int triggered
Grace_Trigger = 1 ;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(10); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
CaptiveBall3_event(); //Events triggered
CaptiveBall3_int_last = HIGH;
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((CaptiveBall3_int == HIGH) && (CaptiveBall3_int_last == HIGH) ){ //CaptiveBall3_int released
CaptiveBall3_int_last = LOW;
Serial.print("Captive3 released\n");
delay (MilliRoll);
//End of CaptiveBalls 1-3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Vari Bonus/////////////////////////////////////////////
//Vari Bonus/////////////////////////////////////////////
//Slingshot //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int == LOW) && (Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int_last == LOW) ){ //Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int triggered
Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int_last = HIGH;
Slingshot_event(); //Events triggered
Serial.print(Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int );
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(2); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
else if ((Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int == HIGH) && (Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int released
Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int_last = LOW;
delay (20); //possibly too long for Bumper
//End of Slingshot //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((digitalRead(Spinner) == LOW) ){
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(3); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
//End of Spinner////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((Rollunder_int == LOW) && (Rollunder_int_last == LOW) ){ //Rollunder is triggered
Rollunder_int_last = HIGH;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(5); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((Rollunder_int == HIGH) && (Rollunder_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Rollunder released
Rollunder_int_last = LOW;
Serial.print("Rollunder released\n");
delay (MilliRoll);
//End of Rollunder////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Rubberbands //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((Rubberband123_int == LOW) && (Rubberband123_int_last == LOW) ){ //Rubberband123 triggered
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(14); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Rubberband123_event(); //Events triggered
Rubberband123_int_last = HIGH;
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((Rubberband123_int == HIGH) && (Rubberband123_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Rubberband123 released
Rubberband123_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
//End of Rubberbands //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Sidelanes 1 and 2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((Sidelanes_Left1_int == LOW) && (Sidelanes_Left1_int_last == LOW) ){ //Sidelanes_Left1_int triggered
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(11); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Sidelane1_event(); //Events triggered
Sidelanes_Left1_int_last = HIGH;
else if ((Sidelanes_Left1_int == HIGH) && (Sidelanes_Left1_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Sidelanes_Left1_int released
Sidelanes_Left1_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
if ((Sidelanes_Right2_int == LOW) && (Sidelanes_Right2_int_last == LOW) ){ //Sidelanes_Right2_int triggered
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(11); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Sidelane2_event(); //Events triggered
Sidelanes_Right2_int_last = HIGH;
else if ((Sidelanes_Right2_int == HIGH) && (Sidelanes_Right2_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Sidelanes_Right2_int released
Sidelanes_Right2_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
//End of Sidelanes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Outlanes 1 and 2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int == LOW) && (Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int == LOW) ){ //Outlanes_Links_Rechts_intt triggered
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(11); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int_last = HIGH;
Outlane_event(); //Events triggered
else if ((Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int == HIGH) && (Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int released
Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
// Target Routine////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((Target_Low_int == LOW) && (Target_Low_int_last == LOW) ){ //Low Target hit
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(4); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Target_Low_int_last = HIGH;
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((Target_Low_int == HIGH) && (Target_Low_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Target released
Target_Low_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
if ((Target_High_int == LOW) && (Target_High_int_last == LOW) ){ //Low Target hit
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(4); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Target_High_int_last = HIGH;
delay (MilliRoll);
else if ((Target_High_int == HIGH) && (Target_High_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Target released
Target_High_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
////////////Vari Target The vari Target has 5 positions and a "check" switch.There has to be a tiny delay between triggering the
//check switch and the evaluation of the actual position. Testing with 50ms.
//The first postition doesn't have a different switch, if no other switch is triggered it is considered position 1.
if ((VariTarget_int == LOW) && (VariTarget_int_last == LOW) ){ //Vari Target hit
VariTarget_int_last = HIGH;
delay (200); //Small delay in front of the Evaluation
Target_vari_event(); //Evaluation Event for Vari Target
else if ((VariTarget_int == HIGH) && (VariTarget_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Vari Target released
VariTarget_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
////////////Vari Target
// End of Target Routine ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((Bumper_int == LOW) && (Bumper_int_last == LOW)){ //Bumper has been triggered
Bumper_int_last = HIGH;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(1); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Serial.print("Bumper Event triggered \n");
else if ((Bumper_int == HIGH) && (Bumper_int_last == HIGH) ){ //bumper released
Serial.print("Bumper_int_last reseted \n");
delay (10);
Bumper_int_last = LOW;
if ((Kickout_int == LOW) && (Kickout_int_last == LOW) ){ //Kickout has been triggered
Kickout_int_last = HIGH;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(5); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
delay (1000); //Ball rests in Kickout position, time to let it settle.
else if ((Kickout_int == HIGH) && (Kickout_int_last == HIGH) ){ //Kickout released
Kickout_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
if ((digitalRead(BallRelease) == LOW) && (BallRelease_int_last == LOW)){
BallRelease_int_last = HIGH;
else if ((digitalRead(BallRelease) == HIGH) && (BallRelease_int_last == HIGH) ){ //BallRelease released
BallRelease_int_last = LOW;
delay (MilliRoll);
//END of Main Routine for detecting Events and Scoring//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//void interruptstart(){ // ISR!
// AttractMode = 1;
// Serial.print("Interrupt Triggered\n");
// detachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (3));
// AttatchInteruptOnce = 0; //Prevent the interrupt during the game
// }
void Bumper_Event(){
Score = Score +100; //Bumper awards 100 points and advances the Torpedo counter
previousMillis = millis();
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_Bumper, HIGH); //Bumper Solenoid activated !
Serial.print("Bumper activated \n");
Scoring(); //Show Score
leds[37] = CHSV(random8(),255,255); //Bumper
Bumper_Trigger = 1 ;
void Kickout_Event(){
Score = Score +1000; //Kickout awards 100 pints and advances the Torpedo counter
Scoring(); //Show Score
if (Kickout_Bonus == 1) { //if Kickout Bonus is active awards an active Ball
MaxBalls +=1;
Kickout_Bonus = 0;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(15); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
previousMillis = millis();
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_Kickout, HIGH); //Kickout Solenoid activated !
Kickout_Trigger = 1 ;
Serial.print("KICKOUT activated \n");
void Target_vari_event(){ //Evaluates which position has been hit in on the Vari Target/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int Target_Vari1_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari1); //Variable for Target_Vari2
int Target_Vari2_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari2); //Variable for Target_Vari3
int Target_Vari3_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari3); //Variable for Target_Vari4
int Target_Vari4_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari4); //Variable for Target_Vari5
int Target_Vari5_int = digitalRead(Target_Vari5); //Variable for Target_Vari X //Not Used ! Position 5 on the target is too far back to score.
Vari_top_bottom = 0;
Serial.print("Vari activated. Beginning Evaluation ");
Serial.print("Vari_top_bottom is"); Serial.print(Vari_top_bottom);Serial.print(" The Readout for 12345 is: "); Serial.print(Target_Vari1_int); Serial.print(Target_Vari2_int); Serial.print(Target_Vari3_int); Serial.print(Target_Vari4_int); Serial.print(Target_Vari5_int);
if ((Target_Vari4_int == LOW) && (Target_Vari4_int_last == LOW) && (Vari_top_bottom == 0) ){ //Vari Target position 5 hit
Target_Vari4_int_last == HIGH;
if (Vari_Bonus_active == 0) { //if Vari Bonus is active awards additional Bonuses
Score = Score +5000;
else if (Vari_Bonus_active == 1){
Score = Score +50000;
for (int u=0; u<5;u++){
Torpedo1_active = 0; //Deactivating the torpedos after VariBonus has been claimed
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
VariTorpedo1 = 0;
VariTorpedo2 = 0;
VariTorpedo3 = 0;
Vari_Bonus_active = 0;
Torpedo1_primer = 1; //and activating the primers again
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Vari_top_bottom = 1; //locks the rest of the detection
Serial.print("Vari 5 activated\n");
if ((Target_Vari3_int == LOW) && (Target_Vari3_int_last == LOW) && (Vari_top_bottom == 0) ){ //Vari Target position 4 hit
Target_Vari3_int_last == HIGH;
if (Vari_Bonus_active == 0) { //if Vari Bonus is active awards additional Bonuses
Score = Score +4000;
else if (Vari_Bonus_active == 1){
for (int u=0; u<4;u++){
Torpedo1_active = 0; //Deactivating the torpedos after VariBonus has been claimed
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
VariTorpedo1 = 0;
VariTorpedo2 = 0;
VariTorpedo3 = 0;
Vari_Bonus_active = 0;
Torpedo1_primer = 1; //and activating the primers again
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Vari_top_bottom = 1; //locks the rest of the detection
Serial.print("Vari 4 activated\n");
if ((Target_Vari2_int == LOW) && (Target_Vari2_int_last == LOW) && (Vari_top_bottom == 0) ){ //Vari Target position 3 hit
Target_Vari2_int_last == HIGH;
if (Vari_Bonus_active == 0) { //if Vari Bonus is active awards additional Bonuses
Score = Score +3000;
else if (Vari_Bonus_active == 1){
for (int u=0; u<3;u++){
Torpedo1_active = 0; //Deactivating the torpedos after VariBonus has been claimed
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
VariTorpedo1 = 0;
VariTorpedo2 = 0;
VariTorpedo3 = 0;
Vari_Bonus_active = 0;
Torpedo1_primer = 1; //and activating the primers again
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Vari_top_bottom = 1; //locks the rest of the detection
Serial.print("Vari 3 activated\n");
if ((Target_Vari1_int == LOW) && (Target_Vari1_int_last == LOW) && (Vari_top_bottom == 0) ){ //Vari Target position 2 hit
Target_Vari1_int_last == HIGH;
if (Vari_Bonus_active == 0) { //if Vari Bonus is active awards additional Bonuses
Score = Score +2000;
else if (Vari_Bonus_active == 1){
for (int u=0; u<2;u++){
Torpedo1_active = 0; //Deactivating the torpedos after VariBonus has been claimed
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
VariTorpedo1 = 0;
VariTorpedo2 = 0;
VariTorpedo3 = 0;
Vari_Bonus_active = 0;
Torpedo1_primer = 1; //and activating the primers again
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Vari_top_bottom = 1; //locks the rest of the detection
Serial.print("Vari 2 activated\n");
else if (Vari_top_bottom == 0) { //if nothing else is hit = Position 1
if (Vari_Bonus_active == 0) { //if Vari Bonus is active awards additional Bonuses
Score = Score +1000;
else if (Vari_Bonus_active == 1){
for (int u=0; u<1;u++){
Torpedo1_active = 0; //Deactivating the torpedos after VariBonus has been claimed
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
VariTorpedo1 = 0;
VariTorpedo2 = 0;
VariTorpedo3 = 0;
Vari_Bonus_active = 0;
Torpedo1_primer = 1; //and activating the primers again
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Vari_top_bottom = 1; //locks the rest of the detection
Serial.print("Vari 1 activated\n");
previousMillis_vari_activate = millis();
previousMillis_vari_deactivate = millis();
Vari_Trigger = 0;
//Serial.print("Vari activated\n");
//delay (400); //test Delay is too long. VariCoil has to be activated by TimedEvent.
//digitalWrite(solenoidPin_VariTarget, HIGH); //Vari Target Solenoid activated !
//Vari_Trigger = 1;
}// End of Evaluation which position has been hit in on the Vari Target/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//End of Solenoid Events
//Detailed Events//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void Spinnerf(){
Score = Score +100;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Rollunderf() {
Score = Score +5000;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Rubberband123_event (){
void Rollover_Lane1_event(){ //The Rollovers each give 1000 points and activate the Torpedos for the captured balls.
if (Torpedo1_primer == 1){
Torpedo1_active =1;
Torpedo1_primer =0;
if ((Skillshot1_active == 1) and (Skillshot_active == 1)) { //Check for Skillshot
Score = Score +5000;
Skillshot1_active = 0;
Skillshot_active = 0;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(13); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(11); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Score = Score +1000;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Rollover_Lane2_event(){ //The Rollovers each give 1000 points and activate the Torpedos for the captured balls.
if (Torpedo2_primer == 1){
Torpedo2_active =1;
Torpedo2_primer =0;
if ((Skillshot2_active == 1) and (Skillshot_active == 1)) { //Check for Skillshot
Score = Score +5000;
Skillshot2_active = 0;
Skillshot_active = 0;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(13); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(11); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Score = Score +1000;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Rollover_Lane3_event(){ //The Rollovers each give 1000 points and activate the Torpedos for the captured balls.
if (Torpedo3_primer == 1){
Torpedo3_active =1;
Torpedo3_primer =0;
if ((Skillshot3_active == 1) and (Skillshot_active == 1)) { //Check for Skillshot
Score = Score +5000;
Skillshot3_active = 0;
Skillshot_active = 0;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(13); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(11); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Score = Score +1000;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Skillshot_Timer(){ //Timer for the activation of the skillshot
previousMillis_Skillshot = millis();
void CaptiveBall1_event(){ //The captured balls each give 500 points. If the Torpedos are activated they award 5000 points
// and advance the Bonuscounter.
if (Torpedo1_active == 1){
Score = Score +5000;
Bonus_count() ;
Scoring(); //Show Score
VariTorpedo1 = 1;
else if (Torpedo1_active == 0){
Score = Score +500;
Scoring(); //Show Score
previousMillis_cap = millis();
void CaptiveBall2_event(){ //The captured balls each give 500 points. If the Torpedos are activated they award 5000 points
// and advance the Bonuscounter.
if (Torpedo2_active == 1){
Score = Score +5000;
Bonus_count() ;
Scoring(); //Show Score
VariTorpedo2 = 1;
else if (Torpedo2_active == 0){
Score = Score +500;
Scoring(); //Show Score
previousMillis_cap = millis();
void CaptiveBall3_event(){ //The captured balls each give 500 points. If the Torpedos are activated they award 5000 points
// and advance the Bonuscounter.
if (Torpedo3_active == 1){
Score = Score +5000;
Bonus_count() ;
Scoring(); //Show Score
VariTorpedo3 = 1;
else if (Torpedo3_active == 0){
Score = Score +500;
Scoring(); //Show Score
previousMillis_cap = millis();
void allTorpedosactive(){ //activates the Vari Bonus
Vari_Bonus_active =1;
void Sidelane1_event(){ //The Sidelanes each give 1000 points and activate the Torpedos 1 and 2 for the captured balls.
if (Torpedo1_primer == 1){
Torpedo1_active =1;
Torpedo1_primer =0;
if ((Skillshot1_active == 1) and (Skillshot_active == 1)) { //Check for Skillshot
Skillshot1_active = 0;
Skillshot_active = 0;
Score = Score +1000;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Sidelane2_event(){ //The Sidelanes each give 1000 points and activate the Torpedos 1 and 2 for the captured balls.
if (Torpedo2_primer == 1){
Torpedo2_active =1;
Torpedo2_primer =0;
if ((Skillshot2_active == 1)and (Skillshot_active == 1)) { //Check for Skillshot
Score = Score +5000;
Skillshot2_active = 0;
Skillshot_active = 0;
Score = Score +1000;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Outlane_event() { //Each Outlane awards 10000 points.
Score = Score +10000;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Slingshot_event() { //Each Slingshot bounce awards 100 points.
Score = Score +100;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Target_High_event(){ //The high target awards 10000 points and avtivates the Bonus for the lower Target
Score = Score +10000;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Target_low_event(){ //The low target awards 10000 points or 50000 points if the Bonus for the lower Target is active
if (Bonus_low_target == 0) {
Score = Score +10000;
else if (Bonus_low_target == 1) {
Bonus_low_target =0;
Score = Score +50000;
Torpedo1_active = 0; //Deactivating the torpedos after Bonus has been claimed
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
VariTorpedo1 = 0;
VariTorpedo2 = 0;
VariTorpedo3 = 0;
// Vari_Bonus_active = 0; Too harsh?
Torpedo1_primer = 1; //and activating the primers again
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Scoring(); //Show Score
void Torpedos_count(){ //Increases the Torpedo Bonus "Clock" by 1 and calls "Bonus_count" upon reaching 10 Torpedos.
Torpedo_Bonus +=1;
if (Torpedo_Bonus == 11) {
Torpedo_Bonus =0;
void Bonus_count() { //Increases the Bonus Counter by 1 and calculates Sunk Ships
Max_Bonus_multiplier = (Ships_allive-Ships_sunk);
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(8); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
if (Max_Bonus_multiplier > -11){ //Do this until all Ships are sunk
if (Bonus_temp < (Ships_allive-1)){
Bonus_temp +=1; //Count up the Bonus Counter
else if (Bonus_temp == (Ships_allive-1)){
Bonus_fix +=1;
Ships_allive -=1; //Set the Bonus Counter to Zero and increase the number of Sunk ships.
Ships_sunk +=1; //Use this later to calculate Bonus Score, each sunken ship adds (11000 - 1000x N) Points
Bonus_temp = 0; //to the normal Bonus Score of (Bonus_temp x 10000).
if (Max_Bonus_multiplier < -10){ //all ships sunk, super Bonus awarded.
if (DoubleBonus == 0){
DoubleBonus = 1;
void Bonus_add() { //Calculates and adds the Bonuspoints to the Score
if (Ships_sunk >=1) {
for (int i = 0; i <= Ships_sunk; i++) {
Bonus = Bonus + (110000 - 10000*i);
Bonus = Bonus + (Bonus_temp*10000);
if (DoubleBonus == 1){
Bonus = Bonus*2;
Score = Score + Bonus;
Bonus = 0;
Ships_sunk = 0;
Ships_allive= 10;
void ResetGame() {
Score = 0;
MaxBalls = 5;
Bonus = 0;
Kickout_Bonus =0;
DoubleBonus = 0;
Torpedo_Bonus =0;
Torpedo1_primer = 1;
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Ball_active = 0;
Torpedo1_active = 0;
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
Vari_Bonus_active = 0;
Bonus_low_target = 0;
int Rollover_Lane1_int_last = LOW;
int Rollover_Lane2_int_last = LOW;
int Rollover_Lane3_int_last = LOW;
int CaptiveBall1_int_last = LOW;
int CaptiveBall2_int_last = LOW;
int CaptiveBall3_int_last = LOW;
int Outlanes_Links_Rechts_int_last = LOW;
int Sidelanes_Left1_int_last = LOW;
int Sidelanes_Right2_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Low_int_last = LOW;
int Target_High_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari1_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari2_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari3_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari4_int_last = LOW;
int Target_Vari5_int_last = LOW;
int VariTarget_int_last = LOW;
int Kickout_int_last = LOW;
int Ballinplay_int_last = LOW;
int Slingshots_Left_Right_Up_int_last = LOW;
int Rubberband123_int_last = LOW;
for (int t=24; t<34;t++){ //Turn off all the "sunk" lights
leds[t] = CHSV(50, 1, 0); //
for (int t=3; t<12;t++){ //Turns off all torpedo lights. They are subsequently re-lit according to the Torpedo scores
leds[t] = CHSV(50, 1, 0); //
delay (100);
void Scoring(){
ScoreDisplay(); //Show Score
Serial.print("Score: ");
void ScoreCalc()
num0 = (Score / 1) % 10;
num1 = (Score / 10) % 10;
num2 = (Score / 100) % 10;
num3 = (Score / 1000) % 10;
num4 = (Score / 10000) % 10;
num5 = (Score / 100000) % 10;
num6 = (Score / 1000000) % 10;
num7 = (Score / 10000000) % 10;
void ScoreDisplay()
lc.clearDisplay(0); // To Clear the display register
if (num7 != -1){
lc.setDigit(0,7,num7, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 8
if (num6 != -1){
lc.setDigit(0,6,num6, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 7
if (num5 != -1){
lc.setDigit(0,5,num5, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 6
if (num4 != -1){
lc.setDigit(0,4,num4, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 5
if (num3 != -1){
lc.setDigit(0,3,num3, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 4
if (num2 != -1){
lc.setDigit(0,2,num2, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 3
if (num1 != -1){
lc.setDigit(0,1,num1, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 2
if (num0 != -1){
lc.setDigit(0,0,num0, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 1
void HighScoring(){
HighScore = EEPROM.readLong(adress);
HighScoreDisplay(); //Show Score
Serial.print("HighScore: ");
void HighScoreCalc()
Highnum0 = (HighScore / 1) % 10;
Highnum1 = (HighScore / 10) % 10;
Highnum2 = (HighScore / 100) % 10;
Highnum3 = (HighScore / 1000) % 10;
Highnum4 = (HighScore / 10000) % 10;
Highnum5 = (HighScore / 100000) % 10;
Highnum6 = (HighScore / 1000000) % 10;
Highnum7 = (HighScore / 10000000) % 10;
void HighScoreDisplay()
lc.clearDisplay(1); // To Clear the display register
if (num7 != -1){
lc.setDigit(1,7,Highnum7, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 8
if (num6 != -1){
lc.setDigit(1,6,Highnum6, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 7
if (num5 != -1){
lc.setDigit(1,5,Highnum5, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 6
if (num4 != -1){
lc.setDigit(1,4,Highnum4, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 5
if (num3 != -1){
lc.setDigit(1,3,Highnum3, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 4
if (num2 != -1){
lc.setDigit(1,2,Highnum2, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 3
if (num1 != -1){
lc.setDigit(1,1,Highnum1, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 2
if (num0 != -1){
lc.setDigit(1,0,Highnum0, false); // To Place a 0 in the column 1
void Kickout_ball() { //Kicks out the ball into the shooter lane. Activates and deactivates the solenoid
Ball_active = 0;
Skillshot_active = 1; //Skillshot activated
Skillshot1_active = 0;
Skillshot2_active = 0;
Skillshot3_active = 0;
int randNumber = random(1,4);
if (randNumber == 1){
Skillshot1_active = 1; //Skillshot activated
if (randNumber == 2){
Skillshot2_active = 1; //Skillshot activated
if (randNumber == 3){
Skillshot3_active = 1; //Skillshot activated
digitalWrite(solenoidPin_BallRelease, HIGH);
delay (100); //TEST
delay (400);
void Releasef()
if (Balls <MaxBalls){
Balls +=1;
Serial.print("Ball Lost");
else if (Balls >=MaxBalls){
Serial.print("Game Over");
void Ball_Lost() {
Ball_active = 0;
Skillshot_active = 0;
Skillshot1_active = 0;
Skillshot2_active = 0;
Skillshot3_active = 0;
previousMillis = millis();
Bonus = 0;
Kickout_Bonus =0;
DoubleBonus = 0;
Torpedo_Bonus =0;
Bonus_temp = 0;
Ships_sunk = 0;
Torpedo1_primer = 1;
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Torpedo1_active = 0;
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
Vari_Bonus_active =0;
Vari_Bonus_active = 0;
Bonus_low_target = 0;
delay (100);
void Game_Over(){
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(7); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
MaxBalls = 5;
Balls = 1;
Oncepergame = 0;
Ball_active = 0;
Skillshot_active = 0;
Skillshot1_active = 0;
Skillshot2_active = 0;
Skillshot3_active = 0;
if (Score > HighScore){
HighScore = Score;
EEPROM.writeLong(adress, HighScore);
delay (1000);
Bonus = 0;
Kickout_Bonus =0;
DoubleBonus = 0;
Torpedo_Bonus =0;
Torpedo1_primer = 1;
Torpedo2_primer = 1;
Torpedo3_primer = 1;
Bonus_temp = 0;
Ships_sunk = 0;
Torpedo1_active = 0;
Torpedo2_active = 0;
Torpedo3_active = 0;
Vari_Bonus_active =0;
Bonus_low_target = 0;
Startplay_ACTIVE = 0;
AttractMode = 0;
Score = 0;
PlayMusicOnce = 0;
delay (1000);
void ATTRACT (){
// if (AttatchInteruptOnce == 0) {
// AttatchInteruptOnce = 1;
// EIFR = 2;
// EIFR = bit (INTF1);
// delay(200);
// EIFR = bit (INTF1);
// attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt (3), interruptstart, FALLING); //PIN 3
//Serial.print("Interrupt attatched\n");
// }
if (PlayMusicOnce == 0) {
PlayMusicOnce = 1;
Wire.begin();Wire.beginTransmission(9); // transmit to device #9
Wire.write(12); // sends x
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
while (AttractMode == 0) {
Serial.print("Attract Mode");
static uint8_t hue = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
if (AttractMode == 1) {break;};
// Set the i'th led to red
leds[i] = CHSV(hue++, 255, 255);
// Show the leds
// now that we've shown the leds, reset the i'th led to black
// leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
// Wait a little bit before we loop around and do it again
if ((digitalRead(3) == LOW) ){
AttractMode = 1;
if (AttractMode == 1) {break;};
for(int i = (NUM_LEDS)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (AttractMode == 1) {break;};
// Set the i'th led to red
leds[i] = CHSV(hue++, 255, 255);
// Show the leds
// now that we've shown the leds, reset the i'th led to black
// leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
// Wait a little bit before we loop around and do it again
if ((digitalRead(3) == LOW) ){
AttractMode = 1;
if (AttractMode == 1) {break;};
if ((digitalRead(3) == LOW) ){
AttractMode = 1;
if (AttractMode == 1) {break;};
void fadeall() { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { leds[i].nscale8(250); } }