This is a practical project using the BeagleBone Green Wireless as a server/controller for a home irrigation system.
The controller is an HTML5 web page developed in the Chromium browser on Ubuntu 16.04. The web page is minimalistic and uses basic HTML5 constructs. Javascript works directly on the DOM. There is no jQuery.
JSON objects are passed in both directions between web browser and server via WebSocket. The web page maintains status display based on messages sent by the server.
A scheduling mechanism allows irrigation to be scheduled at a future time. Manual control is also available.
An option to incorporate a "Real Time Clock" is included. This will allow accurate scheduling when an internet connection is not available.
Most of the code is based on Node.js. Ecmascript 6 was used throughout.
The physical control function is done via GPIOs which control high-power solid-state relays. The solid-state relays switch 24VAC power to the pump relay and the zone valve solenoids.
The system is mounted to the outside of the house. The BeagleBone Green Wireless is a development board which is not designed for deployment in a harsh environment. It will be interesting to see how long it survives.
The git repository includes a PDF file with extensive documentation.