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Greg Raven
Published © GPL3+

PRU PID Motor Speed Controller with Beaglebone Green

Beaglebone Green PRU PID motor speed control project.

IntermediateProtip5 hours3,669
PRU PID Motor Speed Controller with Beaglebone Green

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green
BeagleBoard.org SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green
Motor Drivers
Texas Instruments Motor Drivers
The motor driver is a DRV8833 break-out board from eBay.
The motor-encoder was found on eBay. Please refer to the project documentation.
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
One LED and series 1.2kOhm resistor required for decoder tuning.
Dual power supply (generic 0-10 Volt outputs)


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Main diagram.

The wiring shown is not exact. Please refer to the documentation for further comments on wiring. A common ground is required between the BBG, the DRV8833 break-out and the motor-encoder.





Greg Raven

Greg Raven

1 project • 18 followers
Engineer and amateur radio operator. Newbie embedded device designer.
