Published © GPL3+

Row-Column Scanning & DIY 8x8 LED Matrix

Stolen from Arduino.cc, ArduiNoob-friendly.

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Row-Column Scanning & DIY 8x8 LED Matrix

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
10k ohm potentiometer
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
A lot.
Solderless Breadboard Full Size
Solderless Breadboard Full Size

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Blank PCB


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My Simple Schematic



  Row-Column Scanning an 8x8 LED matrix with X-Y input

  This example controls an 8x8 LED matrix using two analog inputs.

  This example works for the Lumex LDM-24488NI Matrix. See
  for the pin connections.

  For other LED cathode column matrixes, you should only need to change the pin
  numbers in the row[] and column[] arrays.

  rows are the anodes
  cols are the cathodes

  Pin numbers:
  - digital pins 2 through 13,
  - analog pins 2 through 5 used as digital 16 through 19
  - center pins are attached to analog pins 0 and 1, respectively
  - side pins attached to +5V and ground, respectively

  created 27 May 2009
  modified 30 Aug 2011
  by Tom Igoe

  This example code is in the public domain.


  see also http://www.tigoe.net/pcomp/code/category/arduinowiring for more

// 2-dimensional array of row pin numbers:
const int row[8] = {
  2, 7, 19, 5, 13, 18, 12, 16

// 2-dimensional array of column pin numbers:
const int col[8] = {
  6, 11, 10, 3, 17, 4, 8, 9

// 2-dimensional array of pixels:
int pixels[8][8];

// cursor position:
int x = 5;
int y = 5;

void setup() {
  // initialize the I/O pins as outputs iterate over the pins:
  for (int thisPin = 0; thisPin < 8; thisPin++) {
    // initialize the output pins:
    pinMode(col[thisPin], OUTPUT);
    pinMode(row[thisPin], OUTPUT);
    // take the col pins (i.e. the cathodes) high to ensure that the LEDS are off:
    digitalWrite(col[thisPin], HIGH);

  // initialize the pixel matrix:
  for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
      pixels[x][y] = HIGH;

void loop() {
  // read input:

  // draw the screen:

void readSensors() {
  // turn off the last position:
  pixels[x][y] = HIGH;
  // read the sensors for X and Y values:
  x = 7 - map(analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, 0, 7);
  y = map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 0, 7);
  // set the new pixel position low so that the LED will turn on in the next
  // screen refresh:
  pixels[x][y] = LOW;


void refreshScreen() {
  // iterate over the rows (anodes):
  for (int thisRow = 0; thisRow < 8; thisRow++) {
    // take the row pin (anode) high:
    digitalWrite(row[thisRow], HIGH);
    // iterate over the cols (cathodes):
    for (int thisCol = 0; thisCol < 8; thisCol++) {
      // get the state of the current pixel;
      int thisPixel = pixels[thisRow][thisCol];
      // when the row is HIGH and the col is LOW,
      // the LED where they meet turns on:
      digitalWrite(col[thisCol], thisPixel);
      // turn the pixel off:
      if (thisPixel == LOW) {
        digitalWrite(col[thisCol], HIGH);
    // take the row pin low to turn off the whole row:
    digitalWrite(row[thisRow], LOW);


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