Infineon Team

24GHz Radar Speed Monitor

Build a speed monitor using our 24GHz radar evaluation board Sense2GoL and see who's the fastest on the floor!

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24GHz Radar Speed Monitor

Things used in this project

Hardware components

XMC2GO - industrial microcontroller kit
Infineon XMC2GO - industrial microcontroller kit
SENSE2GOL - 24GHz Radar kit
Infineon SENSE2GOL - 24GHz Radar kit
SparkFun 7-Segment Display - 6.5" (Red)
SparkFun Large Digit Driver
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Würth Elektronik 173010542 DC/DC
12V Power Supply
Level Shifter Board
SparkFun Level Shifter Board

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Infineon DAVE4

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

laser cutting files



Block Diagram



Code to read the PWM duty cycle and display the speed (km/h) accordingly
//GPIO declarations
byte segmentClock = 0;
byte segmentLatch = 1;
byte segmentData = 2;

byte PWM_PIN = 3;

int pwm_value;

void setup()
  Serial.println("Large Digit Driver Example");

  pinMode(PWM_PIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(segmentClock, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segmentData, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segmentLatch, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(segmentClock, LOW);
  digitalWrite(segmentData, LOW);
  digitalWrite(segmentLatch, LOW);

int number = 0;

void loop()
  for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
    pwm_value += ((pulseIn(PWM_PIN, HIGH)-200));//-450)/1000;
  pwm_value = pwm_value/320/5;
  showNumber(pwm_value); //Test pattern

//Takes a number and displays 2 numbers. Displays absolute value (no negatives)
void showNumber(float value)
  int number = abs(value); //Remove negative signs and any decimals

  //Serial.print("number: ");

  for (byte x = 0 ; x < 2 ; x++)
    int remainder = number % 10;

    postNumber(remainder, false);

    number /= 10;

  //Latch the current segment data
  digitalWrite(segmentLatch, LOW);
  digitalWrite(segmentLatch, HIGH); //Register moves storage register on the rising edge of RCK

//Given a number, or '-', shifts it out to the display
void postNumber(byte number, boolean decimal)
  //    -  A
  //   / / F/B
  //    -  G
  //   / / E/C
  //    -. D/DP

#define a  1<<0
#define b  1<<6
#define c  1<<5
#define d  1<<4
#define e  1<<3
#define f  1<<1
#define g  1<<2
#define dp 1<<7

  byte segments;

  switch (number)
    case 1: segments = b | c; break;
    case 2: segments = a | b | d | e | g; break;
    case 3: segments = a | b | c | d | g; break;
    case 4: segments = f | g | b | c; break;
    case 5: segments = a | f | g | c | d; break;
    case 6: segments = a | f | g | e | c | d; break;
    case 7: segments = a | b | c; break;
    case 8: segments = a | b | c | d | e | f | g; break;
    case 9: segments = a | b | c | d | f | g; break;
    case 0: segments = a | b | c | d | e | f; break;
    case ' ': segments = 0; break;
    case 'c': segments = g | e | d; break;
    case '-': segments = g; break;

  if (decimal) segments |= dp;

  //Clock these bits out to the drivers
  for (byte x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++)
    digitalWrite(segmentClock, LOW);
    digitalWrite(segmentData, segments & 1 << (7 - x));
    digitalWrite(segmentClock, HIGH); //Data transfers to the register on the rising edge of SRCK


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