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Ingeimaks Ingeimaks
Published © CERN-OHL

Arduino Joystick

In this article, we're going to build a controller that you can use on Steam!

IntermediateFull instructions provided34,368
Arduino Joystick

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
Materia 101
Arduino Materia 101
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures


volante DXF





/* Arduino USB Joystick HID demo */

/* Author: Darran Hunt
  Released into the public domain.
  Update by RICLAMER in 25/03/2014 to use Analog ports and digital ports
  This code is to be used with Arduino UNO (6 axis and 13 Button )
  This code is compatible with Arduino Mega.

 Just install POT in each analog port. Using the _Grnd _Analog _5V Arduino.
 Like this image: http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Tutorial/joy_sch_480.jpg
 To setup the buttons, just install you prefered button switch under GND and Port Digital 02~13.
 Use Flip to erease and burn this firmware DFU: https://github.com/harlequin-tech/arduino-usb/blob/master/firmwares/Arduino-big-joystick.hex
 I used Arduino R3 with Atmega 16U2.

#undef DEBUG

#define NUM_BUTTONS  40             // you don't need to change this value
#define NUM_AXES  8        // 6 axes to UNO, and 8 to MEGA. If you are using UNO, don't need to change this value.

typedef struct joyReport_t {
 int16_t axis[NUM_AXES];
 uint8_t button[(NUM_BUTTONS + 7) / 8]; // 8 buttons per byte
} joyReport_t;

joyReport_t joyReport;

uint8_t btn[12];
int fulloff = 0;
void setup(void);
void loop(void);
void setButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button);
void clearButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button);
void sendJoyReport(joyReport_t *report);

void setup()
 //set pin to input Button
 for ( int portId = 02; portId < 13; portId ++ )
   pinMode( portId, INPUT_PULLUP);

 for (uint8_t ind = 0; ind < 8; ind++) {
   joyReport.axis[ind] = ind * 1000;
 for (uint8_t ind = 0; ind < sizeof(joyReport.button); ind++) {
   joyReport.button[ind] = 0;

// Send an HID report to the USB interface
void sendJoyReport(struct joyReport_t *report)
#ifndef DEBUG
 Serial.write((uint8_t *)report, sizeof(joyReport_t));
 // dump human readable output for debugging
 for (uint8_t ind = 0; ind < NUM_AXES; ind++) {
   Serial.print("]= ");
   Serial.print(" ");
 for (uint8_t ind = 0; ind < NUM_BUTTONS / 8; ind++) {
   Serial.print("]= ");
   Serial.print(report->button[ind], HEX);
   Serial.print(" ");

// turn a button on
void setButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button)
 uint8_t index = button / 8;
 uint8_t bit = button - 8 * index;

 joy->button[index] |= 1 << bit;

// turn a button off
void clearButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button)
 uint8_t index = button / 8;
 uint8_t bit = button - 8 * index;

 joy->button[index] &= ~(1 << bit);

  Read Digital port for Button
  Read Analog port for axis
void loop()
  // Create Matriz with value off switch button
 for (int bt = 1; bt < 13; bt ++)
   btn[bt] = digitalRead(bt + 1);

 // Power ON button if it is press. buton 17 at 28
 for (int on = 01; on < 13; on++)
   if (btn[on] == LOW)
     setButton(&joyReport, on + 16);
     //  Serial.println("botao ON");
     //  Serial.println(on+16);
   for (int on = 01; on < 13; on++)
     if (btn[on] == HIGH)
       clearButton(&joyReport, on + 16);
     //  Serial.println("Every buttons is off");

 /* Move all of the Analogic axis */
 /* Arduino UNO have only 6 port. Will be necessary set to 0; the not used port */
 /* In this example, i will use just 3 axis. X, Y, Z */
 /* if you will use all 6 analog ports, set axis < 3, to axis < 5 */

 for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++) // 1 - A0 == Wheel == X axis
   joyReport.axis[axis] = map(analogRead(axis), 350, 700, -32768, 32767 );

 //Set to 0; the not used analog port.
 //if you will use all 6 analog ports, exclude the lines, axis[3] at axis [5] */
 //Report.axis[3] = 0;

// You need to ground A1 pin, because its the Y axis and if you dont use it, need to ground.

  joyReport.axis[4] = A0;
 joyReport.axis[5] = A3;
 joyReport.axis[6] = A2;
 joyReport.axis[7] = 0;
 joyReport.axis[8] = 0;

 //Send Data to HID

 fulloff = 0;


Ingeimaks Ingeimaks

Ingeimaks Ingeimaks

14 projects • 45 followers
Giovanni Mannara is a Maker. Thanks to Massimo Banzi I have traversed this path of Digital Creator ... I LOVE ARDUINO !!!
