Hi there! Why not to make something cool around an old "slot-in record player"? By following this recipe, you will transform it in an magical mp3 player, where the only thing to do for listening a song is to insert the beautiful record cover into the slot. Sure, there is no mistery in it, we will insert an RFID tag into the cover in order to recognize the track to play with Arduino.
Step by Step Introduction
See it in action:
Enjoyed the video? Now it's time to make yours by following the description below<
For the BOM list, please refer on the right column of this web page.
Here is the schematic of wiring it all together:
The RFID reader is making noise that can be heard into the loudspeaker. That's why you must put an LC filter (100 uH, 2200 uF) on the wiring, as described below.<
About the Audio:
When all the parts are in place, and that you've completed the wiring, don't forget to download the Arduino sketch.
Before to be able to play, you'll have to place some mp3 tracks on an SD card, and plug it into the MP3 player.
You can test the tracks, and take note of their numbers using the Arduino IDE's serial monitor.
Once you've tested all the tracks, and noted their number, you still have to prepare the covers, by putting an RFID tag inside. You can use gluing tape to adjust the tag at the center of a sheet of cardboard.
The next step is to insert every cover with the tag inside, in order to see and take note of the tag's ID number. Again you can use the Arduino IDE's serial monitor.
To end the setup, please change the following lines into the Arduino sketch, according to your own Tag / tracks couple:
String Track1 ="1E0065E35E";
String Track3 ="1E0065FF97";
String Track4 ="4C0094FDCD";
String Track5 ="4C0094E33F";
String Track6 ="1E0062F7D1";
String Track8 ="1E005BC607";
String Track9 ="4C0094EFC9";
Enjoy now, and feel free to leave comments, I always appreciate it.
Jean Noël @ootsidebox
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