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OldArduiPhone (or the Hipster Cellphone!)

Connect a rotary dial telephone from the 80s to a cheap cellphone with an Arduino.

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OldArduiPhone (or the Hipster Cellphone!)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
I used a UNO to do my prototyping and testing.
A cheap Cellphone
The one I used is a ZTE Black S751
An old rotary dial Telephone
Mine is a South African Telkom model - Good luck finding this exact one :D
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
I used the KingBright KB817. Couldn't find is online :(
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Very basic diagram

This diagram shows only the very basic circuit. Drawing the full circuit is a lot of repetition really and would just make the drawing way too busy.



Load it into your favorite Arduino IDE and upload it to the board.
Some parameters might need to be tweeked if you didn't use the same cellphone as I did...
#define PULSE_ACTIVE B00000100 // Pin 2 but here this is used to identify the pin in register PIND.
#define PULSE_IN 3
#define CALL_PIN 14
#define CLEAR_PIN 15
#define BOOT_PIN 16
#define HANGUP_BUTTON 18
#define HANGUP_BUTTON_PIN B00010000  // Pin 18 but here this is used to identify the pin in register PINC.
#define MIN_VALID_PULSE 50000
#define MAX_VALID_PULSE 150000
#define PULSE_IN_TIMEOUT 300000

 *In SA phone numbers are 10 digit long - to be changed for your country 
 *For international calls, the code looks at the second digit. 
 *If it's also a 0, the automatic dialing is disabled. See comment down below.

bool off_hook = false;
byte digitCount = 0;
byte digit = 0;
bool hasDigit = false;
bool digit2zero = false;

void setup() {
   * pins for the dialer
  pinMode(PULSE_IN, INPUT);
   * pins for the cellphone 
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT); //1
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //2
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //3
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT); //4
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT); //5
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //6
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //7
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //8
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT); //9
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //0

  pinMode(CALL_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BOOT_PIN, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(BOOT_PIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(BOOT_PIN, LOW);

  off_hook = false;
  //Serial.begin(9600); //for debugging
  //Serial.println("Starting"); //for debugging

void loop() {
   * This bit was taught to me by this article. Read it! It's really good.
   * http://www.instructables.com/id/Fast-digitalRead-digitalWrite-for-Arduino/
   * Those next 2 lines effectively replace a digitalRead() by looking straight at the registers
   * Using digitalRead() I was sometimes getting 1s instead of 2s etc... 
   * This solves most of them. 
  int hookState = PINC;
  hookState = hookState & HANGUP_BUTTON_PIN;
    //Serial.println("on hook"); //for debugging
     * This prevents the HangUp() function from being called all the time when the receiver in down.
     * On my cellphone, the hangup and shutdown button are the same.
     * I don't want the phone to shutdown.
     * Turning off the cellphone will be manual due to lack of features on the old telephone.
   * This bit was taught to me by this article. Read it! It's really good.
   * http://www.instructables.com/id/Fast-digitalRead-digitalWrite-for-Arduino/
   * Those next 2 lines effectively replace a digitalRead() by looking straight at the registers
   * Using digitalRead() I was sometimes getting 1s instead of 2s etc... 
   * This solves most of them. 
  int activeState = PIND;
  activeState = PIND & PULSE_ACTIVE;
  //if(activeState) Serial.println("Active"); //for debugging
    off_hook = true;
    unsigned long val = myPulseIn(3, LOW, PULSE_IN_TIMEOUT); 
    //Serial.println(val); //for debugging
    if(val > MIN_VALID_PULSE && val < MAX_VALID_PULSE){
    activeState = PIND;
    activeState = PIND & PULSE_ACTIVE;
    hasDigit = true;
    //Serial.print("digit "); //for debugging
    //Serial.println(digit); //for debugging
    //Serial.println("Sleeping"); //for debugging
    digit = 0;
    hasDigit = false;

void dialCellDigit(byte digit){
  * add a digit to the phone number

   * if the 2nd digit is 0, I'm dialing an international number 
   * Will disable auto-dialing based on that.
  if(digit == 10 && digitCount == 2)
    digit2zero = true;
   * the pin number is 3 more than the digit I'm dialing
  byte numberPin = digit + 3;
   * 'press' a button on the cellphone
  digitalWrite(numberPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(numberPin, LOW);

   * When we get to the proper length for a phone number
   * If the second digit was a 0, we are doing an international call.
   * Then dialing will be manual.
  if(digitCount == PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH && !digit2zero){
     * Call the number
    //Serial.println("Calling"); //for debugging

* Pretty obvious
* But also turns on the phone at the start
void call(int press_delay){
  digitalWrite(CALL_PIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(CALL_PIN, LOW);

* Pretty obvious too
* But also used to clear the digits on the cell
void hangUp(){
  digitalWrite(BOOT_PIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(BOOT_PIN, LOW);
  digitalWrite(CLEAR_PIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(CLEAR_PIN, LOW);
  digitCount = 0;
  digit2zero = false;
  off_hook = false;

 * This code replaces the default Arduino PulseIn
 * Credits to Jims in this thread.
 * https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=46011.0
 * I panelbeated it a little because it got stuck if when the PULSE_ACTIVE resets.
unsigned long myPulseIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, long timeOut)
   // cache the port and bit of the pin in order to speed up the
   // pulse width measuring loop and achieve finer resolution.  calling
   // digitalRead() instead yields much coarser resolution.
   uint8_t bit = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
   uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin);
   uint8_t stateMask = (state ? bit : 0);
   unsigned long width = 0; // keep initialization out of time critical area */
   // wait for the pulse to start
   while ( (*portInputRegister(port) & bit) != stateMask)
   // wait for the pulse to stop
   while ( (*portInputRegister(port) & bit) == stateMask){
       if(width > timeOut) //Time out if the wait is too long

   return width; 


5 projects • 31 followers
Happy guy, Robot enthusiast, Dog lover
Thanks to Chantal.


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