The request was a kitchen timer working the same way as the timer on a Whirlpool microwave oven.
- The rotating knob is a push button too.
- In the clock mode pushing the knob or rotating it clockwise starts the timer's setting mode.
- Rotating the knob in timer setting mode sets the start time of the countdown.
- Pushing the knob with timer start time set, starts the timer countdown.
- Rotating the knob in countdown mode changes the running countdown time.
- When the timer countdown reaches zero the display starts to blink at full brightness and the bell rings tree times.
- Pushing the knob ends the alarm end returns the timer to the last set start time.
- In alarm mode the bell rings tree times every minute.
- Pushing the knob at 0:00 switches back to the clock view.
- Timer set mode returns to clock view after a minute of no activity.
- Long push in timer setting mode resets the timer start time to 0:00.
- Long push in clock mode starts the clock time setting mode.
- Long push time is 3 seconds.
- All possible actions are shown in the states diagram.