Based on
- Added RGB LEDs behind eyes for 'crazy red eye' effect. Best friends till the end.
- Added sinister phrases (added form submits) to web page .py file form such as:
"He is coming for you, Adam. And He will be here very soon. _ He is coming for you Adam"
"Tonight after you fall asleep Adam, I'm going to steal your soul, Or maybe just slit your throat and drink your blood."
"Adam, I need you to help me bury a dead body.."'
"Adam, have you ever been in a Turkish Prison?"
- Changed the twitter code so that if you type in 'playmetal' it plays Blackend by Metallica mp3 thru Ruxpins internal speaker. will expand on this later. metal! I was originally going to call him Metal Ruxpin. But now i change his name to Evil Ruxpin with the edition of the glowing red eyes.
- I hate python.