Published © CC BY-NC

MIDI for Digital Organs

Turn an old organ console into a MIDI controller to use with desktop organ software like Hauptwerk or Grandorgue.

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MIDI for Digital Organs

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
DIN Midi Plug
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
USB-A to B Cable
USB-A to B Cable
AWM Cable
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Potentiometer, Slide
Potentiometer, Slide
10K linear
IDC Socket
Male/Male Jumper Wires

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Flux, Soldering
Solder Flux, Soldering
Wire Stripper, Serrated Plier Nose
Wire Stripper, Serrated Plier Nose
Plier, Side Cutting
Plier, Side Cutting
Plier, Flat Nose
Plier, Flat Nose


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Matrixed Schematic

Wiring diagram for 6x11 Matrix keyboards and pedalboard with potentiometer inputs

Bussed Schematic

Wiring diagram for Bussed keyboards with potentiometer inputs

Updated Matrixed Schematic

Provides wiring for 2x 61 note keyboards, one 32 note pedalboard with Normally Closed contacts, and a piston matrix of 38 pistons, usable with the updated code posted with adjustable debounce and Midi Thru.


Matrixed Keyboard code

Code to upload to the Arduino when you are following Matrixed Keyboard schematic.
// Name: Arduino Mega Midi Controller v21
// Created: Feb 4, 2021
// Author: Larason2
// Acknowledgements: Bald Engineer, Amanda Ghassaei, jeffb42, GrumpyMike

byte keysA[11][6];
byte keysB[11][6];
byte keysC[7][6];

byte lastA[11][6];
byte lastB[11][6];
byte lastC[7][6];

int noteOn1 = 144;
int noteOff1 = 128;
int noteOn2 = 145;
int noteOff2 = 129;
int noteOn3 = 146;
int noteOff3 = 130;
int velocity = 100;
int chan6 = 181;
int chan7 = 182;
int Exp = 11;

int LastPot6 = 1;
int LastPot7 = 1;

void setup() {
  // Start Serial

  //Initialize Keyboard A
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(22, INPUT);
  pinMode(24, INPUT);
  pinMode(26, INPUT);
  pinMode(28, INPUT);
  pinMode(30, INPUT);

  pinMode(32, INPUT);
  pinMode(34, INPUT);
  pinMode(36, INPUT);
  pinMode(38, INPUT);
  pinMode(40, INPUT);
  pinMode(42, INPUT);
  pinMode(44, INPUT);
  pinMode(46, INPUT);
  pinMode(48, INPUT);
  pinMode(50, INPUT);
  pinMode(52, INPUT);

  //Initialize Keyboard B
  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(23, INPUT);
  pinMode(25, INPUT);
  pinMode(27, INPUT);
  pinMode(29, INPUT);
  pinMode(31, INPUT);

  pinMode(33, INPUT);
  pinMode(35, INPUT);
  pinMode(37, INPUT);
  pinMode(39, INPUT);
  pinMode(41, INPUT);
  pinMode(43, INPUT);
  pinMode(45, INPUT);
  pinMode(47, INPUT);
  pinMode(49, INPUT);
  pinMode(51, INPUT);
  pinMode(52, INPUT);

  //Initialize Keyboard C
  pinMode(A2, INPUT);
  pinMode(A3, INPUT);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT);
  pinMode(A6, INPUT);
  pinMode(A7, INPUT);

  pinMode(A8, INPUT);
  pinMode(A9, INPUT);
  pinMode(A10, INPUT);
  pinMode(A11, INPUT);
  pinMode(A12, INPUT);
  pinMode(A13, INPUT);
  pinMode(A14, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // Read Keyboard A

  pinMode(22, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(24, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(26, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(28, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(30, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(32, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(32, LOW);
    keysA[0][0] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(32, INPUT);

  pinMode(34, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(34, LOW);
    keysA[1][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[1][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[1][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[1][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[1][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[1][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(34, INPUT);

  pinMode(36, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(36, LOW);
    keysA[2][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[2][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[2][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[2][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[2][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[2][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(36, INPUT);

  pinMode(38, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(38, LOW);
    keysA[3][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[3][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[3][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[3][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[3][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[3][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(38, INPUT);

  pinMode(40, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(40, LOW);
    keysA[4][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[4][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[4][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[4][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[4][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[4][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(40, INPUT);

  pinMode(42, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(42, LOW);
    keysA[5][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[5][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[5][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[5][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[5][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[5][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(42, INPUT);

  pinMode(44, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(44, LOW);
    keysA[6][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[6][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[6][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[6][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[6][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[6][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(44, INPUT);

  pinMode(46, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(46, LOW);
    keysA[7][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[7][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[7][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[7][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[7][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[7][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(46, INPUT);

  pinMode(48, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(48, LOW);
    keysA[8][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[8][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[8][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[8][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[8][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[8][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(48, INPUT);

  pinMode(50, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(50, LOW);
    keysA[9][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[9][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[9][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[9][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[9][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[9][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(50, INPUT);

  pinMode(52, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(52, LOW);
    keysA[10][0] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[10][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[10][2] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[10][3] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[10][4] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[10][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(52, INPUT);

  pinMode(22, INPUT);
  pinMode(24, INPUT);
  pinMode(26, INPUT);
  pinMode(28, INPUT);
  pinMode(30, INPUT);
  pinMode(2, INPUT);

   // Read Keyboard B

  pinMode(23, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(25, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(27, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(29, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(31, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(33, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(33, LOW);
    keysB[0][0] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(33, INPUT);
  pinMode(35, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(35, LOW);
    keysB[1][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[1][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[1][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[1][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[1][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[1][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(35, INPUT);

  pinMode(37, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(37, LOW);
    keysB[2][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[2][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[2][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[2][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[2][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[2][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(37, INPUT);

  pinMode(39, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(39, LOW);
    keysB[3][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[3][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[3][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[3][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[3][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[3][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(39, INPUT);

  pinMode(41, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(41, LOW);
    keysB[4][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[4][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[4][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[4][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[4][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[4][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(41, INPUT);

  pinMode(43, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(43, LOW);
    keysB[5][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[5][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[5][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[5][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[5][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[5][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(43, INPUT);

  pinMode(45, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(45, LOW);
    keysB[6][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[6][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[6][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[6][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[6][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[6][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(45, INPUT);

  pinMode(47, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    keysB[7][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[7][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[7][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[7][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[7][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[7][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(47, INPUT);

  pinMode(49, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(49, LOW);
    keysB[8][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[8][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[8][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[8][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[8][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[8][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(49, INPUT);

  pinMode(51, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(51, LOW);
    keysB[9][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[9][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[9][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[9][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[9][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[9][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(51, INPUT);

  pinMode(53, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(53, LOW);
    keysB[10][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[10][1] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[10][2] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[10][3] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[10][4] = digitalRead(31);
    keysB[10][5] = digitalRead(3);
  pinMode(53, INPUT);

  pinMode(23, INPUT);
  pinMode(25, INPUT);
  pinMode(27, INPUT);
  pinMode(29, INPUT);
  pinMode(31, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, INPUT);

  // Read Keyboard C

  //Set Row pins to read
  pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A6, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A7, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(A8, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A8, LOW);
    keysC[0][0] = digitalRead(A2);
  pinMode(A8, INPUT);

  pinMode(A9, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A9, LOW);
    keysC[1][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysC[1][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysC[1][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysC[1][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysC[1][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysC[1][5] = digitalRead(A2);
  pinMode(A9, INPUT);

  pinMode(A10, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A10, LOW);
    keysC[2][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysC[2][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysC[2][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysC[2][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysC[2][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysC[2][5] = digitalRead(A2);
  pinMode(A10, INPUT);

  pinMode(A11, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A11, LOW);
    keysC[3][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysC[3][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysC[3][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysC[3][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysC[3][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysC[3][5] = digitalRead(A2);
  pinMode(A11, INPUT);

  pinMode(A12, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A12, LOW);
    keysC[4][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysC[4][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysC[4][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysC[4][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysC[4][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysC[4][5] = digitalRead(A2);
  pinMode(A12, INPUT);

  pinMode(A13, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A13, LOW);
    keysC[5][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysC[5][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysC[5][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysC[5][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysC[5][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysC[5][5] = digitalRead(A2);
  pinMode(A13, INPUT);

  pinMode(A14, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A14, LOW);
    keysC[6][0] = digitalRead(A3);
  pinMode(A14, INPUT);

  pinMode(A3, INPUT);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT);
  pinMode(A6, INPUT);
  pinMode(A7, INPUT);
  pinMode(A2, INPUT);

  //Invert Keyboard C data 
  //(For switches that are Normally Closed)

  //Column 1

  if (keysC[0][0] == 0) {
    keysC[0][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[0][0] == 1) {
    keysC[0][0] = 0;

  //Column 2
  if (keysC[1][0] == 0) {
    keysC[1][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][0] == 1) {
    keysC[1][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][1] == 0) {
    keysC[1][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][1] == 1) {
    keysC[1][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][2] == 0) {
    keysC[1][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][2] == 1) {
    keysC[1][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][3] == 0) {
    keysC[1][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][3] == 1) {
    keysC[1][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][4] == 0) {
    keysC[1][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][4] == 1) {
    keysC[1][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][5] == 0) {
    keysC[1][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][5] == 1) {
    keysC[1][5] = 0;

  //Column 3

  if (keysC[2][0] == 0) {
    keysC[2][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][0] == 1) {
    keysC[2][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][1] == 0) {
    keysC[2][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][1] == 1) {
    keysC[2][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][2] == 0) {
    keysC[2][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][2] == 1) {
    keysC[2][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][3] == 0) {
    keysC[2][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][3] == 1) {
    keysC[2][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][4] == 0) {
    keysC[2][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][4] == 1) {
    keysC[2][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][5] == 0) {
    keysC[2][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][5] == 1) {
    keysC[2][5] = 0;

  //Column 4

  if (keysC[3][0] == 0) {
    keysC[3][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][0] == 1) {
    keysC[3][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][1] == 0) {
    keysC[3][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][1] == 1) {
    keysC[3][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][2] == 0) {
    keysC[3][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][2] == 1) {
    keysC[3][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][3] == 0) {
    keysC[3][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][3] == 1) {
    keysC[3][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][4] == 0) {
    keysC[3][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][4] == 1) {
    keysC[3][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][5] == 0) {
    keysC[3][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][5] == 1) {
    keysC[3][5] = 0;

  //Column 5

  if (keysC[4][0] == 0) {
    keysC[4][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][0] == 1) {
    keysC[4][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][1] == 0) {
    keysC[4][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][1] == 1) {
    keysC[4][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][2] == 0) {
    keysC[4][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][2] == 1) {
    keysC[4][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][3] == 0) {
    keysC[4][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][3] == 1) {
    keysC[4][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][4] == 0) {
    keysC[4][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][4] == 1) {
    keysC[4][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][5] == 0) {
    keysC[4][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][5] == 1) {
    keysC[4][5] = 0;

  //Column 6

  if (keysC[5][0] == 0) {
    keysC[5][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][0] == 1) {
    keysC[5][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][1] == 0) {
    keysC[5][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][1] == 1) {
    keysC[5][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][2] == 0) {
    keysC[5][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][2] == 1) {
    keysC[5][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][3] == 0) {
    keysC[5][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][3] == 1) {
    keysC[5][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][4] == 0) {
    keysC[5][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][4] == 1) {
    keysC[5][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][5] == 0) {
    keysC[5][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][5] == 1) {
    keysC[5][5] = 0;

  //Column 7

  if (keysC[6][0] == 0) {
    keysC[6][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[6][0] == 1) {
    keysC[6][0] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard A

  if ((keysA[0][0] == 0) and (lastA[0][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 36, velocity);
    lastA[0][0] = 7;
  if ((keysA[0][0] == 1) and (lastA[0][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 36, velocity);
    lastA[0][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][0] == 0) and (lastA[1][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 37, velocity);
    lastA[1][0] = 7;
  if ((keysA[1][0] == 1) and (lastA[1][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 37, velocity);
    lastA[1][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][1] == 0) and (lastA[1][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 38, velocity);
    lastA[1][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][1] == 1) and (lastA[1][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 38, velocity);
    lastA[1][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][2] == 0) and (lastA[1][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 39, velocity);
    lastA[1][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][2] == 1) and (lastA[1][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 39, velocity);
    lastA[1][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][3] == 0) and (lastA[1][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 40, velocity);
    lastA[1][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][3] == 1) and (lastA[1][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 40, velocity);
    lastA[1][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][4] == 0) and (lastA[1][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 41, velocity);
    lastA[1][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][4] == 1) and (lastA[1][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 41, velocity);
    lastA[1][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][5] == 0) and (lastA[1][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 42, velocity);
    lastA[1][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][5] == 1) and (lastA[1][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 42, velocity);
    lastA[1][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][0] == 0) and (lastA[2][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 43, velocity);
    lastA[2][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][0] == 1) and (lastA[2][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 43, velocity);
    lastA[2][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][1] == 0) and (lastA[2][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 44, velocity);
    lastA[2][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][1] == 1) and (lastA[2][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 44, velocity);
    lastA[2][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][2] == 0) and (lastA[2][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 45, velocity);
    lastA[2][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][2] == 1) and (lastA[2][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 45, velocity);
    lastA[2][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][3] == 0) and (lastA[2][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 46, velocity);
    lastA[2][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][3] == 1) and (lastA[2][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 46, velocity);
    lastA[2][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][4] == 0) and (lastA[2][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 47, velocity);
    lastA[2][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][4] == 1) and (lastA[2][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 47, velocity);
    lastA[2][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][5] == 0) and (lastA[2][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 48, velocity);
    lastA[2][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][5] == 1) and (lastA[2][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 48, velocity);
    lastA[2][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][0] == 0) and (lastA[3][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 49, velocity);
    lastA[3][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][0] == 1) and (lastA[3][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 49, velocity);
    lastA[3][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][1] == 0) and (lastA[3][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 50, velocity);
    lastA[3][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][1] == 1) and (lastA[3][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 50, velocity);
    lastA[3][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][2] == 0) and (lastA[3][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 51, velocity);
    lastA[3][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][2] == 1) and (lastA[3][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 51, velocity);
    lastA[3][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][3] == 0) and (lastA[3][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 52, velocity);
    lastA[3][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][3] == 1) and (lastA[3][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 52, velocity);
    lastA[3][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][4] == 0) and (lastA[3][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 53, velocity);
    lastA[3][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][4] == 1) and (lastA[3][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 53, velocity);
    lastA[3][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][5] == 0) and (lastA[3][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 54, velocity);
    lastA[3][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][5] == 1) and (lastA[3][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 54, velocity);
    lastA[3][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][0] == 0) and (lastA[4][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 55, velocity);
    lastA[4][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][0] == 1) and (lastA[4][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 55, velocity);
    lastA[4][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][1] == 0) and (lastA[4][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 56, velocity);
    lastA[4][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][1] == 1) and (lastA[4][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 56, velocity);
    lastA[4][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][2] == 0) and (lastA[4][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 57, velocity);
    lastA[4][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][2] == 1) and (lastA[4][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 57, velocity);
    lastA[4][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][3] == 0) and (lastA[4][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 58, velocity);
    lastA[4][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][3] == 1) and (lastA[4][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 58, velocity);
    lastA[4][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][4] == 0) and (lastA[4][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 59, velocity);
    lastA[4][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][4] == 1) and (lastA[4][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 59, velocity);
    lastA[4][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][5] == 0) and (lastA[4][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 60, velocity);
    lastA[4][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][5] == 1) and (lastA[4][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 60, velocity);
    lastA[4][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][0] == 0) and (lastA[5][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 61, velocity);
    lastA[5][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][0] == 1) and (lastA[5][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 61, velocity);
    lastA[5][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][1] == 0) and (lastA[5][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 62, velocity);
    lastA[5][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][1] == 1) and (lastA[5][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 62, velocity);
    lastA[5][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][2] == 0) and (lastA[5][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 63, velocity);
    lastA[5][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][2] == 1) and (lastA[5][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 63, velocity);
    lastA[5][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][3] == 0) and (lastA[5][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 64, velocity);
    lastA[5][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][3] == 1) and (lastA[5][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 64, velocity);
    lastA[5][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][4] == 0) and (lastA[5][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 65, velocity);
    lastA[5][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][4] == 1) and (lastA[5][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 65, velocity);
    lastA[5][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][5] == 0) and (lastA[5][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 66, velocity);
    lastA[5][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][5] == 1) and (lastA[5][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 66, velocity);
    lastA[5][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][0] == 0) and (lastA[6][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 67, velocity);
    lastA[6][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][0] == 1) and (lastA[6][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 67, velocity);
    lastA[6][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][1] == 0) and (lastA[6][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 68, velocity);
    lastA[6][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][1] == 1) and (lastA[6][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 68, velocity);
    lastA[6][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][2] == 0) and (lastA[6][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 69, velocity);
    lastA[6][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][2] == 1) and (lastA[6][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 69, velocity);
    lastA[6][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][3] == 0) and (lastA[6][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 70, velocity);
    lastA[6][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][3] == 1) and (lastA[6][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 70, velocity);
    lastA[6][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][4] == 0) and (lastA[6][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 71, velocity);
    lastA[6][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][4] == 1) and (lastA[6][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 71, velocity);
    lastA[6][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][5] == 0) and (lastA[6][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 72, velocity);
    lastA[6][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][5] == 1) and (lastA[6][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 72, velocity);
    lastA[6][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][0] == 0) and (lastA[7][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 73, velocity);
    lastA[7][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][0] == 1) and (lastA[7][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 73, velocity);
    lastA[7][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][1] == 0) and (lastA[7][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 74, velocity);
    lastA[7][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][1] == 1) and (lastA[7][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 74, velocity);
    lastA[7][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][2] == 0) and (lastA[7][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 75, velocity);
    lastA[7][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][2] == 1) and (lastA[7][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 75, velocity);
    lastA[7][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][3] == 0) and (lastA[7][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 76, velocity);
    lastA[7][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][3] == 1) and (lastA[7][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 76, velocity);
    lastA[7][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][4] == 0) and (lastA[7][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 77, velocity);
    lastA[7][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][4] == 1) and (lastA[7][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 77, velocity);
    lastA[7][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][5] == 0) and (lastA[7][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 78, velocity);
    lastA[7][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][5] == 1) and (lastA[7][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 78, velocity);
    lastA[7][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][0] == 0) and (lastA[8][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 79, velocity);
    lastA[8][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][0] == 1) and (lastA[8][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 79, velocity);
    lastA[8][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][1] == 0) and (lastA[8][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 80, velocity);
    lastA[8][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][1] == 1) and (lastA[8][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 80, velocity);
    lastA[8][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][2] == 0) and (lastA[8][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 81, velocity);
    lastA[8][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][2] == 1) and (lastA[8][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 81, velocity);
    lastA[8][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][3] == 0) and (lastA[8][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 82, velocity);
    lastA[8][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][3] == 1) and (lastA[8][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 82, velocity);
    lastA[8][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][4] == 0) and (lastA[8][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 83, velocity);
    lastA[8][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][4] == 1) and (lastA[8][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 83, velocity);
    lastA[8][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][5] == 0) and (lastA[8][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 84, velocity);
    lastA[8][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][5] == 1) and (lastA[8][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 84, velocity);
    lastA[8][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][0] == 0) and (lastA[9][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 85, velocity);
    lastA[9][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][0] == 1) and (lastA[9][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 85, velocity);
    lastA[9][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][1] == 0) and (lastA[9][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 86, velocity);
    lastA[9][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][1] == 1) and (lastA[9][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 86, velocity);
    lastA[9][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][2] == 0) and (lastA[9][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 87, velocity);
    lastA[9][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][2] == 1) and (lastA[9][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 87, velocity);
    lastA[9][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][3] == 0) and (lastA[9][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 88, velocity);
    lastA[9][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][3] == 1) and (lastA[9][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 88, velocity);
    lastA[9][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][4] == 0) and (lastA[9][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 89, velocity);
    lastA[9][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][4] == 1) and (lastA[9][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 89, velocity);
    lastA[9][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][5] == 0) and (lastA[9][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 90, velocity);
    lastA[9][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][5] == 1) and (lastA[9][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 90, velocity);
    lastA[9][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][0] == 0) and (lastA[10][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 91, velocity);
    lastA[10][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][0] == 1) and (lastA[10][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 91, velocity);
    lastA[10][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][1] == 0) and (lastA[10][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 92, velocity);
    lastA[10][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][1] == 1) and (lastA[10][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 92, velocity);
    lastA[10][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][2] == 0) and (lastA[10][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 93, velocity);
    lastA[10][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][2] == 1) and (lastA[10][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 93, velocity);
    lastA[10][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][3] == 0) and (lastA[10][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 94, velocity);
    lastA[10][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][3] == 1) and (lastA[10][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 94, velocity);
    lastA[10][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][4] == 0) and (lastA[10][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 95, velocity);
    lastA[10][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][4] == 1) and (lastA[10][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 95, velocity);
    lastA[10][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][5] == 0) and (lastA[10][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 96, velocity);
    lastA[10][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][5] == 1) and (lastA[10][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 96, velocity);
    lastA[10][5] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard B

  if ((keysB[0][0] == 0) and (lastB[0][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 36, velocity);
    lastB[0][0] = 7;
  if ((keysB[0][0] == 1) and (lastB[0][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 36, velocity);
    lastB[0][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][0] == 0) and (lastB[1][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 37, velocity);
    lastB[1][0] = 7;
  if ((keysB[1][0] == 1) and (lastB[1][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 37, velocity);
    lastB[1][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][1] == 0) and (lastB[1][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 38, velocity);
    lastB[1][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][1] == 1) and (lastB[1][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 38, velocity);
    lastB[1][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][2] == 0) and (lastB[1][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 39, velocity);
    lastB[1][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][2] == 1) and (lastB[1][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 39, velocity);
    lastB[1][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][3] == 0) and (lastB[1][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 40, velocity);
    lastB[1][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][3] == 1) and (lastB[1][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 40, velocity);
    lastB[1][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][4] == 0) and (lastB[1][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 41, velocity);
    lastB[1][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][4] == 1) and (lastB[1][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 41, velocity);
    lastB[1][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][5] == 0) and (lastB[1][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 42, velocity);
    lastB[1][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][5] == 1) and (lastB[1][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 42, velocity);
    lastB[1][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][0] == 0) and (lastB[2][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 43, velocity);
    lastB[2][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][0] == 1) and (lastB[2][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 43, velocity);
    lastB[2][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][1] == 0) and (lastB[2][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 44, velocity);
    lastB[2][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][1] == 1) and (lastB[2][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 44, velocity);
    lastB[2][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][2] == 0) and (lastB[2][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 45, velocity);
    lastB[2][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][2] == 1) and (lastB[2][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 45, velocity);
    lastB[2][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][3] == 0) and (lastB[2][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 46, velocity);
    lastB[2][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][3] == 1) and (lastB[2][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 46, velocity);
    lastB[2][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][4] == 0) and (lastB[2][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 47, velocity);
    lastB[2][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][4] == 1) and (lastB[2][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 47, velocity);
    lastB[2][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][5] == 0) and (lastB[2][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 48, velocity);
    lastB[2][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][5] == 1) and (lastB[2][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 48, velocity);
    lastB[2][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][0] == 0) and (lastB[3][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 49, velocity);
    lastB[3][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][0] == 1) and (lastB[3][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 49, velocity);
    lastB[3][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][1] == 0) and (lastB[3][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 50, velocity);
    lastB[3][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][1] == 1) and (lastB[3][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 50, velocity);
    lastB[3][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][2] == 0) and (lastB[3][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 51, velocity);
    lastB[3][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][2] == 1) and (lastB[3][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 51, velocity);
    lastB[3][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][3] == 0) and (lastB[3][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 52, velocity);
    lastB[3][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][3] == 1) and (lastB[3][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 52, velocity);
    lastB[3][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][4] == 0) and (lastB[3][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 53, velocity);
    lastB[3][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][4] == 1) and (lastB[3][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 53, velocity);
    lastB[3][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][5] == 0) and (lastB[3][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 54, velocity);
    lastB[3][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][5] == 1) and (lastB[3][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 54, velocity);
    lastB[3][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][0] == 0) and (lastB[4][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 55, velocity);
    lastB[4][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][0] == 1) and (lastB[4][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 55, velocity);
    lastB[4][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][1] == 0) and (lastB[4][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 56, velocity);
    lastB[4][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][1] == 1) and (lastB[4][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 56, velocity);
    lastB[4][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][2] == 0) and (lastB[4][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 57, velocity);
    lastB[4][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][2] == 1) and (lastB[4][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 57, velocity);
    lastB[4][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][3] == 0) and (lastB[4][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 58, velocity);
    lastB[4][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][3] == 1) and (lastB[4][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 58, velocity);
    lastB[4][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][4] == 0) and (lastB[4][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 59, velocity);
    lastB[4][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][4] == 1) and (lastB[4][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 59, velocity);
    lastB[4][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][5] == 0) and (lastB[4][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 60, velocity);
    lastB[4][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][5] == 1) and (lastB[4][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 60, velocity);
    lastB[4][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][0] == 0) and (lastB[5][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 61, velocity);
    lastB[5][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][0] == 1) and (lastB[5][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 61, velocity);
    lastB[5][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][1] == 0) and (lastB[5][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 62, velocity);
    lastB[5][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][1] == 1) and (lastB[5][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 62, velocity);
    lastB[5][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][2] == 0) and (lastB[5][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 63, velocity);
    lastB[5][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][2] == 1) and (lastB[5][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 63, velocity);
    lastB[5][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][3] == 0) and (lastB[5][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 64, velocity);
    lastB[5][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][3] == 1) and (lastB[5][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 64, velocity);
    lastB[5][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][4] == 0) and (lastB[5][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 65, velocity);
    lastB[5][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][4] == 1) and (lastB[5][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 65, velocity);
    lastB[5][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][5] == 0) and (lastB[5][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 66, velocity);
    lastB[5][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][5] == 1) and (lastB[5][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 66, velocity);
    lastB[5][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][0] == 0) and (lastB[6][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 67, velocity);
    lastB[6][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][0] == 1) and (lastB[6][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 67, velocity);
    lastB[6][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][1] == 0) and (lastB[6][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 68, velocity);
    lastB[6][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][1] == 1) and (lastB[6][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 68, velocity);
    lastB[6][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][2] == 0) and (lastB[6][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 69, velocity);
    lastB[6][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][2] == 1) and (lastB[6][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 69, velocity);
    lastB[6][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][3] == 0) and (lastB[6][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 70, velocity);
    lastB[6][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][3] == 1) and (lastB[6][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 70, velocity);
    lastB[6][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][4] == 0) and (lastB[6][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 71, velocity);
    lastB[6][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][4] == 1) and (lastB[6][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 71, velocity);
    lastB[6][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][5] == 0) and (lastB[6][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 72, velocity);
    lastB[6][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][5] == 1) and (lastB[6][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 72, velocity);
    lastB[6][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][0] == 0) and (lastB[7][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 73, velocity);
    lastB[7][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][0] == 1) and (lastB[7][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 73, velocity);
    lastB[7][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][1] == 0) and (lastB[7][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 74, velocity);
    lastB[7][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][1] == 1) and (lastB[7][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 74, velocity);
    lastB[7][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][2] == 0) and (lastB[7][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 75, velocity);
    lastB[7][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][2] == 1) and (lastB[7][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 75, velocity);
    lastB[7][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][3] == 0) and (lastB[7][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 76, velocity);
    lastB[7][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][3] == 1) and (lastB[7][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 76, velocity);
    lastB[7][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][4] == 0) and (lastB[7][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 77, velocity);
    lastB[7][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][4] == 1) and (lastB[7][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 77, velocity);
    lastB[7][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][5] == 0) and (lastB[7][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 78, velocity);
    lastB[7][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][5] == 1) and (lastB[7][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 78, velocity);
    lastB[7][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][0] == 0) and (lastB[8][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 79, velocity);
    lastB[8][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][0] == 1) and (lastB[8][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity);
    lastB[8][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][1] == 0) and (lastB[8][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 80, velocity);
    lastB[8][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][1] == 1) and (lastB[8][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 80, velocity);
    lastB[8][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][2] == 0) and (lastB[8][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 81, velocity);
    lastB[8][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][2] == 1) and (lastB[8][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 81, velocity);
    lastB[8][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][3] == 0) and (lastB[8][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 82, velocity);
    lastB[8][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][3] == 1) and (lastB[8][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 82, velocity);
    lastB[8][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][4] == 0) and (lastB[8][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 83, velocity);
    lastB[8][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][4] == 1) and (lastB[8][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 83, velocity);
    lastB[8][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][5] == 0) and (lastB[8][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 84, velocity);
    lastB[8][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][5] == 1) and (lastB[8][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 84, velocity);
    lastB[8][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][0] == 0) and (lastB[9][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 85, velocity);
    lastB[9][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][0] == 1) and (lastB[9][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 85, velocity);
    lastB[9][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][1] == 0) and (lastB[9][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity);
    lastB[9][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][1] == 1) and (lastB[9][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 86, velocity);
    lastB[9][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][2] == 0) and (lastB[9][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 87, velocity);
    lastB[9][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][2] == 1) and (lastB[9][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 87, velocity);
    lastB[9][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][3] == 0) and (lastB[9][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 88, velocity);
    lastB[9][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][3] == 1) and (lastB[9][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 88, velocity);
    lastB[9][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][4] == 0) and (lastB[9][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 89, velocity);
    lastB[9][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][4] == 1) and (lastB[9][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 89, velocity);
    lastB[9][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][5] == 0) and (lastB[9][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 90, velocity);
    lastB[9][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][5] == 1) and (lastB[9][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 90, velocity);
    lastB[9][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][0] == 0) and (lastB[10][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 91, velocity);
    lastB[10][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][0] == 1) and (lastB[10][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 91, velocity);
    lastB[10][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][1] == 0) and (lastB[10][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 92, velocity);
    lastB[10][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][1] == 1) and (lastB[10][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 92, velocity);
    lastB[10][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][2] == 0) and (lastB[10][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 93, velocity);
    lastB[10][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][2] == 1) and (lastB[10][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 93, velocity);
    lastB[10][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][3] == 0) and (lastB[10][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 94, velocity);
    lastB[10][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][3] == 1) and (lastB[10][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 94, velocity);
    lastB[10][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][4] == 0) and (lastB[10][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 95, velocity);
    lastB[10][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][4] == 1) and (lastB[10][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 95, velocity);
    lastB[10][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][5] == 0) and (lastB[10][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 96, velocity);
    lastB[10][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][5] == 1) and (lastB[10][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 96, velocity);
    lastB[10][5] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard C

  if ((keysC[0][0] == 0) and (lastC[0][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity);
    lastC[0][0] = 7;
  if ((keysC[0][0] == 1) and (lastC[0][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity);
    lastC[0][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][0] == 0) and (lastC[1][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity);
    lastC[1][0] = 7;
  if ((keysC[1][0] == 1) and (lastC[1][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity);
    lastC[1][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][1] == 0) and (lastC[1][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity);
    lastC[1][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][1] == 1) and (lastC[1][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity);
    lastC[1][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][2] == 0) and (lastC[1][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity);
    lastC[1][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][2] == 1) and (lastC[1][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity);
    lastC[1][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][3] == 0) and (lastC[1][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity);
    lastC[1][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][3] == 1) and (lastC[1][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity);
    lastC[1][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][4] == 0) and (lastC[1][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity);
    lastC[1][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][4] == 1) and (lastC[1][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity);
    lastC[1][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][5] == 0) and (lastC[1][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity);
    lastC[1][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][5] == 1) and (lastC[1][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity);
    lastC[1][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][0] == 0) and (lastC[2][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity);
    lastC[2][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][0] == 1) and (lastC[2][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity);
    lastC[2][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][1] == 0) and (lastC[2][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity);
    lastC[2][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][1] == 1) and (lastC[2][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity);
    lastC[2][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][2] == 0) and (lastC[2][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity);
    lastC[2][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][2] == 1) and (lastC[2][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity);
    lastC[2][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][3] == 0) and (lastC[2][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity);
    lastC[2][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][3] == 1) and (lastC[2][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity);
    lastC[2][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][4] == 0) and (lastC[2][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity);
    lastC[2][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][4] == 1) and (lastC[2][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity);
    lastC[2][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][5] == 0) and (lastC[2][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity);
    lastC[2][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][5] == 1) and (lastC[2][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity);
    lastC[2][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][0] == 0) and (lastC[3][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity);
    lastC[3][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][0] == 1) and (lastC[3][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity);
    lastC[3][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][1] == 0) and (lastC[3][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity);
    lastC[3][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][1] == 1) and (lastC[3][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity);
    lastC[3][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][2] == 0) and (lastC[3][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity);
    lastC[3][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][2] == 1) and (lastC[3][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity);
    lastC[3][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][3] == 0) and (lastC[3][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity);
    lastC[3][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][3] == 1) and (lastC[3][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity);
    lastC[3][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][4] == 0) and (lastC[3][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity);
    lastC[3][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][4] == 1) and (lastC[3][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity);
    lastC[3][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][5] == 0) and (lastC[3][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity);
    lastC[3][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][5] == 1) and (lastC[3][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity);
    lastC[3][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][0] == 0) and (lastC[4][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity);
    lastC[4][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][0] == 1) and (lastC[4][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity);
    lastC[4][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][1] == 0) and (lastC[4][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity);
    lastC[4][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][1] == 1) and (lastC[4][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity);
    lastC[4][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][2] == 0) and (lastC[4][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity);
    lastC[4][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][2] == 1) and (lastC[4][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity);
    lastC[4][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][3] == 0) and (lastC[4][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity);
    lastC[4][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][3] == 1) and (lastC[4][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity);
    lastC[4][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][4] == 0) and (lastC[4][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity);
    lastC[4][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][4] == 1) and (lastC[4][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity);
    lastC[4][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][5] == 0) and (lastC[4][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity);
    lastC[4][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][5] == 1) and (lastC[4][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity);
    lastC[4][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][0] == 0) and (lastC[5][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity);
    lastC[5][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][0] == 1) and (lastC[5][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity);
    lastC[5][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][1] == 0) and (lastC[5][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity);
    lastC[5][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][1] == 1) and (lastC[5][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity);
    lastC[5][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][2] == 0) and (lastC[5][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity);
    lastC[5][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][2] == 1) and (lastC[5][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity);
    lastC[5][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][3] == 0) and (lastC[5][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity);
    lastC[5][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][3] == 1) and (lastC[5][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity);
    lastC[5][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][4] == 0) and (lastC[5][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity);
    lastC[5][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][4] == 1) and (lastC[5][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity);
    lastC[5][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][5] == 0) and (lastC[5][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity);
    lastC[5][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][5] == 1) and (lastC[5][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity);
    lastC[5][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[6][0] == 0) and (lastC[6][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity);
    lastC[6][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[6][0] == 1) and (lastC[6][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity);
    lastC[6][0] = 0;

  //Expression pedal on analog pin 0 to Channel 6

  int Cur6 = analogRead(0);
  int Map6 = map(Cur6, 0, 1023, 0, 127);

  if (abs(Cur6 - LastPot6) >= 8) {
  LastPot6 = Cur6;

  //Expression pedal on analog pin 1 to Channel 7
  int Cur7 = analogRead(1);
  int Map7 = map(Cur7, 0, 1023, 0, 127);

  if (abs(Cur7 - LastPot7) >= 8) {
  LastPot7 = Cur7;

void MidiSend(int one, int two, int three) {

Bussed Keyboard Code

Code to upload to the Arduino if you are following the Bussed Keyboard Schematic.
// Name: Arduino Mega Midi Controller 61x4 plus 3 potentiometers.
// Version 1.0
// Created: April 12, 2021
// Author: Larason2
// Acknowledgements: Bald Engineer, Amanda Ghassaei, jeffb42, GrumpyMike

//Note Data

byte keysA[11][6];
byte keysB[11][6];
byte keysC[11][6];
byte keysD[11][6];

//Last Key State

byte lastA[11][6];
byte lastB[11][6];
byte lastC[11][6];
byte lastD[11][6];

//Midi Messages Sent

int noteOn1 = 144;
int noteOff1 = 128;
int noteOn2 = 145;
int noteOff2 = 129;
int noteOn3 = 146;
int noteOff3 = 130;
int noteOn4 = 147;
int noteOff4 = 131;
int velocity = 100;
int chan6 = 181;
int chan7 = 182;
int chan8 = 183;
int Exp = 11;

//Last Potentiometer State

int LastPot6 = 1;
int LastPot7 = 1;
int LastPot8 = 1;

void setup() {
  // Start Serial at Midi rate

  //Initialize Pins 1-10
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);
  pinMode(5, INPUT);
  pinMode(6, INPUT);
  pinMode(7, INPUT);
  pinMode(8, INPUT);
  pinMode(9, INPUT);
  pinMode(10, INPUT);
  pinMode(11, INPUT);

  //Pins 11-20
  pinMode(12, INPUT);
  pinMode(13, INPUT);
  pinMode(14, INPUT);
  pinMode(15, INPUT);
  pinMode(16, INPUT);
  pinMode(17, INPUT);
  pinMode(18, INPUT);
  pinMode(19, INPUT);
  pinMode(20, INPUT);
  pinMode(21, INPUT);

  //Pins 21-30
  pinMode(22, INPUT);
  pinMode(23, INPUT);
  pinMode(24, INPUT);
  pinMode(25, INPUT);
  pinMode(26, INPUT);
  pinMode(27, INPUT);
  pinMode(28, INPUT);
  pinMode(29, INPUT);
  pinMode(30, INPUT);
  pinMode(31, INPUT);

  //Pins 31-40
  pinMode(32, INPUT);
  pinMode(33, INPUT);
  pinMode(34, INPUT);
  pinMode(35, INPUT);
  pinMode(36, INPUT);
  pinMode(37, INPUT);
  pinMode(38, INPUT);
  pinMode(39, INPUT);
  pinMode(40, INPUT);
  pinMode(41, INPUT);

  //Pins 41-50
  pinMode(42, INPUT);
  pinMode(43, INPUT);
  pinMode(44, INPUT);
  pinMode(45, INPUT);
  pinMode(46, INPUT);
  pinMode(47, INPUT);
  pinMode(48, INPUT);
  pinMode(49, INPUT);
  pinMode(50, INPUT);
  pinMode(51, INPUT);

  //Pins 51-61
  pinMode(52, INPUT);
  pinMode(53, INPUT);
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(A1, INPUT);
  pinMode(A2, INPUT);
  pinMode(A3, INPUT);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT);
  pinMode(A6, INPUT);
  pinMode(A7, INPUT);
  pinMode(A8, INPUT);

  //Column Pins
  pinMode(A9, INPUT);
  pinMode(A10, INPUT);
  pinMode(A11, INPUT);
  pinMode(A12, INPUT);

  //Pot Pins
  pinMode(A13, INPUT);
  pinMode(A14, INPUT);
  pinMode(A15, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // Setup pins for keyboards

  //Pins 1-10
  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //Pins 11-20
  pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(14, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(15, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(16, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(17, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(18, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(19, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(20, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(21, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //Pins 21-30
  pinMode(22, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(23, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(24, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(25, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(26, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(27, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(28, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(29, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(30, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(31, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //Pins 31-40
  pinMode(32, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(33, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(34, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(35, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(36, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(37, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(38, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(39, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(40, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(41, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //Pins 41-50
  pinMode(42, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(43, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(44, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(45, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(46, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(47, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(48, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(49, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(50, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(51, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //Pins 51-61
  pinMode(52, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(53, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A6, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A7, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A8, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //Read Keyboard A

  pinMode(A9, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A9, LOW);
  //Keys 1-10

    keysA[0][0] = digitalRead(2);
    keysA[1][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[1][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[1][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[1][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[1][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[1][5] = digitalRead(8);
    keysA[2][0] = digitalRead(9);
    keysA[2][1] = digitalRead(10);
    keysA[2][2] = digitalRead(11);
  //Keys 11-20
    keysA[2][3] = digitalRead(12);
    keysA[2][4] = digitalRead(13);
    keysA[2][5] = digitalRead(14);
    keysA[3][0] = digitalRead(15);
    keysA[3][1] = digitalRead(16);
    keysA[3][2] = digitalRead(17);
    keysA[3][3] = digitalRead(18);
    keysA[3][4] = digitalRead(19);
    keysA[3][5] = digitalRead(20);
    keysA[4][0] = digitalRead(21);

  //Keys 21-30

    keysA[4][1] = digitalRead(22);
    keysA[4][2] = digitalRead(23);
    keysA[4][3] = digitalRead(24);
    keysA[4][4] = digitalRead(25);
    keysA[4][5] = digitalRead(26);
    keysA[5][0] = digitalRead(27);
    keysA[5][1] = digitalRead(28);
    keysA[5][2] = digitalRead(29);
    keysA[5][3] = digitalRead(30);
    keysA[5][4] = digitalRead(31);

  //Keys 31-40
    keysA[5][5] = digitalRead(32);
    keysA[6][0] = digitalRead(33);
    keysA[6][1] = digitalRead(34);
    keysA[6][2] = digitalRead(35);
    keysA[6][3] = digitalRead(36);
    keysA[6][4] = digitalRead(37);
    keysA[6][5] = digitalRead(38);
    keysA[7][0] = digitalRead(39);
    keysA[7][1] = digitalRead(40);
    keysA[7][2] = digitalRead(41);

  //Keys 41-50

    keysA[7][3] = digitalRead(42);
    keysA[7][4] = digitalRead(43);
    keysA[7][5] = digitalRead(44);
    keysA[8][0] = digitalRead(45);
    keysA[8][1] = digitalRead(46);
    keysA[8][2] = digitalRead(47);
    keysA[8][3] = digitalRead(48);
    keysA[8][4] = digitalRead(49);
    keysA[8][5] = digitalRead(50);
    keysA[9][0] = digitalRead(51);

  //Keys 51-61

    keysA[9][1] = digitalRead(52);
    keysA[9][2] = digitalRead(53);
    keysA[9][3] = digitalRead(A0);
    keysA[9][4] = digitalRead(A1);
    keysA[9][5] = digitalRead(A2);
    keysA[10][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysA[10][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysA[10][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysA[10][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysA[10][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysA[10][5] = digitalRead(A8);
  pinMode(A9, INPUT);

  // Read Keyboard B

  pinMode(A10, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A10, LOW);
  //Keys 1-10

    keysB[0][0] = digitalRead(2);
    keysB[1][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysB[1][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysB[1][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysB[1][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysB[1][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysB[1][5] = digitalRead(8);
    keysB[2][0] = digitalRead(9);
    keysB[2][1] = digitalRead(10);
    keysB[2][2] = digitalRead(11);
  //Keys 11-20
    keysB[2][3] = digitalRead(12);
    keysB[2][4] = digitalRead(13);
    keysB[2][5] = digitalRead(14);
    keysB[3][0] = digitalRead(15);
    keysB[3][1] = digitalRead(16);
    keysB[3][2] = digitalRead(17);
    keysB[3][3] = digitalRead(18);
    keysB[3][4] = digitalRead(19);
    keysB[3][5] = digitalRead(20);
    keysB[4][0] = digitalRead(21);

  //Keys 21-30

    keysB[4][1] = digitalRead(22);
    keysB[4][2] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[4][3] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[4][4] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[4][5] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[5][0] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[5][1] = digitalRead(28);
    keysB[5][2] = digitalRead(29);
    keysB[5][3] = digitalRead(30);
    keysB[5][4] = digitalRead(31);

  //Keys 31-40
    keysB[5][5] = digitalRead(32);
    keysB[6][0] = digitalRead(33);
    keysB[6][1] = digitalRead(34);
    keysB[6][2] = digitalRead(35);
    keysB[6][3] = digitalRead(36);
    keysB[6][4] = digitalRead(37);
    keysB[6][5] = digitalRead(38);
    keysB[7][0] = digitalRead(39);
    keysB[7][1] = digitalRead(40);
    keysB[7][2] = digitalRead(41);

  //Keys 41-50

    keysB[7][3] = digitalRead(42);
    keysB[7][4] = digitalRead(43);
    keysB[7][5] = digitalRead(44);
    keysB[8][0] = digitalRead(45);
    keysB[8][1] = digitalRead(46);
    keysB[8][2] = digitalRead(47);
    keysB[8][3] = digitalRead(48);
    keysB[8][4] = digitalRead(49);
    keysB[8][5] = digitalRead(50);
    keysB[9][0] = digitalRead(51);

  //Keys 51-61

    keysB[9][1] = digitalRead(52);
    keysB[9][2] = digitalRead(53);
    keysB[9][3] = digitalRead(A0);
    keysB[9][4] = digitalRead(A1);
    keysB[9][5] = digitalRead(A2);
    keysB[10][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysB[10][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysB[10][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysB[10][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysB[10][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysB[10][5] = digitalRead(A8);
  pinMode(A10, INPUT);

  // Read Keyboard C

  pinMode(A11, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A11, LOW);
  //Keys 1-10

    keysC[0][0] = digitalRead(2);
    keysC[1][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysC[1][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysC[1][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysC[1][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysC[1][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysC[1][5] = digitalRead(8);
    keysC[2][0] = digitalRead(9);
    keysC[2][1] = digitalRead(10);
    keysC[2][2] = digitalRead(11);
  //Keys 11-20
    keysC[2][3] = digitalRead(12);
    keysC[2][4] = digitalRead(13);
    keysC[2][5] = digitalRead(14);
    keysC[3][0] = digitalRead(15);
    keysC[3][1] = digitalRead(16);
    keysC[3][2] = digitalRead(17);
    keysC[3][3] = digitalRead(18);
    keysC[3][4] = digitalRead(19);
    keysC[3][5] = digitalRead(20);
    keysC[4][0] = digitalRead(21);

  //Keys 21-30

    keysC[4][1] = digitalRead(22);
    keysC[4][2] = digitalRead(23);
    keysC[4][3] = digitalRead(24);
    keysC[4][4] = digitalRead(25);
    keysC[4][5] = digitalRead(26);
    keysC[5][0] = digitalRead(27);
    keysC[5][1] = digitalRead(28);
    keysC[5][2] = digitalRead(29);
    keysC[5][3] = digitalRead(30);
    keysC[5][4] = digitalRead(31);

  //Keys 31-40
    keysC[5][5] = digitalRead(32);
    keysC[6][0] = digitalRead(33);
    keysC[6][1] = digitalRead(34);
    keysC[6][2] = digitalRead(35);
    keysC[6][3] = digitalRead(36);
    keysC[6][4] = digitalRead(37);
    keysC[6][5] = digitalRead(38);
    keysC[7][0] = digitalRead(39);
    keysC[7][1] = digitalRead(40);
    keysC[7][2] = digitalRead(41);

  //Keys 41-50

    keysC[7][3] = digitalRead(42);
    keysC[7][4] = digitalRead(43);
    keysC[7][5] = digitalRead(44);
    keysC[8][0] = digitalRead(45);
    keysC[8][1] = digitalRead(46);
    keysC[8][2] = digitalRead(47);
    keysC[8][3] = digitalRead(48);
    keysC[8][4] = digitalRead(49);
    keysC[8][5] = digitalRead(50);
    keysC[9][0] = digitalRead(51);
  //Keys 51-61

    keysC[9][1] = digitalRead(52);
    keysC[9][2] = digitalRead(53);
    keysC[9][3] = digitalRead(A0);
    keysC[9][4] = digitalRead(A1);
    keysC[9][5] = digitalRead(A2);
    keysC[10][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysC[10][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysC[10][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysC[10][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysC[10][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysC[10][5] = digitalRead(A8);
  pinMode(A11, INPUT);

  // Read Keyboard D

  pinMode(A12, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A12, LOW);
  //Keys 1-10

    keysD[0][0] = digitalRead(2);
    keysD[1][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysD[1][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysD[1][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysD[1][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysD[1][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysD[1][5] = digitalRead(8);
    keysD[2][0] = digitalRead(9);
    keysD[2][1] = digitalRead(10);
    keysD[2][2] = digitalRead(11);
  //Keys 11-20
    keysD[2][3] = digitalRead(12);
    keysD[2][4] = digitalRead(13);
    keysD[2][5] = digitalRead(14);
    keysD[3][0] = digitalRead(15);
    keysD[3][1] = digitalRead(16);
    keysD[3][2] = digitalRead(17);
    keysD[3][3] = digitalRead(18);
    keysD[3][4] = digitalRead(19);
    keysD[3][5] = digitalRead(20);
    keysD[4][0] = digitalRead(21);

  //Keys 21-30

    keysD[4][1] = digitalRead(22);
    keysD[4][2] = digitalRead(23);
    keysD[4][3] = digitalRead(24);
    keysD[4][4] = digitalRead(25);
    keysD[4][5] = digitalRead(26);
    keysD[5][0] = digitalRead(27);
    keysD[5][1] = digitalRead(28);
    keysD[5][2] = digitalRead(29);
    keysD[5][3] = digitalRead(30);
    keysD[5][4] = digitalRead(31);

  //Keys 31-40
    keysD[5][5] = digitalRead(32);
    keysD[6][0] = digitalRead(33);
    keysD[6][1] = digitalRead(34);
    keysD[6][2] = digitalRead(35);
    keysD[6][3] = digitalRead(36);
    keysD[6][4] = digitalRead(37);
    keysD[6][5] = digitalRead(38);
    keysD[7][0] = digitalRead(39);
    keysD[7][1] = digitalRead(40);
    keysD[7][2] = digitalRead(41);

  //Keys 41-50

    keysD[7][3] = digitalRead(42);
    keysD[7][4] = digitalRead(43);
    keysD[7][5] = digitalRead(44);
    keysD[8][0] = digitalRead(45);
    keysD[8][1] = digitalRead(46);
    keysD[8][2] = digitalRead(47);
    keysD[8][3] = digitalRead(48);
    keysD[8][4] = digitalRead(49);
    keysD[8][5] = digitalRead(50);
    keysD[9][0] = digitalRead(51);

  //Keys 51-61

    keysD[9][1] = digitalRead(52);
    keysD[9][2] = digitalRead(53);
    keysD[9][3] = digitalRead(A0);
    keysD[9][4] = digitalRead(A1);
    keysD[9][5] = digitalRead(A2);
    keysD[10][0] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysD[10][1] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysD[10][2] = digitalRead(A5);
    keysD[10][3] = digitalRead(A6);
    keysD[10][4] = digitalRead(A7);
    keysD[10][5] = digitalRead(A8);
  pinMode(A12, INPUT);

  //Return pins to Initialized state

  //Pins 1-10
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);
  pinMode(5, INPUT);
  pinMode(6, INPUT);
  pinMode(7, INPUT);
  pinMode(8, INPUT);
  pinMode(9, INPUT);
  pinMode(10, INPUT);
  pinMode(11, INPUT);

  //Pins 11-20
  pinMode(12, INPUT);
  pinMode(13, INPUT);
  pinMode(14, INPUT);
  pinMode(15, INPUT);
  pinMode(16, INPUT);
  pinMode(17, INPUT);
  pinMode(18, INPUT);
  pinMode(19, INPUT);
  pinMode(20, INPUT);
  pinMode(21, INPUT);

  //Pins 21-30
  pinMode(22, INPUT);
  pinMode(23, INPUT);
  pinMode(24, INPUT);
  pinMode(25, INPUT);
  pinMode(26, INPUT);
  pinMode(27, INPUT);
  pinMode(28, INPUT);
  pinMode(29, INPUT);
  pinMode(30, INPUT);
  pinMode(31, INPUT);

  //Pins 31-40
  pinMode(32, INPUT);
  pinMode(33, INPUT);
  pinMode(34, INPUT);
  pinMode(35, INPUT);
  pinMode(36, INPUT);
  pinMode(37, INPUT);
  pinMode(38, INPUT);
  pinMode(39, INPUT);
  pinMode(40, INPUT);
  pinMode(41, INPUT);

  //Pins 41-50
  pinMode(42, INPUT);
  pinMode(43, INPUT);
  pinMode(44, INPUT);
  pinMode(45, INPUT);
  pinMode(46, INPUT);
  pinMode(47, INPUT);
  pinMode(48, INPUT);
  pinMode(49, INPUT);
  pinMode(50, INPUT);
  pinMode(51, INPUT);

  //Pins 51-61
  pinMode(52, INPUT);
  pinMode(53, INPUT);
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(A1, INPUT);
  pinMode(A2, INPUT);
  pinMode(A3, INPUT);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT);
  pinMode(A6, INPUT);
  pinMode(A7, INPUT);
  pinMode(A8, INPUT);

  //Column Pins
  pinMode(A9, INPUT);
  pinMode(A10, INPUT);
  pinMode(A11, INPUT);
  pinMode(A12, INPUT);

  //Pot Pins
  pinMode(A13, INPUT);
  pinMode(A14, INPUT);
  pinMode(A15, INPUT);

  //Invert Keyboard data only if needed.
  //Example only for 32 pedals of a pedalboard, first 32 keys of keyboard C.

  //Column 1

  if (keysC[0][0] == 0) {
    keysC[0][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[0][0] == 1) {
    keysC[0][0] = 0;

  //Column 2
  if (keysC[1][0] == 0) {
    keysC[1][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][0] == 1) {
    keysC[1][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][1] == 0) {
    keysC[1][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][1] == 1) {
    keysC[1][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][2] == 0) {
    keysC[1][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][2] == 1) {
    keysC[1][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][3] == 0) {
    keysC[1][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][3] == 1) {
    keysC[1][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][4] == 0) {
    keysC[1][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][4] == 1) {
    keysC[1][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][5] == 0) {
    keysC[1][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][5] == 1) {
    keysC[1][5] = 0;

  //Column 3

  if (keysC[2][0] == 0) {
    keysC[2][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][0] == 1) {
    keysC[2][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][1] == 0) {
    keysC[2][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][1] == 1) {
    keysC[2][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][2] == 0) {
    keysC[2][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][2] == 1) {
    keysC[2][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][3] == 0) {
    keysC[2][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][3] == 1) {
    keysC[2][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][4] == 0) {
    keysC[2][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][4] == 1) {
    keysC[2][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][5] == 0) {
    keysC[2][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][5] == 1) {
    keysC[2][5] = 0;

  //Column 4

  if (keysC[3][0] == 0) {
    keysC[3][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][0] == 1) {
    keysC[3][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][1] == 0) {
    keysC[3][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][1] == 1) {
    keysC[3][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][2] == 0) {
    keysC[3][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][2] == 1) {
    keysC[3][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][3] == 0) {
    keysC[3][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][3] == 1) {
    keysC[3][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][4] == 0) {
    keysC[3][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][4] == 1) {
    keysC[3][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][5] == 0) {
    keysC[3][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][5] == 1) {
    keysC[3][5] = 0;

  //Column 5

  if (keysC[4][0] == 0) {
    keysC[4][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][0] == 1) {
    keysC[4][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][1] == 0) {
    keysC[4][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][1] == 1) {
    keysC[4][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][2] == 0) {
    keysC[4][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][2] == 1) {
    keysC[4][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][3] == 0) {
    keysC[4][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][3] == 1) {
    keysC[4][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][4] == 0) {
    keysC[4][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][4] == 1) {
    keysC[4][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][5] == 0) {
    keysC[4][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][5] == 1) {
    keysC[4][5] = 0;

  //Column 6

  if (keysC[5][0] == 0) {
    keysC[5][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][0] == 1) {
    keysC[5][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][1] == 0) {
    keysC[5][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][1] == 1) {
    keysC[5][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][2] == 0) {
    keysC[5][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][2] == 1) {
    keysC[5][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][3] == 0) {
    keysC[5][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][3] == 1) {
    keysC[5][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][4] == 0) {
    keysC[5][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][4] == 1) {
    keysC[5][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][5] == 0) {
    keysC[5][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][5] == 1) {
    keysC[5][5] = 0;

  //Column 7

  if (keysC[6][0] == 0) {
    keysC[6][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[6][0] == 1) {
    keysC[6][0] = 0;
  //Write Keyboard A

  if ((keysA[0][0] == 0) and (lastA[0][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 36, velocity);
    lastA[0][0] = 7;
  if ((keysA[0][0] == 1) and (lastA[0][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 36, velocity);
    lastA[0][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][0] == 0) and (lastA[1][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 37, velocity);
    lastA[1][0] = 7;
  if ((keysA[1][0] == 1) and (lastA[1][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 37, velocity);
    lastA[1][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][1] == 0) and (lastA[1][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 38, velocity);
    lastA[1][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][1] == 1) and (lastA[1][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 38, velocity);
    lastA[1][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][2] == 0) and (lastA[1][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 39, velocity);
    lastA[1][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][2] == 1) and (lastA[1][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 39, velocity);
    lastA[1][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][3] == 0) and (lastA[1][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 40, velocity);
    lastA[1][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][3] == 1) and (lastA[1][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 40, velocity);
    lastA[1][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][4] == 0) and (lastA[1][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 41, velocity);
    lastA[1][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][4] == 1) and (lastA[1][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 41, velocity);
    lastA[1][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[1][5] == 0) and (lastA[1][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 42, velocity);
    lastA[1][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[1][5] == 1) and (lastA[1][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 42, velocity);
    lastA[1][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][0] == 0) and (lastA[2][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 43, velocity);
    lastA[2][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][0] == 1) and (lastA[2][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 43, velocity);
    lastA[2][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][1] == 0) and (lastA[2][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 44, velocity);
    lastA[2][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][1] == 1) and (lastA[2][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 44, velocity);
    lastA[2][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][2] == 0) and (lastA[2][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 45, velocity);
    lastA[2][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][2] == 1) and (lastA[2][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 45, velocity);
    lastA[2][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][3] == 0) and (lastA[2][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 46, velocity);
    lastA[2][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][3] == 1) and (lastA[2][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 46, velocity);
    lastA[2][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][4] == 0) and (lastA[2][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 47, velocity);
    lastA[2][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][4] == 1) and (lastA[2][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 47, velocity);
    lastA[2][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[2][5] == 0) and (lastA[2][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 48, velocity);
    lastA[2][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[2][5] == 1) and (lastA[2][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 48, velocity);
    lastA[2][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][0] == 0) and (lastA[3][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 49, velocity);
    lastA[3][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][0] == 1) and (lastA[3][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 49, velocity);
    lastA[3][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][1] == 0) and (lastA[3][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 50, velocity);
    lastA[3][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][1] == 1) and (lastA[3][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 50, velocity);
    lastA[3][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][2] == 0) and (lastA[3][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 51, velocity);
    lastA[3][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][2] == 1) and (lastA[3][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 51, velocity);
    lastA[3][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][3] == 0) and (lastA[3][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 52, velocity);
    lastA[3][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][3] == 1) and (lastA[3][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 52, velocity);
    lastA[3][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][4] == 0) and (lastA[3][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 53, velocity);
    lastA[3][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][4] == 1) and (lastA[3][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 53, velocity);
    lastA[3][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[3][5] == 0) and (lastA[3][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 54, velocity);
    lastA[3][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[3][5] == 1) and (lastA[3][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 54, velocity);
    lastA[3][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][0] == 0) and (lastA[4][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 55, velocity);
    lastA[4][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][0] == 1) and (lastA[4][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 55, velocity);
    lastA[4][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][1] == 0) and (lastA[4][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 56, velocity);
    lastA[4][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][1] == 1) and (lastA[4][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 56, velocity);
    lastA[4][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][2] == 0) and (lastA[4][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 57, velocity);
    lastA[4][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][2] == 1) and (lastA[4][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 57, velocity);
    lastA[4][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][3] == 0) and (lastA[4][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 58, velocity);
    lastA[4][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][3] == 1) and (lastA[4][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 58, velocity);
    lastA[4][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][4] == 0) and (lastA[4][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 59, velocity);
    lastA[4][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][4] == 1) and (lastA[4][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 59, velocity);
    lastA[4][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[4][5] == 0) and (lastA[4][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 60, velocity);
    lastA[4][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[4][5] == 1) and (lastA[4][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 60, velocity);
    lastA[4][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][0] == 0) and (lastA[5][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 61, velocity);
    lastA[5][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][0] == 1) and (lastA[5][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 61, velocity);
    lastA[5][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][1] == 0) and (lastA[5][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 62, velocity);
    lastA[5][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][1] == 1) and (lastA[5][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 62, velocity);
    lastA[5][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][2] == 0) and (lastA[5][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 63, velocity);
    lastA[5][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][2] == 1) and (lastA[5][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 63, velocity);
    lastA[5][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][3] == 0) and (lastA[5][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 64, velocity);
    lastA[5][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][3] == 1) and (lastA[5][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 64, velocity);
    lastA[5][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][4] == 0) and (lastA[5][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 65, velocity);
    lastA[5][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][4] == 1) and (lastA[5][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 65, velocity);
    lastA[5][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[5][5] == 0) and (lastA[5][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 66, velocity);
    lastA[5][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[5][5] == 1) and (lastA[5][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 66, velocity);
    lastA[5][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][0] == 0) and (lastA[6][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 67, velocity);
    lastA[6][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][0] == 1) and (lastA[6][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 67, velocity);
    lastA[6][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][1] == 0) and (lastA[6][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 68, velocity);
    lastA[6][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][1] == 1) and (lastA[6][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 68, velocity);
    lastA[6][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][2] == 0) and (lastA[6][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 69, velocity);
    lastA[6][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][2] == 1) and (lastA[6][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 69, velocity);
    lastA[6][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][3] == 0) and (lastA[6][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 70, velocity);
    lastA[6][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][3] == 1) and (lastA[6][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 70, velocity);
    lastA[6][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][4] == 0) and (lastA[6][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 71, velocity);
    lastA[6][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][4] == 1) and (lastA[6][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 71, velocity);
    lastA[6][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[6][5] == 0) and (lastA[6][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 72, velocity);
    lastA[6][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[6][5] == 1) and (lastA[6][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 72, velocity);
    lastA[6][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][0] == 0) and (lastA[7][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 73, velocity);
    lastA[7][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][0] == 1) and (lastA[7][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 73, velocity);
    lastA[7][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][1] == 0) and (lastA[7][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 74, velocity);
    lastA[7][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][1] == 1) and (lastA[7][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 74, velocity);
    lastA[7][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][2] == 0) and (lastA[7][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 75, velocity);
    lastA[7][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][2] == 1) and (lastA[7][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 75, velocity);
    lastA[7][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][3] == 0) and (lastA[7][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 76, velocity);
    lastA[7][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][3] == 1) and (lastA[7][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 76, velocity);
    lastA[7][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][4] == 0) and (lastA[7][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 77, velocity);
    lastA[7][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][4] == 1) and (lastA[7][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 77, velocity);
    lastA[7][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[7][5] == 0) and (lastA[7][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 78, velocity);
    lastA[7][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[7][5] == 1) and (lastA[7][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 78, velocity);
    lastA[7][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][0] == 0) and (lastA[8][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 79, velocity);
    lastA[8][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][0] == 1) and (lastA[8][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 79, velocity);
    lastA[8][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][1] == 0) and (lastA[8][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 80, velocity);
    lastA[8][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][1] == 1) and (lastA[8][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 80, velocity);
    lastA[8][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][2] == 0) and (lastA[8][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 81, velocity);
    lastA[8][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][2] == 1) and (lastA[8][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 81, velocity);
    lastA[8][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][3] == 0) and (lastA[8][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 82, velocity);
    lastA[8][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][3] == 1) and (lastA[8][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 82, velocity);
    lastA[8][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][4] == 0) and (lastA[8][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 83, velocity);
    lastA[8][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][4] == 1) and (lastA[8][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 83, velocity);
    lastA[8][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[8][5] == 0) and (lastA[8][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 84, velocity);
    lastA[8][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[8][5] == 1) and (lastA[8][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 84, velocity);
    lastA[8][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][0] == 0) and (lastA[9][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 85, velocity);
    lastA[9][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][0] == 1) and (lastA[9][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 85, velocity);
    lastA[9][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][1] == 0) and (lastA[9][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 86, velocity);
    lastA[9][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][1] == 1) and (lastA[9][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 86, velocity);
    lastA[9][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][2] == 0) and (lastA[9][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 87, velocity);
    lastA[9][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][2] == 1) and (lastA[9][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 87, velocity);
    lastA[9][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][3] == 0) and (lastA[9][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 88, velocity);
    lastA[9][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][3] == 1) and (lastA[9][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 88, velocity);
    lastA[9][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][4] == 0) and (lastA[9][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 89, velocity);
    lastA[9][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][4] == 1) and (lastA[9][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 89, velocity);
    lastA[9][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[9][5] == 0) and (lastA[9][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 90, velocity);
    lastA[9][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[9][5] == 1) and (lastA[9][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 90, velocity);
    lastA[9][5] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][0] == 0) and (lastA[10][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 91, velocity);
    lastA[10][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][0] == 1) and (lastA[10][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 91, velocity);
    lastA[10][0] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][1] == 0) and (lastA[10][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 92, velocity);
    lastA[10][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][1] == 1) and (lastA[10][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 92, velocity);
    lastA[10][1] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][2] == 0) and (lastA[10][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 93, velocity);
    lastA[10][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][2] == 1) and (lastA[10][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 93, velocity);
    lastA[10][2] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][3] == 0) and (lastA[10][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 94, velocity);
    lastA[10][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][3] == 1) and (lastA[10][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 94, velocity);
    lastA[10][3] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][4] == 0) and (lastA[10][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 95, velocity);
    lastA[10][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][4] == 1) and (lastA[10][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 95, velocity);
    lastA[10][4] = 0;

  if ((keysA[10][5] == 0) and (lastA[10][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 96, velocity);
    lastA[10][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysA[10][5] == 1) and (lastA[10][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 96, velocity);
    lastA[10][5] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard B

  if ((keysB[0][0] == 0) and (lastB[0][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 36, velocity);
    lastB[0][0] = 7;
  if ((keysB[0][0] == 1) and (lastB[0][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 36, velocity);
    lastB[0][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][0] == 0) and (lastB[1][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 37, velocity);
    lastB[1][0] = 7;
  if ((keysB[1][0] == 1) and (lastB[1][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 37, velocity);
    lastB[1][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][1] == 0) and (lastB[1][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 38, velocity);
    lastB[1][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][1] == 1) and (lastB[1][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 38, velocity);
    lastB[1][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][2] == 0) and (lastB[1][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 39, velocity);
    lastB[1][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][2] == 1) and (lastB[1][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 39, velocity);
    lastB[1][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][3] == 0) and (lastB[1][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 40, velocity);
    lastB[1][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][3] == 1) and (lastB[1][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 40, velocity);
    lastB[1][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][4] == 0) and (lastB[1][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 41, velocity);
    lastB[1][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][4] == 1) and (lastB[1][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 41, velocity);
    lastB[1][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[1][5] == 0) and (lastB[1][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 42, velocity);
    lastB[1][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[1][5] == 1) and (lastB[1][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 42, velocity);
    lastB[1][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][0] == 0) and (lastB[2][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 43, velocity);
    lastB[2][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][0] == 1) and (lastB[2][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 43, velocity);
    lastB[2][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][1] == 0) and (lastB[2][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 44, velocity);
    lastB[2][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][1] == 1) and (lastB[2][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 44, velocity);
    lastB[2][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][2] == 0) and (lastB[2][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 45, velocity);
    lastB[2][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][2] == 1) and (lastB[2][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 45, velocity);
    lastB[2][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][3] == 0) and (lastB[2][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 46, velocity);
    lastB[2][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][3] == 1) and (lastB[2][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 46, velocity);
    lastB[2][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][4] == 0) and (lastB[2][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 47, velocity);
    lastB[2][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][4] == 1) and (lastB[2][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 47, velocity);
    lastB[2][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[2][5] == 0) and (lastB[2][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 48, velocity);
    lastB[2][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[2][5] == 1) and (lastB[2][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 48, velocity);
    lastB[2][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][0] == 0) and (lastB[3][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 49, velocity);
    lastB[3][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][0] == 1) and (lastB[3][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 49, velocity);
    lastB[3][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][1] == 0) and (lastB[3][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 50, velocity);
    lastB[3][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][1] == 1) and (lastB[3][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 50, velocity);
    lastB[3][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][2] == 0) and (lastB[3][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 51, velocity);
    lastB[3][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][2] == 1) and (lastB[3][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 51, velocity);
    lastB[3][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][3] == 0) and (lastB[3][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 52, velocity);
    lastB[3][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][3] == 1) and (lastB[3][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 52, velocity);
    lastB[3][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][4] == 0) and (lastB[3][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 53, velocity);
    lastB[3][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][4] == 1) and (lastB[3][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 53, velocity);
    lastB[3][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[3][5] == 0) and (lastB[3][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 54, velocity);
    lastB[3][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[3][5] == 1) and (lastB[3][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 54, velocity);
    lastB[3][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][0] == 0) and (lastB[4][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 55, velocity);
    lastB[4][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][0] == 1) and (lastB[4][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 55, velocity);
    lastB[4][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][1] == 0) and (lastB[4][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 56, velocity);
    lastB[4][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][1] == 1) and (lastB[4][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 56, velocity);
    lastB[4][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][2] == 0) and (lastB[4][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 57, velocity);
    lastB[4][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][2] == 1) and (lastB[4][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 57, velocity);
    lastB[4][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][3] == 0) and (lastB[4][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 58, velocity);
    lastB[4][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][3] == 1) and (lastB[4][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 58, velocity);
    lastB[4][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][4] == 0) and (lastB[4][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 59, velocity);
    lastB[4][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][4] == 1) and (lastB[4][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 59, velocity);
    lastB[4][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[4][5] == 0) and (lastB[4][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 60, velocity);
    lastB[4][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[4][5] == 1) and (lastB[4][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 60, velocity);
    lastB[4][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][0] == 0) and (lastB[5][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 61, velocity);
    lastB[5][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][0] == 1) and (lastB[5][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 61, velocity);
    lastB[5][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][1] == 0) and (lastB[5][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 62, velocity);
    lastB[5][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][1] == 1) and (lastB[5][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 62, velocity);
    lastB[5][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][2] == 0) and (lastB[5][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 63, velocity);
    lastB[5][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][2] == 1) and (lastB[5][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 63, velocity);
    lastB[5][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][3] == 0) and (lastB[5][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 64, velocity);
    lastB[5][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][3] == 1) and (lastB[5][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 64, velocity);
    lastB[5][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][4] == 0) and (lastB[5][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 65, velocity);
    lastB[5][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][4] == 1) and (lastB[5][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 65, velocity);
    lastB[5][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[5][5] == 0) and (lastB[5][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 66, velocity);
    lastB[5][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[5][5] == 1) and (lastB[5][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 66, velocity);
    lastB[5][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][0] == 0) and (lastB[6][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 67, velocity);
    lastB[6][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][0] == 1) and (lastB[6][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 67, velocity);
    lastB[6][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][1] == 0) and (lastB[6][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 68, velocity);
    lastB[6][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][1] == 1) and (lastB[6][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 68, velocity);
    lastB[6][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][2] == 0) and (lastB[6][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 69, velocity);
    lastB[6][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][2] == 1) and (lastB[6][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 69, velocity);
    lastB[6][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][3] == 0) and (lastB[6][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 70, velocity);
    lastB[6][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][3] == 1) and (lastB[6][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 70, velocity);
    lastB[6][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][4] == 0) and (lastB[6][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 71, velocity);
    lastB[6][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][4] == 1) and (lastB[6][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 71, velocity);
    lastB[6][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[6][5] == 0) and (lastB[6][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 72, velocity);
    lastB[6][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[6][5] == 1) and (lastB[6][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 72, velocity);
    lastB[6][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][0] == 0) and (lastB[7][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 73, velocity);
    lastB[7][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][0] == 1) and (lastB[7][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 73, velocity);
    lastB[7][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][1] == 0) and (lastB[7][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 74, velocity);
    lastB[7][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][1] == 1) and (lastB[7][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 74, velocity);
    lastB[7][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][2] == 0) and (lastB[7][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 75, velocity);
    lastB[7][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][2] == 1) and (lastB[7][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 75, velocity);
    lastB[7][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][3] == 0) and (lastB[7][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 76, velocity);
    lastB[7][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][3] == 1) and (lastB[7][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 76, velocity);
    lastB[7][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][4] == 0) and (lastB[7][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 77, velocity);
    lastB[7][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][4] == 1) and (lastB[7][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 77, velocity);
    lastB[7][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[7][5] == 0) and (lastB[7][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 78, velocity);
    lastB[7][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[7][5] == 1) and (lastB[7][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 78, velocity);
    lastB[7][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][0] == 0) and (lastB[8][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 79, velocity);
    lastB[8][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][0] == 1) and (lastB[8][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity);
    lastB[8][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][1] == 0) and (lastB[8][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 80, velocity);
    lastB[8][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][1] == 1) and (lastB[8][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 80, velocity);
    lastB[8][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][2] == 0) and (lastB[8][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 81, velocity);
    lastB[8][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][2] == 1) and (lastB[8][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 81, velocity);
    lastB[8][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][3] == 0) and (lastB[8][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 82, velocity);
    lastB[8][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][3] == 1) and (lastB[8][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 82, velocity);
    lastB[8][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][4] == 0) and (lastB[8][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 83, velocity);
    lastB[8][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][4] == 1) and (lastB[8][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 83, velocity);
    lastB[8][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[8][5] == 0) and (lastB[8][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 84, velocity);
    lastB[8][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[8][5] == 1) and (lastB[8][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 84, velocity);
    lastB[8][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][0] == 0) and (lastB[9][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 85, velocity);
    lastB[9][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][0] == 1) and (lastB[9][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 85, velocity);
    lastB[9][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][1] == 0) and (lastB[9][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity);
    lastB[9][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][1] == 1) and (lastB[9][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 86, velocity);
    lastB[9][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][2] == 0) and (lastB[9][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 87, velocity);
    lastB[9][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][2] == 1) and (lastB[9][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 87, velocity);
    lastB[9][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][3] == 0) and (lastB[9][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 88, velocity);
    lastB[9][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][3] == 1) and (lastB[9][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 88, velocity);
    lastB[9][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][4] == 0) and (lastB[9][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 89, velocity);
    lastB[9][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][4] == 1) and (lastB[9][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 89, velocity);
    lastB[9][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[9][5] == 0) and (lastB[9][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 90, velocity);
    lastB[9][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[9][5] == 1) and (lastB[9][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 90, velocity);
    lastB[9][5] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][0] == 0) and (lastB[10][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 91, velocity);
    lastB[10][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][0] == 1) and (lastB[10][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 91, velocity);
    lastB[10][0] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][1] == 0) and (lastB[10][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 92, velocity);
    lastB[10][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][1] == 1) and (lastB[10][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 92, velocity);
    lastB[10][1] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][2] == 0) and (lastB[10][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 93, velocity);
    lastB[10][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][2] == 1) and (lastB[10][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 93, velocity);
    lastB[10][2] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][3] == 0) and (lastB[10][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 94, velocity);
    lastB[10][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][3] == 1) and (lastB[10][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 94, velocity);
    lastB[10][3] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][4] == 0) and (lastB[10][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 95, velocity);
    lastB[10][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][4] == 1) and (lastB[10][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 95, velocity);
    lastB[10][4] = 0;

  if ((keysB[10][5] == 0) and (lastB[10][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 96, velocity);
    lastB[10][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysB[10][5] == 1) and (lastB[10][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 96, velocity);
    lastB[10][5] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard C

  if ((keysC[0][0] == 0) and (lastC[0][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity);
    lastC[0][0] = 7;
  if ((keysC[0][0] == 1) and (lastC[0][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity);
    lastC[0][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][0] == 0) and (lastC[1][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity);
    lastC[1][0] = 7;
  if ((keysC[1][0] == 1) and (lastC[1][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity);
    lastC[1][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][1] == 0) and (lastC[1][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity);
    lastC[1][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][1] == 1) and (lastC[1][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity);
    lastC[1][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][2] == 0) and (lastC[1][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity);
    lastC[1][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][2] == 1) and (lastC[1][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity);
    lastC[1][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][3] == 0) and (lastC[1][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity);
    lastC[1][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][3] == 1) and (lastC[1][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity);
    lastC[1][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][4] == 0) and (lastC[1][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity);
    lastC[1][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][4] == 1) and (lastC[1][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity);
    lastC[1][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][5] == 0) and (lastC[1][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity);
    lastC[1][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][5] == 1) and (lastC[1][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity);
    lastC[1][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][0] == 0) and (lastC[2][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity);
    lastC[2][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][0] == 1) and (lastC[2][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity);
    lastC[2][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][1] == 0) and (lastC[2][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity);
    lastC[2][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][1] == 1) and (lastC[2][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity);
    lastC[2][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][2] == 0) and (lastC[2][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity);
    lastC[2][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][2] == 1) and (lastC[2][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity);
    lastC[2][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][3] == 0) and (lastC[2][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity);
    lastC[2][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][3] == 1) and (lastC[2][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity);
    lastC[2][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][4] == 0) and (lastC[2][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity);
    lastC[2][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][4] == 1) and (lastC[2][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity);
    lastC[2][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][5] == 0) and (lastC[2][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity);
    lastC[2][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][5] == 1) and (lastC[2][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity);
    lastC[2][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][0] == 0) and (lastC[3][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity);
    lastC[3][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][0] == 1) and (lastC[3][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity);
    lastC[3][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][1] == 0) and (lastC[3][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity);
    lastC[3][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][1] == 1) and (lastC[3][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity);
    lastC[3][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][2] == 0) and (lastC[3][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity);
    lastC[3][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][2] == 1) and (lastC[3][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity);
    lastC[3][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][3] == 0) and (lastC[3][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity);
    lastC[3][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][3] == 1) and (lastC[3][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity);
    lastC[3][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][4] == 0) and (lastC[3][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity);
    lastC[3][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][4] == 1) and (lastC[3][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity);
    lastC[3][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][5] == 0) and (lastC[3][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity);
    lastC[3][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][5] == 1) and (lastC[3][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity);
    lastC[3][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][0] == 0) and (lastC[4][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity);
    lastC[4][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][0] == 1) and (lastC[4][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity);
    lastC[4][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][1] == 0) and (lastC[4][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity);
    lastC[4][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][1] == 1) and (lastC[4][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity);
    lastC[4][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][2] == 0) and (lastC[4][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity);
    lastC[4][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][2] == 1) and (lastC[4][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity);
    lastC[4][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][3] == 0) and (lastC[4][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity);
    lastC[4][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][3] == 1) and (lastC[4][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity);
    lastC[4][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][4] == 0) and (lastC[4][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity);
    lastC[4][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][4] == 1) and (lastC[4][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity);
    lastC[4][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][5] == 0) and (lastC[4][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity);
    lastC[4][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][5] == 1) and (lastC[4][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity);
    lastC[4][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][0] == 0) and (lastC[5][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity);
    lastC[5][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][0] == 1) and (lastC[5][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity);
    lastC[5][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][1] == 0) and (lastC[5][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity);
    lastC[5][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][1] == 1) and (lastC[5][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity);
    lastC[5][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][2] == 0) and (lastC[5][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity);
    lastC[5][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][2] == 1) and (lastC[5][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity);
    lastC[5][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][3] == 0) and (lastC[5][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity);
    lastC[5][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][3] == 1) and (lastC[5][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity);
    lastC[5][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][4] == 0) and (lastC[5][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity);
    lastC[5][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][4] == 1) and (lastC[5][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity);
    lastC[5][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][5] == 0) and (lastC[5][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity);
    lastC[5][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][5] == 1) and (lastC[5][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity);
    lastC[5][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[6][0] == 0) and (lastC[6][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity);
    lastC[6][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[6][0] == 1) and (lastC[6][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity);
    lastC[6][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[6][1] == 0) and (lastC[6][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 68, velocity);
    lastC[6][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[6][1] == 1) and (lastC[6][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 68, velocity);
    lastC[6][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[6][2] == 0) and (lastC[6][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 69, velocity);
    lastC[6][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[6][2] == 1) and (lastC[6][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 69, velocity);
    lastC[6][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[6][3] == 0) and (lastC[6][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 70, velocity);
    lastC[6][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[6][3] == 1) and (lastC[6][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 70, velocity);
    lastC[6][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[6][4] == 0) and (lastC[6][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 71, velocity);
    lastC[6][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[6][4] == 1) and (lastC[6][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 71, velocity);
    lastC[6][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[6][5] == 0) and (lastC[6][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 72, velocity);
    lastC[6][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[6][5] == 1) and (lastC[6][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 72, velocity);
    lastC[6][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[7][0] == 0) and (lastC[7][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 73, velocity);
    lastC[7][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[7][0] == 1) and (lastC[7][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 73, velocity);
    lastC[7][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[7][1] == 0) and (lastC[7][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 74, velocity);
    lastC[7][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[7][1] == 1) and (lastC[7][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 74, velocity);
    lastC[7][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[7][2] == 0) and (lastC[7][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 75, velocity);
    lastC[7][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[7][2] == 1) and (lastC[7][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 75, velocity);
    lastC[7][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[7][3] == 0) and (lastC[7][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 76, velocity);
    lastC[7][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[7][3] == 1) and (lastC[7][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 76, velocity);
    lastC[7][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[7][4] == 0) and (lastC[7][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 77, velocity);
    lastC[7][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[7][4] == 1) and (lastC[7][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 77, velocity);
    lastC[7][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[7][5] == 0) and (lastC[7][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 78, velocity);
    lastC[7][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[7][5] == 1) and (lastC[7][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 78, velocity);
    lastC[7][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[8][0] == 0) and (lastC[8][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 79, velocity);
    lastC[8][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[8][0] == 1) and (lastC[8][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity);
    lastC[8][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[8][1] == 0) and (lastC[8][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 80, velocity);
    lastC[8][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[8][1] == 1) and (lastC[8][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 80, velocity);
    lastC[8][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[8][2] == 0) and (lastC[8][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 81, velocity);
    lastC[8][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[8][2] == 1) and (lastC[8][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 81, velocity);
    lastC[8][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[8][3] == 0) and (lastC[8][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 82, velocity);
    lastC[8][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[8][3] == 1) and (lastC[8][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 82, velocity);
    lastC[8][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[8][4] == 0) and (lastC[8][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 83, velocity);
    lastC[8][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[8][4] == 1) and (lastC[8][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 83, velocity);
    lastC[8][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[8][5] == 0) and (lastC[8][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 84, velocity);
    lastC[8][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[8][5] == 1) and (lastC[8][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 84, velocity);
    lastC[8][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[9][0] == 0) and (lastC[9][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 85, velocity);
    lastC[9][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[9][0] == 1) and (lastC[9][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 85, velocity);
    lastC[9][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[9][1] == 0) and (lastC[9][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity);
    lastC[9][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[9][1] == 1) and (lastC[9][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 86, velocity);
    lastC[9][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[9][2] == 0) and (lastC[9][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 87, velocity);
    lastC[9][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[9][2] == 1) and (lastC[9][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 87, velocity);
    lastC[9][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[9][3] == 0) and (lastC[9][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 88, velocity);
    lastC[9][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[9][3] == 1) and (lastC[9][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 88, velocity);
    lastC[9][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[9][4] == 0) and (lastC[9][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 89, velocity);
    lastC[9][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[9][4] == 1) and (lastC[9][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 89, velocity);
    lastC[9][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[9][5] == 0) and (lastC[9][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 90, velocity);
    lastC[9][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[9][5] == 1) and (lastC[9][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 90, velocity);
    lastC[9][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[10][0] == 0) and (lastC[10][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 91, velocity);
    lastC[10][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[10][0] == 1) and (lastC[10][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 91, velocity);
    lastC[10][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[10][1] == 0) and (lastC[10][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 92, velocity);
    lastC[10][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[10][1] == 1) and (lastC[10][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 92, velocity);
    lastC[10][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[10][2] == 0) and (lastC[10][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 93, velocity);
    lastC[10][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[10][2] == 1) and (lastC[10][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 93, velocity);
    lastC[10][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[10][3] == 0) and (lastC[10][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 94, velocity);
    lastC[10][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[10][3] == 1) and (lastC[10][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 94, velocity);
    lastC[10][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[10][4] == 0) and (lastC[10][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 95, velocity);
    lastC[10][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[10][4] == 1) and (lastC[10][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 95, velocity);
    lastC[10][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[10][5] == 0) and (lastC[10][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 96, velocity);
    lastC[10][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[10][5] == 1) and (lastC[10][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 96, velocity);
    lastC[10][5] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard D

  if ((keysD[0][0] == 0) and (lastD[0][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 36, velocity);
    lastD[0][0] = 7;
  if ((keysD[0][0] == 1) and (lastD[0][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 36, velocity);
    lastD[0][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[1][0] == 0) and (lastD[1][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 37, velocity);
    lastD[1][0] = 7;
  if ((keysD[1][0] == 1) and (lastD[1][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 37, velocity);
    lastD[1][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[1][1] == 0) and (lastD[1][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 38, velocity);
    lastD[1][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[1][1] == 1) and (lastD[1][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 38, velocity);
    lastD[1][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[1][2] == 0) and (lastD[1][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 39, velocity);
    lastD[1][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[1][2] == 1) and (lastD[1][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 39, velocity);
    lastD[1][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[1][3] == 0) and (lastD[1][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 40, velocity);
    lastD[1][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[1][3] == 1) and (lastD[1][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 40, velocity);
    lastD[1][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[1][4] == 0) and (lastD[1][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 41, velocity);
    lastD[1][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[1][4] == 1) and (lastD[1][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 41, velocity);
    lastD[1][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[1][5] == 0) and (lastD[1][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 42, velocity);
    lastD[1][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[1][5] == 1) and (lastD[1][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 42, velocity);
    lastD[1][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[2][0] == 0) and (lastD[2][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 43, velocity);
    lastD[2][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[2][0] == 1) and (lastD[2][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 43, velocity);
    lastD[2][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[2][1] == 0) and (lastD[2][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 44, velocity);
    lastD[2][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[2][1] == 1) and (lastD[2][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 44, velocity);
    lastD[2][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[2][2] == 0) and (lastD[2][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 45, velocity);
    lastD[2][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[2][2] == 1) and (lastD[2][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 45, velocity);
    lastD[2][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[2][3] == 0) and (lastD[2][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 46, velocity);
    lastD[2][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[2][3] == 1) and (lastD[2][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 46, velocity);
    lastD[2][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[2][4] == 0) and (lastD[2][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 47, velocity);
    lastD[2][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[2][4] == 1) and (lastD[2][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 47, velocity);
    lastD[2][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[2][5] == 0) and (lastD[2][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 48, velocity);
    lastD[2][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[2][5] == 1) and (lastD[2][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 48, velocity);
    lastD[2][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[3][0] == 0) and (lastD[3][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 49, velocity);
    lastD[3][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[3][0] == 1) and (lastD[3][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 49, velocity);
    lastD[3][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[3][1] == 0) and (lastD[3][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 50, velocity);
    lastD[3][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[3][1] == 1) and (lastD[3][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 50, velocity);
    lastD[3][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[3][2] == 0) and (lastD[3][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 51, velocity);
    lastD[3][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[3][2] == 1) and (lastD[3][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 51, velocity);
    lastD[3][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[3][3] == 0) and (lastD[3][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 52, velocity);
    lastD[3][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[3][3] == 1) and (lastD[3][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 52, velocity);
    lastD[3][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[3][4] == 0) and (lastD[3][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 53, velocity);
    lastD[3][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[3][4] == 1) and (lastD[3][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 53, velocity);
    lastD[3][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[3][5] == 0) and (lastD[3][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 54, velocity);
    lastD[3][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[3][5] == 1) and (lastD[3][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 54, velocity);
    lastD[3][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[4][0] == 0) and (lastD[4][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 55, velocity);
    lastD[4][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[4][0] == 1) and (lastD[4][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 55, velocity);
    lastD[4][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[4][1] == 0) and (lastD[4][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 56, velocity);
    lastD[4][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[4][1] == 1) and (lastD[4][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 56, velocity);
    lastD[4][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[4][2] == 0) and (lastD[4][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 57, velocity);
    lastD[4][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[4][2] == 1) and (lastD[4][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 57, velocity);
    lastD[4][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[4][3] == 0) and (lastD[4][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 58, velocity);
    lastD[4][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[4][3] == 1) and (lastD[4][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 58, velocity);
    lastD[4][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[4][4] == 0) and (lastD[4][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 59, velocity);
    lastD[4][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[4][4] == 1) and (lastD[4][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 59, velocity);
    lastD[4][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[4][5] == 0) and (lastD[4][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 60, velocity);
    lastD[4][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[4][5] == 1) and (lastD[4][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 60, velocity);
    lastD[4][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[5][0] == 0) and (lastD[5][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 61, velocity);
    lastD[5][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[5][0] == 1) and (lastD[5][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 61, velocity);
    lastD[5][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[5][1] == 0) and (lastD[5][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 62, velocity);
    lastD[5][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[5][1] == 1) and (lastD[5][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 62, velocity);
    lastD[5][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[5][2] == 0) and (lastD[5][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 63, velocity);
    lastD[5][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[5][2] == 1) and (lastD[5][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 63, velocity);
    lastD[5][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[5][3] == 0) and (lastD[5][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 64, velocity);
    lastD[5][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[5][3] == 1) and (lastD[5][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 64, velocity);
    lastD[5][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[5][4] == 0) and (lastD[5][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 65, velocity);
    lastD[5][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[5][4] == 1) and (lastD[5][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 65, velocity);
    lastD[5][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[5][5] == 0) and (lastD[5][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 66, velocity);
    lastD[5][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[5][5] == 1) and (lastD[5][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 66, velocity);
    lastD[5][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[6][0] == 0) and (lastD[6][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 67, velocity);
    lastD[6][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[6][0] == 1) and (lastD[6][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 67, velocity);
    lastD[6][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[6][1] == 0) and (lastD[6][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 68, velocity);
    lastD[6][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[6][1] == 1) and (lastD[6][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 68, velocity);
    lastD[6][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[6][2] == 0) and (lastD[6][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 69, velocity);
    lastD[6][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[6][2] == 1) and (lastD[6][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 69, velocity);
    lastD[6][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[6][3] == 0) and (lastD[6][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 70, velocity);
    lastD[6][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[6][3] == 1) and (lastD[6][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 70, velocity);
    lastD[6][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[6][4] == 0) and (lastD[6][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 71, velocity);
    lastD[6][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[6][4] == 1) and (lastD[6][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 71, velocity);
    lastD[6][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[6][5] == 0) and (lastD[6][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 72, velocity);
    lastD[6][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[6][5] == 1) and (lastD[6][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 72, velocity);
    lastD[6][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[7][0] == 0) and (lastD[7][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 73, velocity);
    lastD[7][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[7][0] == 1) and (lastD[7][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 73, velocity);
    lastD[7][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[7][1] == 0) and (lastD[7][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 74, velocity);
    lastD[7][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[7][1] == 1) and (lastD[7][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 74, velocity);
    lastD[7][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[7][2] == 0) and (lastD[7][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 75, velocity);
    lastD[7][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[7][2] == 1) and (lastD[7][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 75, velocity);
    lastD[7][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[7][3] == 0) and (lastD[7][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 76, velocity);
    lastD[7][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[7][3] == 1) and (lastD[7][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 76, velocity);
    lastD[7][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[7][4] == 0) and (lastD[7][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 77, velocity);
    lastD[7][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[7][4] == 1) and (lastD[7][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 77, velocity);
    lastD[7][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[7][5] == 0) and (lastD[7][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 78, velocity);
    lastD[7][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[7][5] == 1) and (lastD[7][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 78, velocity);
    lastD[7][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[8][0] == 0) and (lastD[8][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 79, velocity);
    lastD[8][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[8][0] == 1) and (lastD[8][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 79, velocity);
    lastD[8][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[8][1] == 0) and (lastD[8][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 80, velocity);
    lastD[8][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[8][1] == 1) and (lastD[8][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 80, velocity);
    lastD[8][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[8][2] == 0) and (lastD[8][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 81, velocity);
    lastD[8][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[8][2] == 1) and (lastD[8][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 81, velocity);
    lastD[8][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[8][3] == 0) and (lastD[8][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 82, velocity);
    lastD[8][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[8][3] == 1) and (lastD[8][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 82, velocity);
    lastD[8][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[8][4] == 0) and (lastD[8][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 83, velocity);
    lastD[8][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[8][4] == 1) and (lastD[8][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 83, velocity);
    lastD[8][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[8][5] == 0) and (lastD[8][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 84, velocity);
    lastD[8][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[8][5] == 1) and (lastD[8][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 84, velocity);
    lastD[8][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[9][0] == 0) and (lastD[9][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 85, velocity);
    lastD[9][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[9][0] == 1) and (lastD[9][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 85, velocity);
    lastD[9][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[9][1] == 0) and (lastD[9][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 86, velocity);
    lastD[9][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[9][1] == 1) and (lastD[9][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 86, velocity);
    lastD[9][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[9][2] == 0) and (lastD[9][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 87, velocity);
    lastD[9][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[9][2] == 1) and (lastD[9][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 87, velocity);
    lastD[9][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[9][3] == 0) and (lastD[9][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 88, velocity);
    lastD[9][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[9][3] == 1) and (lastD[9][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 88, velocity);
    lastD[9][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[9][4] == 0) and (lastD[9][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 89, velocity);
    lastD[9][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[9][4] == 1) and (lastD[9][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 89, velocity);
    lastD[9][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[9][5] == 0) and (lastD[9][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 90, velocity);
    lastD[9][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[9][5] == 1) and (lastD[9][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 90, velocity);
    lastD[9][5] = 0;

  if ((keysD[10][0] == 0) and (lastD[10][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 91, velocity);
    lastD[10][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[10][0] == 1) and (lastD[10][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 91, velocity);
    lastD[10][0] = 0;

  if ((keysD[10][1] == 0) and (lastD[10][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 92, velocity);
    lastD[10][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[10][1] == 1) and (lastD[10][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 92, velocity);
    lastD[10][1] = 0;

  if ((keysD[10][2] == 0) and (lastD[10][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 93, velocity);
    lastD[10][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[10][2] == 1) and (lastD[10][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 93, velocity);
    lastD[10][2] = 0;

  if ((keysD[10][3] == 0) and (lastD[10][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 94, velocity);
    lastD[10][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[10][3] == 1) and (lastD[10][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 94, velocity);
    lastD[10][3] = 0;

  if ((keysD[10][4] == 0) and (lastD[10][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 95, velocity);
    lastD[10][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[10][4] == 1) and (lastD[10][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 95, velocity);
    lastD[10][4] = 0;

  if ((keysD[10][5] == 0) and (lastD[10][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 96, velocity);
    lastD[10][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysD[10][5] == 1) and (lastD[10][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 96, velocity);
    lastD[10][5] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard C, only for inverted switches, first 32 notes only. 
  if ((keysC[0][0] == 0) and (lastC[0][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity);
    lastC[0][0] = 7;
  if ((keysC[0][0] == 1) and (lastC[0][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity);
    lastC[0][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][0] == 0) and (lastC[1][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity);
    lastC[1][0] = 7;
  if ((keysC[1][0] == 1) and (lastC[1][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity);
    lastC[1][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][1] == 0) and (lastC[1][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity);
    lastC[1][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][1] == 1) and (lastC[1][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity);
    lastC[1][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][2] == 0) and (lastC[1][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity);
    lastC[1][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][2] == 1) and (lastC[1][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity);
    lastC[1][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][3] == 0) and (lastC[1][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity);
    lastC[1][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][3] == 1) and (lastC[1][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity);
    lastC[1][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][4] == 0) and (lastC[1][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity);
    lastC[1][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][4] == 1) and (lastC[1][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity);
    lastC[1][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[1][5] == 0) and (lastC[1][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity);
    lastC[1][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[1][5] == 1) and (lastC[1][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity);
    lastC[1][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][0] == 0) and (lastC[2][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity);
    lastC[2][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][0] == 1) and (lastC[2][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity);
    lastC[2][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][1] == 0) and (lastC[2][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity);
    lastC[2][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][1] == 1) and (lastC[2][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity);
    lastC[2][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][2] == 0) and (lastC[2][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity);
    lastC[2][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][2] == 1) and (lastC[2][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity);
    lastC[2][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][3] == 0) and (lastC[2][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity);
    lastC[2][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][3] == 1) and (lastC[2][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity);
    lastC[2][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][4] == 0) and (lastC[2][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity);
    lastC[2][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][4] == 1) and (lastC[2][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity);
    lastC[2][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[2][5] == 0) and (lastC[2][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity);
    lastC[2][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[2][5] == 1) and (lastC[2][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity);
    lastC[2][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][0] == 0) and (lastC[3][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity);
    lastC[3][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][0] == 1) and (lastC[3][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity);
    lastC[3][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][1] == 0) and (lastC[3][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity);
    lastC[3][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][1] == 1) and (lastC[3][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity);
    lastC[3][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][2] == 0) and (lastC[3][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity);
    lastC[3][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][2] == 1) and (lastC[3][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity);
    lastC[3][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][3] == 0) and (lastC[3][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity);
    lastC[3][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][3] == 1) and (lastC[3][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity);
    lastC[3][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][4] == 0) and (lastC[3][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity);
    lastC[3][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][4] == 1) and (lastC[3][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity);
    lastC[3][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[3][5] == 0) and (lastC[3][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity);
    lastC[3][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[3][5] == 1) and (lastC[3][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity);
    lastC[3][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][0] == 0) and (lastC[4][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity);
    lastC[4][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][0] == 1) and (lastC[4][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity);
    lastC[4][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][1] == 0) and (lastC[4][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity);
    lastC[4][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][1] == 1) and (lastC[4][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity);
    lastC[4][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][2] == 0) and (lastC[4][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity);
    lastC[4][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][2] == 1) and (lastC[4][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity);
    lastC[4][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][3] == 0) and (lastC[4][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity);
    lastC[4][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][3] == 1) and (lastC[4][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity);
    lastC[4][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][4] == 0) and (lastC[4][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity);
    lastC[4][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][4] == 1) and (lastC[4][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity);
    lastC[4][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[4][5] == 0) and (lastC[4][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity);
    lastC[4][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[4][5] == 1) and (lastC[4][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity);
    lastC[4][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][0] == 0) and (lastC[5][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity);
    lastC[5][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][0] == 1) and (lastC[5][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity);
    lastC[5][0] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][1] == 0) and (lastC[5][1] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity);
    lastC[5][1] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][1] == 1) and (lastC[5][1] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity);
    lastC[5][1] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][2] == 0) and (lastC[5][2] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity);
    lastC[5][2] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][2] == 1) and (lastC[5][2] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity);
    lastC[5][2] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][3] == 0) and (lastC[5][3] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity);
    lastC[5][3] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][3] == 1) and (lastC[5][3] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity);
    lastC[5][3] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][4] == 0) and (lastC[5][4] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity);
    lastC[5][4] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][4] == 1) and (lastC[5][4] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity);
    lastC[5][4] = 0;

  if ((keysC[5][5] == 0) and (lastC[5][5] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity);
    lastC[5][5] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[5][5] == 1) and (lastC[5][5] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity);
    lastC[5][5] = 0;

  if ((keysC[6][0] == 0) and (lastC[6][0] == 0)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity);
    lastC[6][0] = 7;
  //Write Midi Note Off
  if ((keysC[6][0] == 1) and (lastC[6][0] == 7)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity);
    lastC[6][0] = 0;

  //Expression Pedal controls

  //Expression pedal on analog pin A13 to Channel 6

  int Cur6 = analogRead(13);
  int Map6 = map(Cur6, 0, 1023, 0, 127);

  if (abs(Cur6 - LastPot6) >= 8) {
  LastPot6 = Cur6;

  //Expression pedal on analog pin A14 to Channel 7
  int Cur7 = analogRead(14);
  int Map7 = map(Cur7, 0, 1023, 0, 127);

  if (abs(Cur7 - LastPot7) >= 8) {
  LastPot7 = Cur7;

  //Expression pedal on analog pin A15 to Channel 8
  int Cur8 = analogRead(15);
  int Map8 = map(Cur8, 0, 1023, 0, 127);

  if (abs(Cur8 - LastPot8) >= 8) {
  LastPot8 = Cur8;

void MidiSend(int one, int two, int three) {

Revised Matrixed Code

To be uploaded to the Arduino when using the Revised Matrixed Schematic.
// Name: Arduino Mega Midi Controller Mega side.
// Created: May 10, 2021
// Last Edited: Mar 26, 2022
// Author: Larason2
// Acknowledgements: Bald Engineer, Amanda Ghassaei, jeffb42, GrumpyMike, John Main, Ghost, RIP Tutorial, Arduino tutorials.
// Includes Midi Through, wiring for pistons, improved debounce.

//Setup Key Data Arrays
byte keysA[11][6];
byte keysB[11][6];
byte keysC[7][6];
byte keysE[6][6];

//Setup Key Press Arrays
byte lastA[11][6];
byte lastB[11][6];
byte lastC[7][6];
byte lastE[6][6];

//Setup midi channel values
int noteOn1 = 144;
int noteOff1 = 128;
int noteOn2 = 145;
int noteOff2 = 129;
int noteOn3 = 146;
int noteOff3 = 130;
int noteOn4 = 147;
int noteOff4 = 131;

//Setup volume control channels
int CCchan6 = 181;
int CCchan7 = 182;

//Setup midi variables
int velocity = 100;
int Exp = 11;

//Setup Pot Monitoring variables
int LastPot6 = 1;
int LastPot7 = 1;

//Setup variable to debounce pots. increase to decrease bounce on the pots (units of analog signal variation)
int PotT = 10; 

//Setup variables for Midi Thru
boolean byteReady; 
unsigned char midiByte;

//Setup variables for key debounce on
unsigned long BounceAOn[11][6];
unsigned long BounceBOn[11][6];
unsigned long BounceCOn[7][6];
unsigned long BounceEOn[6][6];

//Setup variables for key debounce on
unsigned long BounceAOff[11][6];
unsigned long BounceBOff[11][6];
unsigned long BounceCOff[7][6];
unsigned long BounceEOff[6][6];

//Setup variable for adjusting key debounce
//Increase to decrease bounce on the keys (units of milliseconds)
unsigned long Delay = 50; 

void setup() {
  // Start Serial

  //Initialize Row Pins Keyboard A
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);
  pinMode(5, INPUT);
  pinMode(6, INPUT);
  pinMode(7, INPUT);

  //Initialize Column Pins Keyboard A
  pinMode(8, INPUT); 
  pinMode(9, INPUT);
  pinMode(10, INPUT);
  pinMode(11, INPUT);
  pinMode(12, INPUT);
  pinMode(14, INPUT);
  pinMode(15, INPUT);
  pinMode(16, INPUT);
  pinMode(17, INPUT);
  pinMode(18, INPUT);
  pinMode(19, INPUT);

  //Initialize Row Pins Keyboard B

  pinMode(22, INPUT);
  pinMode(23, INPUT);
  pinMode(24, INPUT);
  pinMode(25, INPUT);
  pinMode(26, INPUT);
  pinMode(27, INPUT);

  //Initialize Column Pins Keyboard B

  pinMode(28, INPUT);
  pinMode(29, INPUT);
  pinMode(30, INPUT);
  pinMode(31, INPUT);
  pinMode(32, INPUT);
  pinMode(33, INPUT);
  pinMode(34, INPUT);
  pinMode(35, INPUT);
  pinMode(36, INPUT);
  pinMode(37, INPUT);
  pinMode(38, INPUT);

  //Initialize Row Pins Keyboard C (Pedals)
  pinMode(39, INPUT);
  pinMode(40, INPUT);
  pinMode(41, INPUT);
  pinMode(42, INPUT);
  pinMode(43, INPUT);
  pinMode(44, INPUT);

  //Initialize Column Pins Keyboard C (Pedals)
  pinMode(45, INPUT);
  pinMode(46, INPUT);
  pinMode(47, INPUT);
  pinMode(48, INPUT);
  pinMode(49, INPUT); 
  pinMode(50, INPUT);
  pinMode(51, INPUT); 

  //Keyboard E, Pistons Rows

  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(A1, INPUT);
  pinMode(A2, INPUT);
  pinMode(A3, INPUT);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT);

  //Keyboard E, Piston Columns
  pinMode(A6, INPUT);
  pinMode(A7, INPUT);
  pinMode(A8, INPUT);
  pinMode(A9, INPUT);
  pinMode(A10, INPUT);
  pinMode(A11, INPUT);
  //Pot Pins
  pinMode(A13, INPUT);
  pinMode(A14, INPUT);

  //Initialize Midi Thru

  byteReady = false;
  midiByte = 0;


void loop() {
  // Read Keyboard A

  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(8, OUTPUT); 
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);
    keysA[0][0] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(8, INPUT);

  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
    keysA[1][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[1][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[1][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[1][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[1][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[1][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(9, INPUT);

  pinMode(10, OUTPUT); 
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
    keysA[2][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[2][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[2][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[2][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[2][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[2][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(10, INPUT);

  pinMode(11, OUTPUT); 
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
    keysA[3][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[3][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[3][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[3][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[3][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[3][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(11, INPUT);

  pinMode(12, OUTPUT); 
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);
    keysA[4][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[4][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[4][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[4][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[4][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[4][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(12, INPUT);

  pinMode(14, OUTPUT); 
  digitalWrite(14, LOW);
    keysA[5][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[5][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[5][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[5][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[5][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[5][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(14, INPUT);

  pinMode(15, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(15, LOW);
    keysA[6][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[6][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[6][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[6][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[6][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[6][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(15, INPUT);

  pinMode(16, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(16, LOW);
    keysA[7][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[7][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[7][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[7][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[7][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[7][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(16, INPUT);

  pinMode(17, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(17, LOW);
    keysA[8][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[8][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[8][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[8][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[8][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[8][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(17, INPUT);

  pinMode(18, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(18, LOW);
    keysA[9][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[9][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[9][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[9][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[9][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[9][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(18, INPUT);

  pinMode(19, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(19, LOW);
    keysA[10][0] = digitalRead(3);
    keysA[10][1] = digitalRead(4);
    keysA[10][2] = digitalRead(5);
    keysA[10][3] = digitalRead(6);
    keysA[10][4] = digitalRead(7);
    keysA[10][5] = digitalRead(2);
  pinMode(19, INPUT);

  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);
  pinMode(5, INPUT);
  pinMode(6, INPUT);
  pinMode(7, INPUT);

   // Read Keyboard B

  pinMode(22, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(23, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(24, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(25, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(26, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(27, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(28, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(28, LOW);
    keysB[0][0] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(28, INPUT);
  pinMode(29, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(29, LOW);
    keysB[1][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[1][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[1][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[1][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[1][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[1][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(29, INPUT);

  pinMode(30, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(30, LOW);
    keysB[2][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[2][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[2][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[2][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[2][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[2][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(30, INPUT);

  pinMode(31, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(31, LOW);
    keysB[3][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[3][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[3][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[3][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[3][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[3][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(31, INPUT);

  pinMode(32, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(32, LOW);
    keysB[4][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[4][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[4][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[4][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[4][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[4][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(32, INPUT);

  pinMode(33, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(33, LOW);
    keysB[5][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[5][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[5][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[5][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[5][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[5][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(33, INPUT);

  pinMode(34, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(34, LOW);
    keysB[6][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[6][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[6][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[6][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[6][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[6][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(34, INPUT);

  pinMode(35, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(35, LOW);
    keysB[7][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[7][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[7][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[7][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[7][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[7][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(35, INPUT);

  pinMode(36, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(36, LOW);
    keysB[8][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[8][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[8][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[8][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[8][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[8][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(36, INPUT);

  pinMode(37, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(37, LOW);
    keysB[9][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[9][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[9][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[9][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[9][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[9][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(37, INPUT);

  pinMode(38, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(38, LOW);
    keysB[10][0] = digitalRead(23);
    keysB[10][1] = digitalRead(24);
    keysB[10][2] = digitalRead(25);
    keysB[10][3] = digitalRead(26);
    keysB[10][4] = digitalRead(27);
    keysB[10][5] = digitalRead(22);
  pinMode(38, INPUT);

  pinMode(23, INPUT);
  pinMode(24, INPUT);
  pinMode(25, INPUT);
  pinMode(26, INPUT);
  pinMode(27, INPUT);
  pinMode(22, INPUT);

  // Read Keyboard C

  //Set Row pins to read

  pinMode(39, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(40, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(41, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(42, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(43, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(44, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(45, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(45, LOW);
    keysC[0][0] = digitalRead(39);
  pinMode(45, INPUT);

  pinMode(46, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(46, LOW);
    keysC[1][0] = digitalRead(40);
    keysC[1][1] = digitalRead(41);
    keysC[1][2] = digitalRead(42);
    keysC[1][3] = digitalRead(43);
    keysC[1][4] = digitalRead(44);
    keysC[1][5] = digitalRead(39);
  pinMode(46, INPUT);

  pinMode(47, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(47, LOW);
    keysC[2][0] = digitalRead(40);
    keysC[2][1] = digitalRead(41);
    keysC[2][2] = digitalRead(42);
    keysC[2][3] = digitalRead(43);
    keysC[2][4] = digitalRead(44);
    keysC[2][5] = digitalRead(39);
  pinMode(47, INPUT);

  pinMode(48, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(48, LOW);
    keysC[3][0] = digitalRead(40);
    keysC[3][1] = digitalRead(41);
    keysC[3][2] = digitalRead(42);
    keysC[3][3] = digitalRead(43);
    keysC[3][4] = digitalRead(44);
    keysC[3][5] = digitalRead(39);
  pinMode(48, INPUT);

  pinMode(49, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(49, LOW);
    keysC[4][0] = digitalRead(40);
    keysC[4][1] = digitalRead(41);
    keysC[4][2] = digitalRead(42);
    keysC[4][3] = digitalRead(43);
    keysC[4][4] = digitalRead(44);
    keysC[4][5] = digitalRead(39);
  pinMode(49, INPUT);

  pinMode(50, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(50, LOW);
    keysC[5][0] = digitalRead(40);
    keysC[5][1] = digitalRead(41);
    keysC[5][2] = digitalRead(42);
    keysC[5][3] = digitalRead(43);
    keysC[5][4] = digitalRead(44);
    keysC[5][5] = digitalRead(39);
  pinMode(50, INPUT);

  pinMode(51, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(51, LOW);
    keysC[6][0] = digitalRead(40);
  pinMode(51, INPUT);

  pinMode(39, INPUT);
  pinMode(40, INPUT);
  pinMode(41, INPUT);
  pinMode(42, INPUT);
  pinMode(43, INPUT);
  pinMode(44, INPUT);

  //Read Piston data (Keyboard E)

  pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(20, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(21, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(52, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(53, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A12, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A13, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(A6, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A6, LOW);
    keysE[0][0] = digitalRead(A0);
    keysE[0][1] = digitalRead(A1);
    keysE[0][2] = digitalRead(A2);
    keysE[0][3] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysE[0][4] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysE[0][5] = digitalRead(A5);      
  pinMode(A6, INPUT);

  pinMode(A7, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A7, LOW);
    keysE[1][0] = digitalRead(A0);
    keysE[1][1] = digitalRead(A1);
    keysE[1][2] = digitalRead(A2);
    keysE[1][3] = digitalRead(A3);
    keysE[1][4] = digitalRead(A4);
    keysE[1][5] = digitalRead(A5);      
  pinMode(A7, INPUT);

  pinMode(A8, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A8, LOW);
    keysE[2][0] = digitalRead(A0);    
  pinMode(A8, INPUT);

  pinMode(A9, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A9, LOW);
    keysE[3][0] = digitalRead(20);
    keysE[3][1] = digitalRead(21);
    keysE[3][2] = digitalRead(52);
    keysE[3][3] = digitalRead(53);
    keysE[3][4] = digitalRead(A12);
    keysE[3][5] = digitalRead(A13);      
  pinMode(A9, INPUT);

  pinMode(A10, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A10, LOW);
    keysE[4][0] = digitalRead(20);
    keysE[4][1] = digitalRead(21);
    keysE[4][2] = digitalRead(52);
    keysE[4][3] = digitalRead(53);
    keysE[4][4] = digitalRead(A12);
    keysE[4][5] = digitalRead(A13);      
  pinMode(A10, INPUT);

  pinMode(A11, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A11, LOW);
    keysE[5][0] = digitalRead(20);
    keysE[5][1] = digitalRead(21);
    keysE[5][2] = digitalRead(52);
    keysE[5][3] = digitalRead(53);
    keysE[5][4] = digitalRead(A12);   
  pinMode(A11, INPUT);

  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(A1, INPUT);
  pinMode(A2, INPUT);
  pinMode(A3, INPUT);
  pinMode(A4, INPUT);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT);

  pinMode(20, INPUT);
  pinMode(21, INPUT);
  pinMode(52, INPUT);
  pinMode(53, INPUT);
  pinMode(A12, INPUT);
  pinMode(A13, INPUT);

  //Invert Keyboard C data (For switches that are Normally Closed)

  //Column 1

  if (keysC[0][0] == 0) {
    keysC[0][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[0][0] == 1) {
    keysC[0][0] = 0;

  //Column 2
  if (keysC[1][0] == 0) {
    keysC[1][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][0] == 1) {
    keysC[1][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][1] == 0) {
    keysC[1][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][1] == 1) {
    keysC[1][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][2] == 0) {
    keysC[1][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][2] == 1) {
    keysC[1][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][3] == 0) {
    keysC[1][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][3] == 1) {
    keysC[1][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][4] == 0) {
    keysC[1][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][4] == 1) {
    keysC[1][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[1][5] == 0) {
    keysC[1][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[1][5] == 1) {
    keysC[1][5] = 0;

  //Column 3

  if (keysC[2][0] == 0) {
    keysC[2][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][0] == 1) {
    keysC[2][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][1] == 0) {
    keysC[2][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][1] == 1) {
    keysC[2][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][2] == 0) {
    keysC[2][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][2] == 1) {
    keysC[2][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][3] == 0) {
    keysC[2][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][3] == 1) {
    keysC[2][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][4] == 0) {
    keysC[2][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][4] == 1) {
    keysC[2][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[2][5] == 0) {
    keysC[2][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[2][5] == 1) {
    keysC[2][5] = 0;

  //Column 4

  if (keysC[3][0] == 0) {
    keysC[3][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][0] == 1) {
    keysC[3][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][1] == 0) {
    keysC[3][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][1] == 1) {
    keysC[3][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][2] == 0) {
    keysC[3][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][2] == 1) {
    keysC[3][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][3] == 0) {
    keysC[3][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][3] == 1) {
    keysC[3][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][4] == 0) {
    keysC[3][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][4] == 1) {
    keysC[3][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[3][5] == 0) {
    keysC[3][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[3][5] == 1) {
    keysC[3][5] = 0;

  //Column 5

  if (keysC[4][0] == 0) {
    keysC[4][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][0] == 1) {
    keysC[4][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][1] == 0) {
    keysC[4][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][1] == 1) {
    keysC[4][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][2] == 0) {
    keysC[4][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][2] == 1) {
    keysC[4][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][3] == 0) {
    keysC[4][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][3] == 1) {
    keysC[4][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][4] == 0) {
    keysC[4][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][4] == 1) {
    keysC[4][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[4][5] == 0) {
    keysC[4][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[4][5] == 1) {
    keysC[4][5] = 0;

  //Column 6

  if (keysC[5][0] == 0) {
    keysC[5][0] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][0] == 1) {
    keysC[5][0] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][1] == 0) {
    keysC[5][1] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][1] == 1) {
    keysC[5][1] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][2] == 0) {
    keysC[5][2] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][2] == 1) {
    keysC[5][2] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][3] == 0) {
    keysC[5][3] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][3] == 1) {
    keysC[5][3] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][4] == 0) {
    keysC[5][4] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][4] == 1) {
    keysC[5][4] = 0;
  if (keysC[5][5] == 0) {
    keysC[5][5] = 1;
  if (keysC[5][5] == 1) {
    keysC[5][5] = 0;

  //Column 7

  if (keysC[6][0] == 0) {keysC[6][0] = 1;}
  if (keysC[6][0] == 1) {keysC[6][0] = 0;}

  //Write Keyboard A

  if (lastA[0][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[0][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[0][0] == 0) and (lastA[0][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[0][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 36, velocity);  
    lastA[0][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[0][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[0][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[0][0] == 1) and (lastA[0][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[0][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 36, velocity); 
    lastA[0][0] = 0;
  if (lastA[1][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[1][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][0] == 0) and (lastA[1][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[1][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 37, velocity);  
    lastA[1][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[1][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[1][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][0] == 1) and (lastA[1][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[1][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 37, velocity); 
    lastA[1][0] = 0;
  if (lastA[1][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[1][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][1] == 0) and (lastA[1][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[1][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 38, velocity);  
    lastA[1][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[1][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[1][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][1] == 1) and (lastA[1][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[1][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 38, velocity); 
    lastA[1][1] = 0;
  if (lastA[1][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[1][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][2] == 0) and (lastA[1][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[1][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 39, velocity);  
    lastA[1][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[1][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[1][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][2] == 1) and (lastA[1][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[1][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 39, velocity); 
    lastA[1][2] = 0;
  if (lastA[1][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[1][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][3] == 0) and (lastA[1][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[1][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 40, velocity);  
    lastA[1][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[1][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[1][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][3] == 1) and (lastA[1][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[1][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 40, velocity); 
    lastA[1][3] = 0;
  if (lastA[1][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[1][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][4] == 0) and (lastA[1][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[1][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 41, velocity);
    lastA[1][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[1][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[1][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][4] == 1) and (lastA[1][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[1][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 41, velocity);
    lastA[1][4] = 0;
  if (lastA[1][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[1][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][5] == 0) and (lastA[1][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[1][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 42, velocity);
    lastA[1][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[1][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[1][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[1][5] == 1) and (lastA[1][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[1][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 42, velocity);
    lastA[1][5] = 0;
  if (lastA[2][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[2][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][0] == 0) and (lastA[2][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[2][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 43, velocity);
    lastA[2][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[2][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[2][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][0] == 1) and (lastA[2][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[2][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 43, velocity);
    lastA[2][0] = 0;
  if (lastA[2][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[2][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][1] == 0) and (lastA[2][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[2][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 44, velocity);
    lastA[2][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[2][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[2][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][1] == 1) and (lastA[2][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[2][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 44, velocity);
    lastA[2][1] = 0;
  if (lastA[2][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[2][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][2] == 0) and (lastA[2][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[2][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 45, velocity);
    lastA[2][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[2][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[2][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][2] == 1) and (lastA[2][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[2][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 45, velocity);
    lastA[2][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[2][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[2][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][3] == 0) and (lastA[2][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[2][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 46, velocity);
    lastA[2][3] = 7;
    if (lastA[2][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[2][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][3] == 1) and (lastA[2][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[2][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 46, velocity);
    lastA[2][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[2][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[2][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][4] == 0) and (lastA[2][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[2][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 47, velocity);
    lastA[2][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[2][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[2][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][4] == 1) and (lastA[2][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[2][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 47, velocity);
    lastA[2][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[2][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[2][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][5] == 0) and (lastA[2][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[2][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 48, velocity);
    lastA[2][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[2][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[2][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[2][5] == 1) and (lastA[2][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[2][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 48, velocity);
    lastA[2][5] = 0;

  if (lastA[3][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[3][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][0] == 0) and (lastA[3][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[3][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 49, velocity);
    lastA[3][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[3][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[3][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][0] == 1) and (lastA[3][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[3][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 49, velocity);
    lastA[3][0] = 0;

  if (lastA[3][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[3][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][1] == 0) and (lastA[3][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[3][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 50, velocity);
    lastA[3][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[3][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[3][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][1] == 1) and (lastA[3][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[3][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 50, velocity);
    lastA[3][1] = 0;

  if (lastA[3][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[3][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][2] == 0) and (lastA[3][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[3][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 51, velocity);
    lastA[3][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[3][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[3][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][2] == 1) and (lastA[3][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[3][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 51, velocity);
    lastA[3][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[3][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[3][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][3] == 0) and (lastA[3][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[3][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 52, velocity);
    lastA[3][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[3][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[3][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][3] == 1) and (lastA[3][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[3][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 52, velocity);
    lastA[3][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[3][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[3][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][4] == 0) and (lastA[3][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[3][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 53, velocity);
    lastA[3][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[3][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[3][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][4] == 1) and (lastA[3][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[3][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 53, velocity);
    lastA[3][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[3][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[3][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][5] == 0) and (lastA[3][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[3][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 54, velocity);
    lastA[3][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[3][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[3][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[3][5] == 1) and (lastA[3][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[3][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 54, velocity);
    lastA[3][5] = 0;

  if (lastA[4][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[4][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][0] == 0) and (lastA[4][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[4][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 55, velocity);
    lastA[4][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[4][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[4][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][0] == 1) and (lastA[4][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[4][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 55, velocity);
    lastA[4][0] = 0;

  if (lastA[4][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[4][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][1] == 0) and (lastA[4][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[4][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 56, velocity);
    lastA[4][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[4][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[4][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][1] == 1) and (lastA[4][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[4][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 56, velocity);
    lastA[4][1] = 0;

  if (lastA[4][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[4][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][2] == 0) and (lastA[4][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[4][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 57, velocity);
    lastA[4][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[4][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[4][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][2] == 1) and (lastA[4][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[4][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 57, velocity);
    lastA[4][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[4][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[4][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][3] == 0) and (lastA[4][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[4][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 58, velocity);
    lastA[4][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[4][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[4][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][3] == 1) and (lastA[4][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[4][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 58, velocity);
    lastA[4][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[4][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[4][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][4] == 0) and (lastA[4][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[4][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 59, velocity);
    lastA[4][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[4][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[4][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][4] == 1) and (lastA[4][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[4][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 59, velocity);
    lastA[4][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[4][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[4][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][5] == 0) and (lastA[4][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[4][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 60, velocity);
    lastA[4][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[4][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[4][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[4][5] == 1) and (lastA[4][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[4][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 60, velocity);
    lastA[4][5] = 0;

  if (lastA[5][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[5][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][0] == 0) and (lastA[5][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[5][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 61, velocity);
    lastA[5][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[5][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[5][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][0] == 1) and (lastA[5][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[5][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 61, velocity);
    lastA[5][0] = 0;

  if (lastA[5][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[5][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][1] == 0) and (lastA[5][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[5][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 62, velocity);
    lastA[5][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[5][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[5][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][1] == 1) and (lastA[5][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[5][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 62, velocity);
    lastA[5][1] = 0;

  if (lastA[5][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[5][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][2] == 0) and (lastA[5][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[5][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 63, velocity);
    lastA[5][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[5][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[5][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][2] == 1) and (lastA[5][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[5][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 63, velocity);
    lastA[5][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[5][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[5][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][3] == 0) and (lastA[5][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[5][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 64, velocity);
    lastA[5][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[5][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[5][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][3] == 1) and (lastA[5][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[5][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 64, velocity);
    lastA[5][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[5][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[5][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][4] == 0) and (lastA[5][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[5][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 65, velocity);
    lastA[5][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[5][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[5][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][4] == 1) and (lastA[5][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[5][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 65, velocity);
    lastA[5][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[5][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[5][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][5] == 0) and (lastA[5][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[5][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 66, velocity);
    lastA[5][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[5][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[5][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[5][5] == 1) and (lastA[5][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[5][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 66, velocity);
    lastA[5][5] = 0;

  if (lastA[6][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[6][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][0] == 0) and (lastA[6][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[6][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 67, velocity);
    lastA[6][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[6][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[6][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][0] == 1) and (lastA[6][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[6][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 67, velocity);
    lastA[6][0] = 0;

  if (lastA[6][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[6][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][1] == 0) and (lastA[6][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[6][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 68, velocity);
    lastA[6][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[6][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[6][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][1] == 1) and (lastA[6][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[6][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 68, velocity);
    lastA[6][1] = 0;

  if (lastA[6][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[6][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][2] == 0) and (lastA[6][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[6][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 69, velocity);
    lastA[6][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[6][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[6][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][2] == 1) and (lastA[6][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[6][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 69, velocity);
    lastA[6][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[6][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[6][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][3] == 0) and (lastA[6][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[6][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 70, velocity);
    lastA[6][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[6][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[6][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][3] == 1) and (lastA[6][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[6][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 70, velocity);
    lastA[6][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[6][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[6][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][4] == 0) and (lastA[6][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[6][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 71, velocity);
    lastA[6][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[6][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[6][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][4] == 1) and (lastA[6][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[6][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 71, velocity);
    lastA[6][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[6][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[6][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][5] == 0) and (lastA[6][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[6][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 72, velocity);
    lastA[6][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[6][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[6][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[6][5] == 1) and (lastA[6][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[6][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 72, velocity);
    lastA[6][5] = 0;

  if (lastA[7][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[7][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][0] == 0) and (lastA[7][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[7][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 73, velocity);
    lastA[7][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[7][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[7][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][0] == 1) and (lastA[7][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[7][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 73, velocity);
    lastA[7][0] = 0;

  if (lastA[7][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[7][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][1] == 0) and (lastA[7][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[7][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 74, velocity);
    lastA[7][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[7][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[7][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][1] == 1) and (lastA[7][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[7][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 74, velocity);
    lastA[7][1] = 0;

  if (lastA[7][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[7][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][2] == 0) and (lastA[7][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[7][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 75, velocity);
    lastA[7][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[7][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[7][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][2] == 1) and (lastA[7][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[7][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 75, velocity);
    lastA[7][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[7][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[7][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][3] == 0) and (lastA[7][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[7][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 76, velocity);
    lastA[7][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[7][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[7][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][3] == 1) and (lastA[7][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[7][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 76, velocity);
    lastA[7][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[7][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[7][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][4] == 0) and (lastA[7][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[7][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 77, velocity);
    lastA[7][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[7][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[7][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][4] == 1) and (lastA[7][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[7][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 77, velocity);
    lastA[7][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[7][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[7][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][5] == 0) and (lastA[7][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[7][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 78, velocity);
    lastA[7][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[7][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[7][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[7][5] == 1) and (lastA[7][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[7][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 78, velocity);
    lastA[7][5] = 0;

  if (lastA[8][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[8][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][0] == 0) and (lastA[8][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[8][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 79, velocity);
    lastA[8][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[8][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[8][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][0] == 1) and (lastA[8][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[8][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 79, velocity);
    lastA[8][0] = 0;

  if (lastA[8][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[8][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][1] == 0) and (lastA[8][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[8][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 80, velocity);
    lastA[8][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[8][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[8][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][1] == 1) and (lastA[8][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[8][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 80, velocity);
    lastA[8][1] = 0;

  if (lastA[8][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[8][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][2] == 0) and (lastA[8][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[8][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 81, velocity);
    lastA[8][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[8][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[8][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][2] == 1) and (lastA[8][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[8][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 81, velocity);
    lastA[8][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[8][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[8][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][3] == 0) and (lastA[8][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[8][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 82, velocity);
    lastA[8][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[8][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[8][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][3] == 1) and (lastA[8][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[8][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 82, velocity);
    lastA[8][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[8][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[8][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][4] == 0) and (lastA[8][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[8][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 83, velocity);
    lastA[8][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[8][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[8][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][4] == 1) and (lastA[8][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[8][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 83, velocity);
    lastA[8][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[8][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[8][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][5] == 0) and (lastA[8][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[8][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 84, velocity);
    lastA[8][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[8][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[8][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[8][5] == 1) and (lastA[8][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[8][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 84, velocity);
    lastA[8][5] = 0;

  if (lastA[9][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[9][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][0] == 0) and (lastA[9][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[9][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 85, velocity);
    lastA[9][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[9][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[9][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][0] == 1) and (lastA[9][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[9][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 85, velocity);
    lastA[9][0] = 0;

  if (lastA[9][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[9][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][1] == 0) and (lastA[9][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[9][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 86, velocity);
    lastA[9][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[9][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[9][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][1] == 1) and (lastA[9][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[9][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 86, velocity);
    lastA[9][1] = 0;

  if (lastA[9][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[9][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][2] == 0) and (lastA[9][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[9][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 87, velocity);
    lastA[9][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[9][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[9][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][2] == 1) and (lastA[9][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[9][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 87, velocity);
    lastA[9][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[9][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[9][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][3] == 0) and (lastA[9][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[9][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 88, velocity);
    lastA[9][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[9][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[9][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][3] == 1) and (lastA[9][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[9][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 88, velocity);
    lastA[9][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[9][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[9][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][4] == 0) and (lastA[9][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[9][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 89, velocity);
    lastA[9][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[9][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[9][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][4] == 1) and (lastA[9][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[9][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 89, velocity);
    lastA[9][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[9][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[9][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][5] == 0) and (lastA[9][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[9][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 90, velocity);
    lastA[9][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[9][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[9][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[9][5] == 1) and (lastA[9][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[9][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 90, velocity);
    lastA[9][5] = 0;

  if (lastA[10][0] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[10][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][0] == 0) and (lastA[10][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[10][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 91, velocity);
    lastA[10][0] = 7;
  if (lastA[10][0] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[10][0] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][0] == 1) and (lastA[10][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[10][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 91, velocity);
    lastA[10][0] = 0;

  if (lastA[10][1] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[10][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][1] == 0) and (lastA[10][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[10][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 92, velocity);
    lastA[10][1] = 7;
  if (lastA[10][1] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[10][1] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][1] == 1) and (lastA[10][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[10][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 92, velocity);
    lastA[10][1] = 0;

  if (lastA[10][2] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[10][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][2] == 0) and (lastA[10][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[10][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 93, velocity);
    lastA[10][2] = 7;
  if (lastA[10][2] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[10][2] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][2] == 1) and (lastA[10][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[10][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 93, velocity);
    lastA[10][2] = 0;

  if (lastA[10][3] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[10][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][3] == 0) and (lastA[10][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[10][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 94, velocity);
    lastA[10][3] = 7;
  if (lastA[10][3] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[10][3] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][3] == 1) and (lastA[10][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[10][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 94, velocity);
    lastA[10][3] = 0;

  if (lastA[10][4] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[10][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][4] == 0) and (lastA[10][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[10][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 95, velocity);
    lastA[10][4] = 7;
  if (lastA[10][4] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[10][4] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][4] == 1) and (lastA[10][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[10][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 95, velocity);
    lastA[10][4] = 0;

  if (lastA[10][5] == 7) {
    BounceAOn[10][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][5] == 0) and (lastA[10][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceAOn[10][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn1, 96, velocity);
    lastA[10][5] = 7;
  if (lastA[10][5] == 0) {
    BounceAOff[10][5] = millis();
  if ((keysA[10][5] == 1) and (lastA[10][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceAOff[10][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff1, 96, velocity);
    lastA[10][5] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard B

  if (lastB[0][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[0][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[0][0] == 0) and (lastB[0][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[0][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 36, velocity);  
    lastB[0][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[0][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[0][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[0][0] == 1) and (lastB[0][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[0][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 36, velocity); 
    lastB[0][0] = 0;
  if (lastB[1][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[1][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][0] == 0) and (lastB[1][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[1][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 37, velocity);  
    lastB[1][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[1][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[1][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][0] == 1) and (lastB[1][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[1][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 37, velocity); 
    lastB[1][0] = 0;
  if (lastB[1][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[1][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][1] == 0) and (lastB[1][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[1][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 38, velocity);  
    lastB[1][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[1][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[1][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][1] == 1) and (lastB[1][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[1][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 38, velocity); 
    lastB[1][1] = 0;
  if (lastB[1][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[1][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][2] == 0) and (lastB[1][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[1][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 39, velocity);  
    lastB[1][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[1][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[1][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][2] == 1) and (lastB[1][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[1][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 39, velocity); 
    lastB[1][2] = 0;
  if (lastB[1][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[1][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][3] == 0) and (lastB[1][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[1][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 40, velocity);  
    lastB[1][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[1][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[1][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][3] == 1) and (lastB[1][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[1][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 40, velocity); 
    lastB[1][3] = 0;
  if (lastB[1][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[1][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][4] == 0) and (lastB[1][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[1][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 41, velocity);
    lastB[1][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[1][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[1][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][4] == 1) and (lastB[1][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[1][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 41, velocity);
    lastB[1][4] = 0;
  if (lastB[1][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[1][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][5] == 0) and (lastB[1][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[1][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 42, velocity);
    lastB[1][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[1][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[1][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[1][5] == 1) and (lastB[1][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[1][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 42, velocity);
    lastB[1][5] = 0;
  if (lastB[2][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[2][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][0] == 0) and (lastB[2][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[2][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 43, velocity);
    lastB[2][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[2][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[2][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][0] == 1) and (lastB[2][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[2][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 43, velocity);
    lastB[2][0] = 0;
  if (lastB[2][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[2][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][1] == 0) and (lastB[2][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[2][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 44, velocity);
    lastB[2][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[2][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[2][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][1] == 1) and (lastB[2][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[2][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 44, velocity);
    lastB[2][1] = 0;
  if (lastB[2][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[2][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][2] == 0) and (lastB[2][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[2][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 45, velocity);
    lastB[2][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[2][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[2][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][2] == 1) and (lastB[2][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[2][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 45, velocity);
    lastB[2][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[2][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[2][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][3] == 0) and (lastB[2][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[2][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 46, velocity);
    lastB[2][3] = 7;
    if (lastB[2][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[2][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][3] == 1) and (lastB[2][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[2][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 46, velocity);
    lastB[2][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[2][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[2][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][4] == 0) and (lastB[2][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[2][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 47, velocity);
    lastB[2][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[2][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[2][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][4] == 1) and (lastB[2][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[2][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 47, velocity);
    lastB[2][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[2][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[2][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][5] == 0) and (lastB[2][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[2][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 48, velocity);
    lastB[2][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[2][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[2][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[2][5] == 1) and (lastB[2][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[2][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 48, velocity);
    lastB[2][5] = 0;

  if (lastB[3][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[3][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][0] == 0) and (lastB[3][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[3][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 49, velocity);
    lastB[3][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[3][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[3][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][0] == 1) and (lastB[3][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[3][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 49, velocity);
    lastB[3][0] = 0;

  if (lastB[3][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[3][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][1] == 0) and (lastB[3][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[3][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 50, velocity);
    lastB[3][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[3][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[3][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][1] == 1) and (lastB[3][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[3][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 50, velocity);
    lastB[3][1] = 0;

  if (lastB[3][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[3][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][2] == 0) and (lastB[3][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[3][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 51, velocity);
    lastB[3][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[3][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[3][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][2] == 1) and (lastB[3][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[3][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 51, velocity);
    lastB[3][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[3][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[3][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][3] == 0) and (lastB[3][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[3][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 52, velocity);
    lastB[3][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[3][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[3][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][3] == 1) and (lastB[3][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[3][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 52, velocity);
    lastB[3][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[3][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[3][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][4] == 0) and (lastB[3][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[3][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 53, velocity);
    lastB[3][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[3][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[3][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][4] == 1) and (lastB[3][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[3][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 53, velocity);
    lastB[3][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[3][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[3][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][5] == 0) and (lastB[3][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[3][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 54, velocity);
    lastB[3][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[3][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[3][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[3][5] == 1) and (lastB[3][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[3][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 54, velocity);
    lastB[3][5] = 0;

  if (lastB[4][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[4][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][0] == 0) and (lastB[4][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[4][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 55, velocity);
    lastB[4][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[4][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[4][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][0] == 1) and (lastB[4][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[4][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 55, velocity);
    lastB[4][0] = 0;

  if (lastB[4][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[4][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][1] == 0) and (lastB[4][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[4][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 56, velocity);
    lastB[4][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[4][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[4][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][1] == 1) and (lastB[4][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[4][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 56, velocity);
    lastB[4][1] = 0;

  if (lastB[4][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[4][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][2] == 0) and (lastB[4][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[4][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 57, velocity);
    lastB[4][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[4][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[4][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][2] == 1) and (lastB[4][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[4][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 57, velocity);
    lastB[4][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[4][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[4][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][3] == 0) and (lastB[4][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[4][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 58, velocity);
    lastB[4][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[4][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[4][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][3] == 1) and (lastB[4][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[4][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 58, velocity);
    lastB[4][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[4][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[4][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][4] == 0) and (lastB[4][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[4][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 59, velocity);
    lastB[4][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[4][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[4][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][4] == 1) and (lastB[4][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[4][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 59, velocity);
    lastB[4][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[4][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[4][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][5] == 0) and (lastB[4][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[4][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 60, velocity);
    lastB[4][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[4][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[4][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[4][5] == 1) and (lastB[4][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[4][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 60, velocity);
    lastB[4][5] = 0;

  if (lastB[5][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[5][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][0] == 0) and (lastB[5][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[5][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 61, velocity);
    lastB[5][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[5][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[5][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][0] == 1) and (lastB[5][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[5][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 61, velocity);
    lastB[5][0] = 0;

  if (lastB[5][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[5][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][1] == 0) and (lastB[5][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[5][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 62, velocity);
    lastB[5][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[5][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[5][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][1] == 1) and (lastB[5][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[5][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 62, velocity);
    lastB[5][1] = 0;

  if (lastB[5][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[5][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][2] == 0) and (lastB[5][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[5][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 63, velocity);
    lastB[5][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[5][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[5][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][2] == 1) and (lastB[5][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[5][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 63, velocity);
    lastB[5][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[5][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[5][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][3] == 0) and (lastB[5][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[5][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 64, velocity);
    lastB[5][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[5][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[5][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][3] == 1) and (lastB[5][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[5][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 64, velocity);
    lastB[5][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[5][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[5][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][4] == 0) and (lastB[5][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[5][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 65, velocity);
    lastB[5][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[5][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[5][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][4] == 1) and (lastB[5][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[5][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 65, velocity);
    lastB[5][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[5][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[5][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][5] == 0) and (lastB[5][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[5][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 66, velocity);
    lastB[5][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[5][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[5][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[5][5] == 1) and (lastB[5][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[5][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 66, velocity);
    lastB[5][5] = 0;

  if (lastB[6][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[6][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][0] == 0) and (lastB[6][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[6][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 67, velocity);
    lastB[6][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[6][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[6][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][0] == 1) and (lastB[6][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[6][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 67, velocity);
    lastB[6][0] = 0;

  if (lastB[6][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[6][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][1] == 0) and (lastB[6][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[6][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 68, velocity);
    lastB[6][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[6][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[6][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][1] == 1) and (lastB[6][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[6][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 68, velocity);
    lastB[6][1] = 0;

  if (lastB[6][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[6][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][2] == 0) and (lastB[6][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[6][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 69, velocity);
    lastB[6][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[6][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[6][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][2] == 1) and (lastB[6][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[6][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 69, velocity);
    lastB[6][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[6][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[6][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][3] == 0) and (lastB[6][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[6][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 70, velocity);
    lastB[6][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[6][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[6][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][3] == 1) and (lastB[6][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[6][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 70, velocity);
    lastB[6][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[6][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[6][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][4] == 0) and (lastB[6][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[6][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 71, velocity);
    lastB[6][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[6][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[6][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][4] == 1) and (lastB[6][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[6][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 71, velocity);
    lastB[6][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[6][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[6][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][5] == 0) and (lastB[6][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[6][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 72, velocity);
    lastB[6][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[6][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[6][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[6][5] == 1) and (lastB[6][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[6][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 72, velocity);
    lastB[6][5] = 0;

  if (lastB[7][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[7][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][0] == 0) and (lastB[7][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[7][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 73, velocity);
    lastB[7][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[7][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[7][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][0] == 1) and (lastB[7][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[7][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 73, velocity);
    lastB[7][0] = 0;

  if (lastB[7][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[7][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][1] == 0) and (lastB[7][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[7][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 74, velocity);
    lastB[7][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[7][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[7][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][1] == 1) and (lastB[7][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[7][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 74, velocity);
    lastB[7][1] = 0;

  if (lastB[7][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[7][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][2] == 0) and (lastB[7][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[7][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 75, velocity);
    lastB[7][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[7][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[7][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][2] == 1) and (lastB[7][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[7][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 75, velocity);
    lastB[7][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[7][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[7][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][3] == 0) and (lastB[7][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[7][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 76, velocity);
    lastB[7][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[7][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[7][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][3] == 1) and (lastB[7][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[7][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 76, velocity);
    lastB[7][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[7][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[7][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][4] == 0) and (lastB[7][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[7][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 77, velocity);
    lastB[7][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[7][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[7][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][4] == 1) and (lastB[7][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[7][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 77, velocity);
    lastB[7][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[7][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[7][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][5] == 0) and (lastB[7][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[7][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 78, velocity);
    lastB[7][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[7][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[7][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[7][5] == 1) and (lastB[7][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[7][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 78, velocity);
    lastB[7][5] = 0;

  if (lastB[8][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[8][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][0] == 0) and (lastB[8][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[8][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 79, velocity);
    lastB[8][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[8][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[8][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][0] == 1) and (lastB[8][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[8][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 79, velocity);
    lastB[8][0] = 0;

  if (lastB[8][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[8][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][1] == 0) and (lastB[8][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[8][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 80, velocity);
    lastB[8][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[8][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[8][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][1] == 1) and (lastB[8][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[8][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 80, velocity);
    lastB[8][1] = 0;

  if (lastB[8][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[8][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][2] == 0) and (lastB[8][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[8][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 81, velocity);
    lastB[8][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[8][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[8][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][2] == 1) and (lastB[8][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[8][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 81, velocity);
    lastB[8][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[8][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[8][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][3] == 0) and (lastB[8][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[8][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 82, velocity);
    lastB[8][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[8][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[8][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][3] == 1) and (lastB[8][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[8][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 82, velocity);
    lastB[8][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[8][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[8][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][4] == 0) and (lastB[8][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[8][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 83, velocity);
    lastB[8][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[8][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[8][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][4] == 1) and (lastB[8][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[8][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 83, velocity);
    lastB[8][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[8][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[8][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][5] == 0) and (lastB[8][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[8][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 84, velocity);
    lastB[8][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[8][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[8][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[8][5] == 1) and (lastB[8][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[8][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 84, velocity);
    lastB[8][5] = 0;

  if (lastB[9][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[9][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][0] == 0) and (lastB[9][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[9][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 85, velocity);
    lastB[9][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[9][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[9][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][0] == 1) and (lastB[9][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[9][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 85, velocity);
    lastB[9][0] = 0;

  if (lastB[9][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[9][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][1] == 0) and (lastB[9][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[9][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 86, velocity);
    lastB[9][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[9][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[9][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][1] == 1) and (lastB[9][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[9][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 86, velocity);
    lastB[9][1] = 0;

  if (lastB[9][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[9][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][2] == 0) and (lastB[9][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[9][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 87, velocity);
    lastB[9][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[9][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[9][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][2] == 1) and (lastB[9][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[9][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 87, velocity);
    lastB[9][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[9][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[9][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][3] == 0) and (lastB[9][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[9][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 88, velocity);
    lastB[9][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[9][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[9][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][3] == 1) and (lastB[9][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[9][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 88, velocity);
    lastB[9][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[9][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[9][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][4] == 0) and (lastB[9][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[9][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 89, velocity);
    lastB[9][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[9][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[9][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][4] == 1) and (lastB[9][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[9][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 89, velocity);
    lastB[9][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[9][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[9][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][5] == 0) and (lastB[9][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[9][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 90, velocity);
    lastB[9][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[9][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[9][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[9][5] == 1) and (lastB[9][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[9][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 90, velocity);
    lastB[9][5] = 0;

  if (lastB[10][0] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[10][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][0] == 0) and (lastB[10][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[10][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 91, velocity);
    lastB[10][0] = 7;
  if (lastB[10][0] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[10][0] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][0] == 1) and (lastB[10][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[10][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 91, velocity);
    lastB[10][0] = 0;

  if (lastB[10][1] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[10][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][1] == 0) and (lastB[10][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[10][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 92, velocity);
    lastB[10][1] = 7;
  if (lastB[10][1] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[10][1] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][1] == 1) and (lastB[10][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[10][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 92, velocity);
    lastB[10][1] = 0;

  if (lastB[10][2] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[10][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][2] == 0) and (lastB[10][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[10][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 93, velocity);
    lastB[10][2] = 7;
  if (lastB[10][2] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[10][2] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][2] == 1) and (lastB[10][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[10][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 93, velocity);
    lastB[10][2] = 0;

  if (lastB[10][3] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[10][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][3] == 0) and (lastB[10][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[10][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 94, velocity);
    lastB[10][3] = 7;
  if (lastB[10][3] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[10][3] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][3] == 1) and (lastB[10][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[10][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 94, velocity);
    lastB[10][3] = 0;

  if (lastB[10][4] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[10][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][4] == 0) and (lastB[10][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[10][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 95, velocity);
    lastB[10][4] = 7;
  if (lastB[10][4] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[10][4] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][4] == 1) and (lastB[10][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[10][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 95, velocity);
    lastB[10][4] = 0;

  if (lastB[10][5] == 7) {
    BounceBOn[10][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][5] == 0) and (lastB[10][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceBOn[10][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn2, 96, velocity);
    lastB[10][5] = 7;
  if (lastB[10][5] == 0) {
    BounceBOff[10][5] = millis();
  if ((keysB[10][5] == 1) and (lastB[10][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceBOff[10][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff2, 96, velocity);
    lastB[10][5] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard C, only for inverted switches, first 32 notes only. 

  if (lastC[0][0] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[0][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[0][0] == 0) and (lastC[0][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[0][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 36, velocity);  
    lastC[0][0] = 7;
  if (lastC[0][0] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[0][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[0][0] == 1) and (lastC[0][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[0][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 36, velocity); 
    lastC[0][0] = 0;
  if (lastC[1][0] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[1][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][0] == 0) and (lastC[1][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[1][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 37, velocity);  
    lastC[1][0] = 7;
  if (lastC[1][0] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[1][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][0] == 1) and (lastC[1][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[1][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 37, velocity); 
    lastC[1][0] = 0;
  if (lastC[1][1] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[1][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][1] == 0) and (lastC[1][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[1][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 38, velocity);  
    lastC[1][1] = 7;
  if (lastC[1][1] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[1][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][1] == 1) and (lastC[1][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[1][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 38, velocity); 
    lastC[1][1] = 0;
  if (lastC[1][2] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[1][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][2] == 0) and (lastC[1][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[1][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 39, velocity);  
    lastC[1][2] = 7;
  if (lastC[1][2] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[1][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][2] == 1) and (lastC[1][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[1][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 39, velocity); 
    lastC[1][2] = 0;
  if (lastC[1][3] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[1][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][3] == 0) and (lastC[1][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[1][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 40, velocity);  
    lastC[1][3] = 7;
  if (lastC[1][3] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[1][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][3] == 1) and (lastC[1][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[1][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 40, velocity); 
    lastC[1][3] = 0;
  if (lastC[1][4] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[1][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][4] == 0) and (lastC[1][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[1][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 41, velocity);
    lastC[1][4] = 7;
  if (lastC[1][4] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[1][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][4] == 1) and (lastC[1][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[1][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 41, velocity);
    lastC[1][4] = 0;
  if (lastC[1][5] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[1][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][5] == 0) and (lastC[1][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[1][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 42, velocity);
    lastC[1][5] = 7;
  if (lastC[1][5] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[1][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[1][5] == 1) and (lastC[1][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[1][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 42, velocity);
    lastC[1][5] = 0;
  if (lastC[2][0] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[2][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][0] == 0) and (lastC[2][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[2][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 43, velocity);
    lastC[2][0] = 7;
  if (lastC[2][0] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[2][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][0] == 1) and (lastC[2][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[2][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 43, velocity);
    lastC[2][0] = 0;
  if (lastC[2][1] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[2][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][1] == 0) and (lastC[2][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[2][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 44, velocity);
    lastC[2][1] = 7;
  if (lastC[2][1] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[2][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][1] == 1) and (lastC[2][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[2][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 44, velocity);
    lastC[2][1] = 0;
  if (lastC[2][2] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[2][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][2] == 0) and (lastC[2][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[2][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 45, velocity);
    lastC[2][2] = 7;
  if (lastC[2][2] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[2][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][2] == 1) and (lastC[2][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[2][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 45, velocity);
    lastC[2][2] = 0;

  if (lastC[2][3] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[2][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][3] == 0) and (lastC[2][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[2][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 46, velocity);
    lastC[2][3] = 7;
    if (lastC[2][3] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[2][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][3] == 1) and (lastC[2][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[2][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 46, velocity);
    lastC[2][3] = 0;

  if (lastC[2][4] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[2][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][4] == 0) and (lastC[2][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[2][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 47, velocity);
    lastC[2][4] = 7;
  if (lastC[2][4] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[2][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][4] == 1) and (lastC[2][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[2][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 47, velocity);
    lastC[2][4] = 0;

  if (lastC[2][5] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[2][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][5] == 0) and (lastC[2][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[2][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 48, velocity);
    lastC[2][5] = 7;
  if (lastC[2][5] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[2][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[2][5] == 1) and (lastC[2][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[2][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 48, velocity);
    lastC[2][5] = 0;

  if (lastC[3][0] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[3][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][0] == 0) and (lastC[3][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[3][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 49, velocity);
    lastC[3][0] = 7;
  if (lastC[3][0] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[3][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][0] == 1) and (lastC[3][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[3][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 49, velocity);
    lastC[3][0] = 0;

  if (lastC[3][1] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[3][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][1] == 0) and (lastC[3][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[3][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 50, velocity);
    lastC[3][1] = 7;
  if (lastC[3][1] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[3][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][1] == 1) and (lastC[3][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[3][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 50, velocity);
    lastC[3][1] = 0;

  if (lastC[3][2] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[3][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][2] == 0) and (lastC[3][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[3][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 51, velocity);
    lastC[3][2] = 7;
  if (lastC[3][2] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[3][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][2] == 1) and (lastC[3][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[3][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 51, velocity);
    lastC[3][2] = 0;

  if (lastC[3][3] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[3][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][3] == 0) and (lastC[3][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[3][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 52, velocity);
    lastC[3][3] = 7;
  if (lastC[3][3] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[3][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][3] == 1) and (lastC[3][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[3][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 52, velocity);
    lastC[3][3] = 0;

  if (lastC[3][4] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[3][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][4] == 0) and (lastC[3][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[3][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 53, velocity);
    lastC[3][4] = 7;
  if (lastC[3][4] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[3][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][4] == 1) and (lastC[3][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[3][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 53, velocity);
    lastC[3][4] = 0;

  if (lastC[3][5] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[3][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][5] == 0) and (lastC[3][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[3][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 54, velocity);
    lastC[3][5] = 7;
  if (lastC[3][5] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[3][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[3][5] == 1) and (lastC[3][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[3][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 54, velocity);
    lastC[3][5] = 0;

  if (lastC[4][0] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[4][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][0] == 0) and (lastC[4][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[4][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 55, velocity);
    lastC[4][0] = 7;
  if (lastC[4][0] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[4][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][0] == 1) and (lastC[4][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[4][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 55, velocity);
    lastC[4][0] = 0;

  if (lastC[4][1] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[4][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][1] == 0) and (lastC[4][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[4][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 56, velocity);
    lastC[4][1] = 7;
  if (lastC[4][1] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[4][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][1] == 1) and (lastC[4][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[4][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 56, velocity);
    lastC[4][1] = 0;

  if (lastC[4][2] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[4][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][2] == 0) and (lastC[4][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[4][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 57, velocity);
    lastC[4][2] = 7;
  if (lastC[4][2] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[4][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][2] == 1) and (lastC[4][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[4][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 57, velocity);
    lastC[4][2] = 0;

  if (lastC[4][3] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[4][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][3] == 0) and (lastC[4][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[4][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 58, velocity);
    lastC[4][3] = 7;
  if (lastC[4][3] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[4][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][3] == 1) and (lastC[4][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[4][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 58, velocity);
    lastC[4][3] = 0;

  if (lastC[4][4] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[4][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][4] == 0) and (lastC[4][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[4][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 59, velocity);
    lastC[4][4] = 7;
  if (lastC[4][4] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[4][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][4] == 1) and (lastC[4][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[4][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 59, velocity);
    lastC[4][4] = 0;

  if (lastC[4][5] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[4][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][5] == 0) and (lastC[4][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[4][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 60, velocity);
    lastC[4][5] = 7;
  if (lastC[4][5] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[4][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[4][5] == 1) and (lastC[4][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[4][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 60, velocity);
    lastC[4][5] = 0;

  if (lastC[5][0] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[5][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][0] == 0) and (lastC[5][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[5][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 61, velocity);
    lastC[5][0] = 7;
  if (lastC[5][0] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[5][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][0] == 1) and (lastC[5][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[5][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 61, velocity);
    lastC[5][0] = 0;

  if (lastC[5][1] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[5][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][1] == 0) and (lastC[5][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[5][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 62, velocity);
    lastC[5][1] = 7;
  if (lastC[5][1] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[5][1] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][1] == 1) and (lastC[5][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[5][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 62, velocity);
    lastC[5][1] = 0;

  if (lastC[5][2] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[5][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][2] == 0) and (lastC[5][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[5][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 63, velocity);
    lastC[5][2] = 7;
  if (lastC[5][2] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[5][2] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][2] == 1) and (lastC[5][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[5][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 63, velocity);
    lastC[5][2] = 0;

  if (lastC[5][3] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[5][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][3] == 0) and (lastC[5][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[5][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 64, velocity);
    lastC[5][3] = 7;
  if (lastC[5][3] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[5][3] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][3] == 1) and (lastC[5][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[5][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 64, velocity);
    lastC[5][3] = 0;

  if (lastC[5][4] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[5][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][4] == 0) and (lastC[5][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[5][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 65, velocity);
    lastC[5][4] = 7;
  if (lastC[5][4] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[5][4] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][4] == 1) and (lastC[5][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[5][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 65, velocity);
    lastC[5][4] = 0;

  if (lastC[5][5] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[5][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][5] == 0) and (lastC[5][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[5][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 66, velocity);
    lastC[5][5] = 7;
  if (lastC[5][5] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[5][5] = millis();
  if ((keysC[5][5] == 1) and (lastC[5][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[5][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 66, velocity);
    lastC[5][5] = 0;

  if (lastC[6][0] == 7) {
    BounceCOn[6][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[6][0] == 0) and (lastC[6][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceCOn[6][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff3, 67, velocity);
    lastC[6][0] = 7;
  if (lastC[6][0] == 0) {
    BounceCOff[6][0] = millis();
  if ((keysC[6][0] == 1) and (lastC[6][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceCOff[6][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn3, 67, velocity);
    lastC[6][0] = 0;

  //Write Keyboard E (Pistons)

  if (lastE[4][0] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[4][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][0] == 0) and (lastE[4][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[4][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 55, velocity);
    lastE[4][0] = 7;
  if (lastE[4][0] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[4][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][0] == 1) and (lastE[4][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[4][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 55, velocity);
    lastE[4][0] = 0;

  if (lastE[4][1] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[4][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][1] == 0) and (lastE[4][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[4][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 56, velocity);
    lastE[4][1] = 7;
  if (lastE[4][1] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[4][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][1] == 1) and (lastE[4][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[4][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 56, velocity);
    lastE[4][1] = 0;

  if (lastE[4][2] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[4][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][2] == 0) and (lastE[4][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[4][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 57, velocity);
    lastE[4][2] = 7;
  if (lastE[4][2] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[4][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][2] == 1) and (lastE[4][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[4][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 57, velocity);
    lastE[4][2] = 0;

  if (lastE[4][3] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[4][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][3] == 0) and (lastE[4][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[4][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 58, velocity);
    lastE[4][3] = 7;
  if (lastE[4][3] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[4][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][3] == 1) and (lastE[4][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[4][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 58, velocity);
    lastE[4][3] = 0;

  if (lastE[4][4] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[4][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][4] == 0) and (lastE[4][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[4][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 59, velocity);
    lastE[4][4] = 7;
  if (lastE[4][4] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[4][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][4] == 1) and (lastE[4][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[4][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 59, velocity);
    lastE[4][4] = 0;

  if (lastE[4][5] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[4][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][5] == 0) and (lastE[4][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[4][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 60, velocity);
    lastE[4][5] = 7;
  if (lastE[4][5] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[4][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[4][5] == 1) and (lastE[4][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[4][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 60, velocity);
    lastE[4][5] = 0;

  if (lastE[5][0] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[5][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][0] == 0) and (lastE[5][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[5][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 61, velocity);
    lastE[5][0] = 7;
  if (lastE[5][0] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[5][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][0] == 1) and (lastE[5][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[5][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 61, velocity);
    lastE[5][0] = 0;

  if (lastE[5][1] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[5][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][1] == 0) and (lastE[5][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[5][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 62, velocity);
    lastE[5][1] = 7;
  if (lastE[5][1] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[5][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][1] == 1) and (lastE[5][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[5][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 62, velocity);
    lastE[5][1] = 0;

  if (lastE[5][2] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[5][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][2] == 0) and (lastE[5][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[5][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 63, velocity);
    lastE[5][2] = 7;
  if (lastE[5][2] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[5][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][2] == 1) and (lastE[5][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[5][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 63, velocity);
    lastE[5][2] = 0;

  if (lastE[5][3] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[5][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][3] == 0) and (lastE[5][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[5][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 64, velocity);
    lastE[5][3] = 7;
  if (lastE[5][3] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[5][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][3] == 1) and (lastE[5][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[5][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 64, velocity);
    lastE[5][3] = 0;

  if (lastE[5][4] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[5][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][4] == 0) and (lastE[5][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[5][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 65, velocity);
    lastE[5][4] = 7;
  if (lastE[5][4] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[5][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][4] == 1) and (lastE[5][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[5][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 65, velocity);
    lastE[5][4] = 0;

  if (lastE[5][5] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[5][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][5] == 0) and (lastE[5][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[5][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 66, velocity);
    lastE[5][5] = 7;
  if (lastE[5][5] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[5][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[5][5] == 1) and (lastE[5][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[5][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 66, velocity);
    lastE[5][5] = 0;

  if (lastE[6][0] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[6][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][0] == 0) and (lastE[6][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[6][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 67, velocity);
    lastE[6][0] = 7;
  if (lastE[6][0] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[6][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][0] == 1) and (lastE[6][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[6][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 67, velocity);
    lastE[6][0] = 0;

  if (lastE[6][1] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[6][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][1] == 0) and (lastE[6][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[6][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 68, velocity);
    lastE[6][1] = 7;
  if (lastE[6][1] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[6][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][1] == 1) and (lastE[6][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[6][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 68, velocity);
    lastE[6][1] = 0;

  if (lastE[6][2] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[6][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][2] == 0) and (lastE[6][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[6][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 69, velocity);
    lastE[6][2] = 7;
  if (lastE[6][2] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[6][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][2] == 1) and (lastE[6][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[6][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 69, velocity);
    lastE[6][2] = 0;

  if (lastE[6][3] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[6][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][3] == 0) and (lastE[6][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[6][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 70, velocity);
    lastE[6][3] = 7;
  if (lastE[6][3] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[6][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][3] == 1) and (lastE[6][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[6][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 70, velocity);
    lastE[6][3] = 0;

  if (lastE[6][4] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[6][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][4] == 0) and (lastE[6][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[6][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 71, velocity);
    lastE[6][4] = 7;
  if (lastE[6][4] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[6][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][4] == 1) and (lastE[6][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[6][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 71, velocity);
    lastE[6][4] = 0;

  if (lastE[6][5] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[6][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][5] == 0) and (lastE[6][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[6][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 72, velocity);
    lastE[6][5] = 7;
  if (lastE[6][5] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[6][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[6][5] == 1) and (lastE[6][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[6][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 72, velocity);
    lastE[6][5] = 0;

  if (lastE[7][0] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[7][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][0] == 0) and (lastE[7][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[7][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 73, velocity);
    lastE[7][0] = 7;
  if (lastE[7][0] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[7][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][0] == 1) and (lastE[7][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[7][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 73, velocity);
    lastE[7][0] = 0;

  if (lastE[7][1] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[7][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][1] == 0) and (lastE[7][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[7][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 74, velocity);
    lastE[7][1] = 7;
  if (lastE[7][1] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[7][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][1] == 1) and (lastE[7][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[7][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 74, velocity);
    lastE[7][1] = 0;

  if (lastE[7][2] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[7][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][2] == 0) and (lastE[7][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[7][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 75, velocity);
    lastE[7][2] = 7;
  if (lastE[7][2] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[7][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][2] == 1) and (lastE[7][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[7][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 75, velocity);
    lastE[7][2] = 0;

  if (lastE[7][3] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[7][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][3] == 0) and (lastE[7][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[7][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 76, velocity);
    lastE[7][3] = 7;
  if (lastE[7][3] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[7][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][3] == 1) and (lastE[7][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[7][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 76, velocity);
    lastE[7][3] = 0;

  if (lastE[7][4] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[7][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][4] == 0) and (lastE[7][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[7][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 77, velocity);
    lastE[7][4] = 7;
  if (lastE[7][4] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[7][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][4] == 1) and (lastE[7][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[7][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 77, velocity);
    lastE[7][4] = 0;

  if (lastE[7][5] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[7][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][5] == 0) and (lastE[7][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[7][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 78, velocity);
    lastE[7][5] = 7;
  if (lastE[7][5] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[7][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[7][5] == 1) and (lastE[7][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[7][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 78, velocity);
    lastE[7][5] = 0;

  if (lastE[8][0] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[8][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][0] == 0) and (lastE[8][0] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[8][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 79, velocity);
    lastE[8][0] = 7;
  if (lastE[8][0] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[8][0] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][0] == 1) and (lastE[8][0] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[8][0]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 79, velocity);
    lastE[8][0] = 0;

  if (lastE[8][1] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[8][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][1] == 0) and (lastE[8][1] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[8][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 80, velocity);
    lastE[8][1] = 7;
  if (lastE[8][1] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[8][1] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][1] == 1) and (lastE[8][1] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[8][1]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 80, velocity);
    lastE[8][1] = 0;

  if (lastE[8][2] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[8][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][2] == 0) and (lastE[8][2] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[8][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 81, velocity);
    lastE[8][2] = 7;
  if (lastE[8][2] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[8][2] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][2] == 1) and (lastE[8][2] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[8][2]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 81, velocity);
    lastE[8][2] = 0;

  if (lastE[8][3] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[8][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][3] == 0) and (lastE[8][3] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[8][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 82, velocity);
    lastE[8][3] = 7;
  if (lastE[8][3] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[8][3] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][3] == 1) and (lastE[8][3] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[8][3]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 82, velocity);
    lastE[8][3] = 0;

  if (lastE[8][4] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[8][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][4] == 0) and (lastE[8][4] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[8][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 83, velocity);
    lastE[8][4] = 7;
  if (lastE[8][4] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[8][4] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][4] == 1) and (lastE[8][4] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[8][4]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 83, velocity);
    lastE[8][4] = 0;

  if (lastE[8][5] == 7) {
    BounceEOn[8][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][5] == 0) and (lastE[8][5] == 0) and ((millis() - BounceEOn[8][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOn4, 84, velocity);
    lastE[8][5] = 7;
  if (lastE[8][5] == 0) {
    BounceEOff[8][5] = millis();
  if ((keysE[8][5] == 1) and (lastE[8][5] == 7) and ((millis() - BounceEOff[8][5]) > Delay)) {
    MidiSend(noteOff4, 84, velocity);
    lastE[8][5] = 0;

  //Expression Pedal controls

  //Expression pedal on analog pin A13 to Channel 6

  int Cur6 = analogRead(14);
  int Map6 = map(Cur6, 0, 1023, 0, 127);

  if (abs(Cur6 - LastPot6) >= PotT) {
  LastPot6 = Cur6;

  //Expression pedal on analog pin A14 to Channel 7
  int Cur7 = analogRead(15);
  int Map7 = map(Cur7, 0, 1023, 0, 127);

  if (abs(Cur7 - LastPot7) >= PotT) {
  LastPot7 = Cur7;

  //Midi Thru

  if (byteReady) {
    byteReady = false; 

void MidiSend(int one, int two, int three) {

void serialEvent() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    // get the new byte:
    midiByte = (unsigned char);
    byteReady = true;


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