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Niccolò Avogaro

Capital Test

A nice quiz about capitals.

BeginnerFull instructions provided10 hours810

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Amazon Echo
Amazon Alexa Amazon Echo

Software apps and online services

Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit


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Capital Test Lambda Function

It's the Lambda Function of the skill and it's the main code of the skill
'use strict';

// These are all the questions the program does

var questions = [
        "What's the capital of the state Alabama ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Arizona ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Alaska ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Arkansas ": [
        "What's the capital of the state California ": [
            "Los Angeles",
            "San Francisco",
            "San José"
        "What's the capital of the state North Carolina": [
        "What's the capital of the state South Carolina": [
        "What's the capital of the state Colorado ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Connecticut ": [
            "New Haven",
        "What's the capital of the state North Dakota": [
        "What's the capital of the state South Dakota ": [
            "Sioux falls",
        "What's the capital of the state Delaware ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Florida ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Georgia ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Hawaii ": [
            "San Paulo",
        "What's the capital of the state Idaho ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Illinois ": [
            "South Bend"
        "What's the capital of the state Indiana ": [
            "Indiana city",
            "Cedar Rapids"
        "What's the capital of the state Iowa ": [
            "Des Moines",
            "Cedar rapids",
        "What's the capital of the state Kansas ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Kentucky ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Louisiana ": [
            "Baton Rouge",
            "New Orleans",
            "Louisiana City"
        "What's the capital of the state Maine ": [
            "Maine city",
            "Santa fe",
        "What's the capital of the state Maryland ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Massachussets ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Michigan ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Minnesota ": [
            "Saint paul",
        "What's the capital of the state Missisipi ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Missouri ": [
            "Jefferson City",
            "Kansas City",
            "Saint Louis",
        "What's the capital of the state Montana ": [
            "Montana Bay"
        "What's the capital of the state Nebraska ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Nevada ": [
            "Carson city",
            "Las Vegas",
        "What's the capital of the state New Hampshire ": [
            "Carson city",
            "Oklahoma City",
        "What's the capital of the state New Jersey ": [
        "What's the capital of the state New Mexico ": [
            "Santa fe",
        "What's the capital of the state New York ": [
            "New york",
            "Salt lake city"
        "What's the capital of the state Ohio ": [
        "What's the capital of the state Oklahoma ": [
            "Oklahoma city",
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Oregon ": [
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Pennsylvania ": [
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Rhode Island ": [
            "Rhode City"
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Tennessee ": [
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Texas ": [
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Utah ": [
            "Salt lake city",
            "West valley city",
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Vermont ": [
            "Vermont city",
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Virginia ": [
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state West Virginia ": [
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Washington ": [
            "Washington D.C.",
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Wisconsin ": [
    },        {
        "What's the capital of the state Wyoming ": [

exports.handler = function (event, context) {
    try {
        console.log("event.session.application.applicationId=" + event.session.application.applicationId);

     if (event.session.application.applicationId !== "amzn1.echo-sdk-ams.app.5cc7cbcc-0cf8-4b7d-901b-3364a770e9dc") {
         context.fail("Invalid Application ID");

        if (event.session.new) {
            onSessionStarted({requestId: event.request.requestId}, event.session);

        if (event.request.type === "LaunchRequest") {
                function callback(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
                    context.succeed(buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse));
        } else if (event.request.type === "IntentRequest") {
                function callback(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
                    context.succeed(buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse));
        } else if (event.request.type === "SessionEndedRequest") {
            onSessionEnded(event.request, event.session);
    } catch (e) {
        context.fail("Exception: " + e);

 * The first function the program calls when it starts.
function onSessionStarted(sessionStartedRequest, session) {
    console.log("onSessionStarted requestId=" + sessionStartedRequest.requestId
        + ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);


 * Called when the user invokes the skill without specifying what he want.
function onLaunch(launchRequest, session, callback) {
    console.log("onLaunch requestId=" + launchRequest.requestId
        + ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);


 * Called when the user specifies an intent for this skill.
function onIntent(intentRequest, session, callback) {
    console.log("onIntent requestId=" + intentRequest.requestId
        + ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);

    var intent = intentRequest.intent,
        intentName = intentRequest.intent.name;

    // handle yes/no intent after the user has been prompted
    if (session.attributes && session.attributes.userPromptedToContinue) {
        delete session.attributes.userPromptedToContinue;
        if ("AMAZON.NoIntent" === intentName) {
            handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback);
        } else if ("AMAZON.YesIntent" === intentName) {
            handleRepeatRequest(intent, session, callback);

    // dispatch custom intents to handlers here
    if ("AnswerIntent" === intentName) {
        handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else if ("AnswerOnlyIntent" === intentName) {
        handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else if ("DontKnowIntent" === intentName) {
        handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else if ("AMAZON.YesIntent" === intentName) {
        handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else if ("AMAZON.NoIntent" === intentName) {
        handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else if ("AMAZON.StartOverIntent" === intentName) {
    } else if ("AMAZON.RepeatIntent" === intentName) {
        handleRepeatRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else if ("AMAZON.HelpIntent" === intentName) {
        handleGetHelpRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else if ("AMAZON.StopIntent" === intentName) {
        handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else if ("AMAZON.CancelIntent" === intentName) {
        handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback);
    } else {
        throw "Invalid intent";

 * Called when the user ends the session.
 * Is not called when the skill returns shouldEndSession=true.
function onSessionEnded(sessionEndedRequest, session) {
    console.log("onSessionEnded requestId=" + sessionEndedRequest.requestId
        + ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);


// ------- Skill specific business logic -------

var GAME_LENGTH = 5;
var CARD_TITLE = "Capitals Quiz"; 

function getWelcomeResponse(callback) {
    var sessionAttributes = {},
        speechOutput = "Welcome to this nice trivia about States' Capitals. I will ask you " + GAME_LENGTH.toString()
            + " questions, try to get as many right as you can. Just say the number of the answer. Let's begin. ",
        shouldEndSession = false,

        gameQuestions = populateGameQuestions(),
        correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ANSWER_COUNT)), // Generate a random index for the correct answer, from 0 to 3
        roundAnswers = populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestions, 0, correctAnswerIndex),

        currentQuestionIndex = 0,
        spokenQuestion = Object.keys(questions[gameQuestions[currentQuestionIndex]])[0],
        repromptText = "Question 1. " + spokenQuestion + " ",

        i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
        repromptText += (i+1).toString() + ". " + roundAnswers[i] + ". "
    speechOutput += repromptText;
    sessionAttributes = {
        "speechOutput": repromptText,
        "repromptText": repromptText,
        "currentQuestionIndex": currentQuestionIndex,
        "correctAnswerIndex": correctAnswerIndex + 1,
        "questions": gameQuestions,
        "score": 0,
        buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession));

function populateGameQuestions() {
    var gameQuestions = [];
    var indexList = [];
    var index = questions.length;

    if (GAME_LENGTH > index){
        throw "Invalid Game Length.";

    for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++){

    // Pick GAME_LENGTH random questions from the list to ask the user.
    for (var j = 0; j < GAME_LENGTH; j++){
        var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * index);
        index -= 1;

        var temp = indexList[index];
        indexList[index] = indexList[rand];
        indexList[rand] = temp;

    return gameQuestions;

function populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestionIndexes, correctAnswerIndex, correctAnswerTargetLocation) {
    // Get the answers for a given question, and place the correct answer at the spot marked by the
    // correctAnswerTargetLocation variable. 
    var answers = [],
        answersCopy = questions[gameQuestionIndexes[correctAnswerIndex]][Object.keys(questions[gameQuestionIndexes[correctAnswerIndex]])[0]],
        temp, i;

    var index = answersCopy.length;

    if (index < ANSWER_COUNT){
        throw "Not enough answers for question.";

    // Shuffle the answers, excluding the first element.
    for (var j = 1; j < answersCopy.length; j++){
        var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (index - 1)) + 1;
        index -= 1;

        var temp = answersCopy[index];
        answersCopy[index] = answersCopy[rand];
        answersCopy[rand] = temp;

    // Swap the correct answer into the target location
    for (i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
        answers[i] = answersCopy[i];
    temp = answers[0];
    answers[0] = answers[correctAnswerTargetLocation];
    answers[correctAnswerTargetLocation] = temp;
    return answers;

function handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback) {
    var speechOutput = "";
    var sessionAttributes = {};
    var gameInProgress = session.attributes && session.attributes.questions;
    var answerSlotValid = isAnswerSlotValid(intent);
    var userGaveUp = intent.name === "DontKnowIntent";

    if (!gameInProgress) {
        // If the user responded with an answer but there is no game in progress, ask the user
        // if they want to start a new game. 
        sessionAttributes.userPromptedToContinue = true;
        speechOutput = "There is no game in progress. Do you want to start a new game? ";
            buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, speechOutput, false));
    } else if (!answerSlotValid && !userGaveUp) {
        // If the user provided answer isn't a number > 0 and < ANSWER_COUNT,
        // return an error message to the user. Remember to guide the user into providing correct values.
        var reprompt = session.attributes.speechOutput;
        var speechOutput = "Your answer must be a number between 1 and " + ANSWER_COUNT + ". " + reprompt;
            buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, reprompt, false));
    } else {
        var gameQuestions = session.attributes.questions,
            correctAnswerIndex = parseInt(session.attributes.correctAnswerIndex),
            currentScore = parseInt(session.attributes.score),
            currentQuestionIndex = parseInt(session.attributes.currentQuestionIndex),
            correctAnswerText = session.attributes.correctAnswerText;

        var speechOutputAnalysis = "";

        if (answerSlotValid && parseInt(intent.slots.Answer.value) == correctAnswerIndex) {
            speechOutputAnalysis = "correct. ";
        } else {
            if (!userGaveUp) {
                speechOutputAnalysis = "wrong. "
            speechOutputAnalysis += "The correct answer is " + correctAnswerIndex + ": " + correctAnswerText + ". ";
        // if currentQuestionIndex is 4, we've reached 5 questions (zero-indexed) and can exit the game session
        if (currentQuestionIndex == GAME_LENGTH - 1) {
            speechOutput = userGaveUp ? "" : "That answer is ";
            speechOutput += speechOutputAnalysis + "You got " + currentScore.toString() + " out of "
                + GAME_LENGTH.toString() + " questions correct. Thank you for playing!";
                buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, "", true));
        } else {
            currentQuestionIndex += 1;
            var spokenQuestion = Object.keys(questions[gameQuestions[currentQuestionIndex]])[0];
            // Generate a random index for the correct answer, from 0 to 3
            correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ANSWER_COUNT));
            var roundAnswers = populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestions, currentQuestionIndex, correctAnswerIndex),

                questionIndexForSpeech = currentQuestionIndex + 1,
                repromptText = "Question " + questionIndexForSpeech.toString() + ". " + spokenQuestion + " ";
            for (var i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
                repromptText += (i+1).toString() + ". " + roundAnswers[i] + ". "
            speechOutput += userGaveUp ? "" : "That answer is ";
            speechOutput += speechOutputAnalysis + "Your score is " + currentScore.toString() + ". " + repromptText;

            sessionAttributes = {
                "speechOutput": repromptText,
                "repromptText": repromptText,
                "currentQuestionIndex": currentQuestionIndex,
                "correctAnswerIndex": correctAnswerIndex + 1,
                "questions": gameQuestions,
                "score": currentScore,
                buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, repromptText, false));

function handleRepeatRequest(intent, session, callback) {
    // Repeat the previous speechOutput and repromptText from the session attributes if available
    // else start a new game session
    if (!session.attributes || !session.attributes.speechOutput) {
    } else {
            buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(session.attributes.speechOutput, session.attributes.repromptText, false));

function handleGetHelpRequest(intent, session, callback) {
    // Provide a help prompt for the user, explaining how the game is played. Then, continue the game
    // if there is one in progress, or provide the option to start another one.

    // Set a flag to track that we're in the Help state.
    session.attributes.userPromptedToContinue = true;

    var speechOutput = "I will ask you " + GAME_LENGTH + " multiple choice questions. Respond with the number of the answer. "
        + "For example, say one, two, three, or four. To start a new game at any time, say, start game. "
        + "To repeat the last question, say, repeat. "
        + "Would you like to keep playing?",
        repromptText = "To give an answer to a question, respond with the number of the answer . "
        + "Would you like to keep playing?";
        var shouldEndSession = false;
        buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession));

function handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback) {
    // End the session with a "Good bye!" if the user wants to quit the game
        buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard("Good bye!", "", true));

function isAnswerSlotValid(intent) {
    var answerSlotFilled = intent.slots && intent.slots.Answer && intent.slots.Answer.value;
    var answerSlotIsInt = answerSlotFilled && !isNaN(parseInt(intent.slots.Answer.value));
    return answerSlotIsInt && parseInt(intent.slots.Answer.value) < (ANSWER_COUNT + 1) && parseInt(intent.slots.Answer.value) > 0;

// ------- Helper functions to build responses -------

function buildSpeechletResponse(title, output, repromptText, shouldEndSession) {
    return {
        outputSpeech: {
            type: "PlainText",
            text: output
        card: {
            type: "Simple",
            title: title,
            content: output
        reprompt: {
            outputSpeech: {
                type: "PlainText",
                text: repromptText
        shouldEndSession: shouldEndSession

function buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(output, repromptText, shouldEndSession) {
    return {
        outputSpeech: {
            type: "PlainText",
            text: output
        reprompt: {
            outputSpeech: {
                type: "PlainText",
                text: repromptText
        shouldEndSession: shouldEndSession

function buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
    return {
        version: "1.0",
        sessionAttributes: sessionAttributes,
        response: speechletResponse


Niccolò Avogaro

Niccolò Avogaro

4 projects • 24 followers
Italian student, iot lover
