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Luís Afonso
Published © GPL3+

Yaw, Pitch and Roll. From Values to Visual Interface

Create a simple interface in processing to show the output of 9 degrees of freedom IMU.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)8,917
Yaw, Pitch and Roll. From Values to Visual Interface

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STM32 Nucleo STM32F072 Nucleo Board
Adafruit HMC5883L board
Adafruit MPU6050 board
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)


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Processing Rotation visual interface

You need processing 3 and of course a microcontroller communicating with it.

  Rotation visual interface

  To use you require a microcontroler sending yaw, pich and roll in this order:
    yaw least significant byte
    yaw most significant byte
    Pitch (1 byte)
    Roll (1 byte)
  This in a cycle. Be carefull to not send it too fast or it will start lagging.
  Made by: Lus Afonso

import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;  // Create object from Serial class

PFont f;

int Yaw_H;      // Data received from the serial port
int Yaw_L = 0;
int Pitch_H;      // Data received from the serial port
int Pitch_L = 0;
int Roll_H;      // Data received from the serial port
int Roll_L = 0;

float r;

// Angle and angular velocity, accleration
float F_Yaw;
float F_Pitch;
float F_Roll;

int xi = 0, yi=0;
void setup() 
  //size(1300, 720);

  // Initialize all values
  r = height * 0.45;

  // I know that the first port in the serial list on my mac
  // is always my  FTDI adaptor, so I open Serial.list()[0].
  // On Windows machines, this generally opens COM1.
  // Open whatever port is the one you're using.
  String portName = Serial.list()[0];
  myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200);

      Change the text font to make it bigger
      You need to go to "Tools->Create font" to be able to use this. Just comment these 2 lines out
    if you don't feel like it.
  f = createFont("SourceCodePro-Regular.vlw", 20);

void draw()

    Wait for at least 4 values to be available to receive.
    It should be in order:
    yaw least significant byte
    yaw most significant byte
    Pitch and Roll can be just 1 byte since they go in a 180 range, while yaw is 360 (360 doesn't fit in 8bit number)
  if (myPort.available() >= 4) {  // If data is available,
    Yaw_L = myPort.read();         // read it and store it in val
    Yaw_H = myPort.read();         // read it and store it in val
    Pitch_L = myPort.read();         // read it and store it in val
    //Pitch_H = myPort.read();         // read it and store it in val
    Roll_L = myPort.read();         // read it and store it in val
    //Roll_H = myPort.read();         // read it and store it in val

    /* Just for debug purposes, prints in text console */
    print(" ");
    print(" ");
    print(" ");
    println(" ");

  //Set background to black (will erase previous drawing that was there in each cycle)

  // Translate the origin point to the center of the screen
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  int Yaw;
  Yaw = (Yaw_H <<8)|Yaw_L;

  int Pitch = 1*(Pitch_L-90);

  int Roll = 1*(Roll_L-90);

  F_Yaw = ((Yaw+90)*PI/180.0);

  // Convert polar to cartesian
  float x = -r * cos(F_Yaw);
  float y = r * sin(F_Yaw);

  // Draw the ellipse at the cartesian coordinate
  fill(0, 255, 255);
  ellipse(x, y, 32, 32);
  ellipse(0, 0, 10, 10);

  float F_Roll = Roll * PI /180;
  y = sin(F_Roll) * 300;
  x = cos(F_Roll)*300;
  stroke(0, 255, 0);
  line(xi, yi, x+xi, y+yi);
  line(xi, yi, xi-x, yi-y);

  float F_Pitch = Pitch * PI /180;
  float  y_P=  yi + sin(F_Pitch)*100;
  stroke(255, 0, 0);
  line(0, y_P, 300, y_P);
  line(0, y_P, -300, y_P);
  fill(0, 255, 0);
  text("Roll:", 300, 200);
  text(Roll, 350, 200);
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  text("Pitch:", 300, 240);
  text(Pitch, 350, 240);
  fill(0, 100, 255);
  text("Yaw:", 300, 280);
  text(Yaw, 350, 280);


Luís Afonso

Luís Afonso

7 projects • 11 followers
