Scott Gilson
Published © GPL3+

MintyPiPico tiny video game

Building on the PicoPad project, I've shrunken it down to the size of an Altoids Smalls tin for retro gaming on the go!

AdvancedFull instructions provided20 hours201
MintyPiPico tiny video game

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RP2040 Zero board
USB-C charger board
LiPoly 235mAh battery 303030
Micro SD card reader
Nintendo DS Lite buttons
Nintendo DS Lite clear rubber pads
Tactile dome switches E-switch brand
IPS 2" LCD display 240x320 ST7789 EastRising brand
12-conductor FFC cable for LCD GCT brand
M2x4mm self-tapping screws
30GA Kynar wire wrap wire
Altoids Smalls tin
Altoids Smalls tin
Tactile switch 4.5mmx4.5mmx5mm high power switch
Circuit board
Cell phone speaker rectangular 8 Ohm-ish
AO3400A N-Channel SMD transistor
AO3401A P-CHannel SMD transistor
10kOhm SMD resistor
100kOhm SMD resistor
1uF SMD ceramic chip capacitor 6.3V or higher
10uF SMD ceramic chip capacitor 10V or higher
200 Ohm SMD resistor
S9012 SMD PNP transistor
S9013 SMD NPN transistor

Software apps and online services

PicoLibSDK by Miroslav Nemecek

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Flashforge Finder 3D printer
Creality Ender PLA Filament 1.75mm
MBT 200 Soldering station
0.025 inch diameter 60/40 leaded solder MG Chemicals
UV curing Solder mask
UV flashlight
3M #5925 Very High Bond tape (optional)
Pin vise w/drill bits
Mini file set


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

LCD Bezel

Sketchfab still processing.


Sketchfab still processing.


MintyPiPico Wiring Diagram


PicoPad GitHub repository


Scott Gilson
1 project • 3 followers
Retired electrical engineer into building, repairing, retro computers and video games.
Thanks to Miroslav Nemecek and Megazoid.
