We (most of us) really like Arduino because it's possible to make cheap clones, lots of libraries, examples, forum support and community out there.
Outside Arduino world, I like Cypress PSoC for some of its cool features like Graphical IDE, APIs, great features and understandable documentation.
I have bunch of PSoC® 4 CY8CKIT-049 4xxx Prototyping Kits.
The first half of this kit has CY7C65211 device, which is by default a programmable USB-UART serial bridge. I was thinking, maybe I can turn this part into a Arduino Porgrammer.
Bingo ! It worked, with a little bit of hack and a Uno Bootloader Atmega328P.
Arduino i.e. Atmegaxxx with Arduino Bootloader requires Rx, Tx data lines and DTR control line for uploading sketch.
Here is a pinmap of CY7C65211 chip -
We need following pins to be connected to Atmega328p for making a CyDuino -
But, unfortunately the DTR pin has no breakout to the edges.
Here is where I made a hardware hack. Scratch and remove the silkscreen and bring out a connection for DTR.
The GoodiesHere is an image of the finished project -
It's a ready to go board for Light, Sound, Temperature, Vibration, IR/Laser/Bluetooth Communication related projects.
Also, you can remove the jumpers from pin headers to disconnect on board sensors and connect to external components !
Features:- Programmable USB-Serial module
- Removable Microcontroller
- Touch+Push User Switches
- LDR Light Sensor
- Thermistor Temperature Sensor
- Peizo Vibration Sensor
- Laser Long Range Indication
- Bluetooth Connectivity (optional)
- IR Receiver
- Buzzer
First, get a 4$ CY8CKIT-049 PSOC 4 Prototyping kit .
Next, we connect the Snapped part to PCs USB Port !
Also, Download and Install Cypress USBSerialSDKSetup
If everything goes well and drivers are installed for the chip, inside Windows device manager USB Serial Port will appear -
If driver not found for the chip, download driver from here
Now. Open Cypress USB-Serial Configuration Utility and click Select Target, then Connect
Click on SCB (Serial Comm Block)
Finally Program the USB-Serial Bridge
Now the thing is ready to build CyDuino !!
Step 2 : Building the CyDuino HardwareTo make it we need -
Bits and Pieces -
All I did is think, think, think and then solder the Components and Hot Glued the Bottom in a compact space. Sensors are placed near Analog I/Os, LED on PWM I/Os.
For IR Receiver, Buzzer, User Input Switches are connected to Digital I/Os.
There are 2 rails of Male header on both side, with the help of jumpers, any Sensor/On board devices can be connected/disconnected if needed.
The Atmega328P MCU is placed on IC socket for ease of removal, so the thing is production ready - you can burn same program on multiple MCUs for making multiple projects.
The DTR connection is hacked like this -
Step 3 : Testing the CyDuino in Arduino IDE
I am using Arduino IDE 1.0.6 here. Once, the board is developed - it's time to test it!
First we need to select the COM port (here COM 3).
Next, according to the hardware connections we can program for any project possible with it.
There you have it! A nice, sensor loaded Arduino Dev board with lots of goodies!
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