Mega Bread Project #7, Hank The Hexabot is a 6 legged 18 servo thingamabob. This project has updated code, pictures and videos.
Meet Hank. He is bot number 1 from the MEGA BREAD series; series #7 from us overall. You can find the base pieces on here. You will also need 18 servos, a mega2560 and an ultrasonic distance sensor.
The base servo control code (, I have not yet implemented. Here is a YouTube link for the perfect multiple servo control sketch, allowing for expansion to 30 servos and motors, along with the sensor feeds coming in. I couldn't find anything else, besides the crap that you have to buy a new board for - that's not happening.
We are currently still building "MEGA BREAD - Hank The Hexapod". It was conceived by myself and my son. He is going to be taking robotics classes in the 11th grade next year. He made Honor Roll this year, and I want to see what this kid can do.
The plan is for a sequence of items to happen: starting with input from the Pilot/Navigator for GPS located destination, then airlift the hexapod to drop off at said location, target acquisition/termination, and recovery by the same quadcopter operations project. The hexapod and the quadcopter are expected to include cameras, Bluetooth link, RF link, GPS navigation, ultrasonic distance sensors, pressure switches in both the hexapod feet and the quad underbelly.
We also have created a red dot laser device from some cheap dollar store handheld lasers. These will be used as homing, targeting, and distance information gathering. Oh yeah, and a 6 way Gyro in each of them. Firepower will be mounted on a 3 servo turret with a camera. It will hold a modified AirSoft Automatic feeder/firing device rated for 1,500 rounds per minute @ 750 FPS - that part makes me giggle with joy.
The thinking:
- Step 1) Have a bad a$$ quadcopter (we have this part owned, but have not yet touched it) swoop in, drop off the hexabot.
- Step 2) Gain altitude and hover.
- Step 3) The hexapod will proceed to targeted area, spotted by the laser on the quadcopter as a homing beacon.
- Step 4) All hell breaks loose as the target is literally pummeled by a 18" x 18" hexapod.
- Step 5) The hexapod will signal the quad via RF signal that the mission is completed.
- Step 6) Point its laser at the hovering quadcopter for acquisition.
- Step 7) Swoop back in, recover the bot, and proceed to next target or return to sender.
Wow, I just added it all up and we still have a ways to go. But it shall be done.
Updates- Added test #1 Code
- Added Video 5-25-2017
- No code as of yet
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