IN this Arduino project I Shall teach you how you can control the color of your RGB led with your TV remote so let's get started
list of hardware :-Arduino (nano Uno Mega pro mini pro micro ) TSOP1738 IR sensor TV remote bread board and jumper wires
steps to follow :-first of all connect the TSOP1738 sensor to arduino on the bread board and then upload the first part of the sketch and then open the serial monitor and then please bring your TV remote in front of your TSOP1738 sensor and press any of buttons and after this you will see that when you press the button of remote you will so a Hexadecimal code on the serial monitor screen note this code in any note book for future and then again press the other button and note down the code same as the first
once you get the code upload the second part of the sketch and do not forget to replace my hex code by your own and after this upload the second part of the code and now you are ready to control the RGB led with your TV remote
and enjoy yourself
pictures of my worknecessary library for this project is #include <IRremote.h> you can download it from GITHUB or by your Arduino library manager
Author - Ramji Patel Jhansi (INDIA)