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Air Compressor Controller ver.2

Replace an unreliable cheap pressure switch with an Arduino-controlled high current relay. Ver 2 now includes an auto drain valve.

IntermediateWork in progress23,253
Air Compressor Controller ver.2

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
AC-DC Isolated Switching Power Supply Module Input 85V-264V Output 5V 2A 10W
AC-DC converter
1/4" NPT 2 Way 2 Position Pneumatic Electric Solenoid Valve AC 110 V
solenoid valve
NOYITO 30A 2-Channel Relay Module High Low Level Trigger With Optocoupler Isolation Load DC 30V AC 250V 30A for PLC Automation Equipment Control, Industrial Control (2-Channel 5V)
relay module, 5vd
Gikfun Prototype Shield DIY KIT For Arduino UNO R3 Mega 328P (Pack of 3 Sets) Ek1038x3
Arduino solder shield
FTCBlock IIC I2C TWI Serial 2004 20x4 LCD Module Shield with IIC/I2C Serial Interface Adapter Module for Arduino Uno Mega2560
20X4 I2C Display
Metal Enclosure, Shielded, Diecast, IP54, Instrument, Aluminium Alloy, IP54, 188 mm, 120 mm
Project box
12MM Waterproof Momentary Push Button Switch 15PCS ON- OFF Switch (5 Colors)
Push buttons
AUTEX Pressure Transducer/Sender/Sensor 150/200 Psi Stainless Steel Compatible With Oil, Fuel, Air, Water (150 Psi)
Pressure transmitter
Cable Gland Nylon Plastic Waterproof Adjustable, Cable Glands Joints Wire Protectors- Pg7, Pg9, Pg11, Pg13.5, Pg16 35pcs
Box cord glands
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
you will need a 10K ohm resistor in line with these led's
Lexan Sheet - Polycarbonate - .060" - 1/16"Thick, Clear, 12" x 12" Nominal
Lexan for display cover.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Drill / Driver, 20V
Drill / Driver, 20V
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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The Controller code

   Analog Resolution is 0-1023 (204.8 per volt or 0.004883v per resolution)
    Pressure sensor is linear:
     0 psi = 0.5v = 102.4
     150 psi = 4.5v = 921.6

// this is the libraries section
#include <Wire.h>                   // Wire library
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>      // Liquid Crystal I2C library
  LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4); // Display address 0x27, I2C 20 x 4
#include <EEPROM.h>                 // EEPROM library
#include <Bounce2.h>                // Bounce2 library
  Bounce debouncer = Bounce();      // instantiate a bounce object

// this is the digital input button variables section
int P1 = 2; // button SET MENU'     // this sets the tag as a discreate input to pin 2
int P2 = 3; // button +             // this sets the tag as a discreate input to pin 3
int P3 = 4; // button -             // this sets the tag as a discreate input to pin 4

// this is the menu section
int menu = 0;                       // this sets the variable tag menu to 0

// this is the analog input variable section
int CompPSIRaw = A0;                // this sets the tag as an analog input to pin A0

// this is the digital output variables section
int CompAlarm = 9;                  // this sets the tag as a discrete output to pin 12
int CompRun = 10;                   // this sets the tag as a discrete output to pin 10
int CompUnloadValve = 11;           // this sets the tag as a discrete output to pin 11
int CompDrain = 12;                 // this sets the tag as a discrete output to pin 12

// this is the variables section
int Start = LOW;                    // this sets the variable tag that stores the start psi set point tolow
int Stop = LOW;                     // this sets the variable tag that stores the stop psi set point to low
int CompRunBit = LOW;               // this sets the variable tag CompRunBit to low
int CompUnloadValveBit = LOW;       // this sets the variable tag CompUnloadValveBit to low
int CompDrainBit = LOW; 
int CompDrainOn = LOW;              // this sets the variable tag CompDrainOn bit 
int CompDrainOff = LOW;             // this sets the variable tag CompDrainOff bit
int CompDrainManual = LOW;          // this sets the variable tag CompDrainManual to low
int CompDrainOffCalc = 0;
int CompAlarmBitL = LOW;            // this sets the variable tag CompAlarmBitL to low
int CompAlarmBitH = LOW;            // this sets the variable tag CompAlarmBitH to low
int CompManual = LOW;               // this sets the variable tag manual to 0
int CompPSIValue = 0;               // this sets the tag CompPSIAlarmL, that will store the value coming from the sensor
int CompPSIAlarmL = LOW;            // this sets the tag CompPSIAlarmL, that will store the value for the raw alarm low setpoint
int CompPSIAlarmH = LOW;            // this sets the tag CompPSIAlarmH, that will store the value for the raw alarm high setpoint

// this is the EEPROM section
int eeAddress1 = 10;                // this sets the eeAddress1 tag and sets the address to 10, eeprom
int eeAddress2 = 20;                // this sets the eeAddress2 tag and sets the address to 20, eeprom
int eeAddress3 = 30;                // this sets the eeAddress3 tag and sets the address to 30, eeprom
int eeAddress4 = 40;                // this sets the eeAddress4 tag and sets the address to 40, eeprom
int eeAddress5 = 50;                // this sets the eeAddress5 tag and sets the address to 50, eeprom
int eeAddress6 = 60;                // this sets the eeAddress6 tag and sets the address to 60, eeprom

// this is the millis section, the "Clock"
long previousMillis = 0;            // this sets the tag "previousMillis", that will store the last time "delay" that was updated
long interval = 30000;              // this sets the tag "interval" for the menu(9) return timer
long intervalSec = 500;             // this sets the tag "intervalSec", at which to blink (milliseconds), 500 = 1 second, 30000 = 1 minute
int ledStateSec = 0;                // this sets the tag "ledStateSec", 

// this is the Debounce section
int buttonState;                    // this set the tag "buttonState", to the current button state from the input pin
int lastButtonState = LOW;          // this set the tag "lastButtonState", to the previous button state from the input pin
unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled
unsigned long debounceDelay = 100;  // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers

void setup()

//  this section assigns the inputs and outputs
 // inputs
  pinMode(P1,INPUT_PULLUP);              // button "MENU"
    debouncer.attach(P1);                // Attach the debouncer to P1 with INPUT_PULLUP mode
    debouncer.interval(debounceDelay);   // interval in ms
  pinMode(P2,INPUT_PULLUP);              // button "+" advance
    debouncer.attach(P2);                // Attach the debouncer to P2 with INPUT_PULLUP mode
    debouncer.interval(debounceDelay);   // interval in ms
  pinMode(P3,INPUT_PULLUP);              // button "-" decrease
    debouncer.attach(P3);                // Attach the debouncer to P3 with INPUT_PULLUP mode
    debouncer.interval(debounceDelay);   // interval in ms
 // outputs
  pinMode(CompAlarm, OUTPUT);            // comperssor alarm relay
   digitalWrite(CompAlarm, LOW);         // initially sets output tag "CompAlarm" low
  pinMode(CompRun, OUTPUT);              // comperssor run relay
   digitalWrite(CompRun, LOW);           // initially sets output tag "CompRun" low
  pinMode(CompUnloadValve, OUTPUT);      // comperssor unloader valve relay
   digitalWrite(CompUnloadValve, LOW);   // initially sets output tag "CompUnloadValve" low
  pinMode(CompDrain, OUTPUT);            // comperssor drain valve relay
   digitalWrite(CompDrain, LOW);         // initially sets output tag "CompDrain" low

// this section retrieves the setpoints from the arduino eeprom so the unit can start up after a power fail
  EEPROM.get(eeAddress1, Start);         // retrieves the start psi from eeprom
  EEPROM.get(eeAddress2, Stop);          // retrieves the stop psi from eeprom
  EEPROM.get(eeAddress3, CompPSIAlarmL); // retrieves the lo alarm from eeprom
  EEPROM.get(eeAddress4, CompPSIAlarmH); // retrieves the hi alarm from eeprom
  EEPROM.get(eeAddress5, CompDrainOn);   // retrieves the hi alarm from eeprom
  EEPROM.get(eeAddress6, CompDrainOff);  // retrieves the hi alarm from eeprom

//  this section starts up the different libraries
  Serial.begin(9600); // start the serial monitor at 9600 baud
  lcd.init();         // start the lcd library
  lcd.backlight();    // turn on the lcd backlight
  lcd.clear();        // clear the cld screen
  Wire.begin();       // start the I2C library

void loop()

// Update the Bounce instance :

// this is the menu selection section
  if(digitalRead(P1)){menu=menu+1;}            // press the MENU(P1)button and advance through the menu index by 1
   debouncer.attach(P1);                       // Attach the debouncer to P1 with INPUT_PULLUP mode
   debouncer.interval(debounceDelay);          // intervalMin in ms
  if(menu==0){DisplayPSI();}                   // go to the DisplayPSI subroutine
  if(menu==1){DisplayStart();}                 // go to the DisplayStart subroutine
  if(menu==2){DisplayStop();}                  // go to the DisplayStop subroutine
  if(menu==3){DisplayAlarmLow();}              // go to the DisplayAlarmLow subroutine
  if(menu==4){DisplayAlarmHigh();}             // go to the DisplayAlarmHigh subroutine
  if(menu==5){DisplayCompDrainOn();}           // go to the DisplayCompDrainOn subroutine
  if(menu==6){DisplayCompDrainOff();}          // go to the DisplayCompDrainOff subroutine
  if(menu==7){DisplayCompDrainManual();}       // go to the DisplayCompDrainManual subroutine
  if(menu==8){DisplayCompMan();}               // go to the DisplayAutoMan subroutine
  if(menu==9){StoreAll(); delay(500); menu=0;} // go to the StoreAll subroutine and set the menu tag to 0

// this section declares the minutecount variable and sets its initial values
volatile unsigned long secondCount = 0;        // use volatile for shared variables

void DisplayPSI () // main display

// this section keeps track of the millis counts (this is the "clock!")
  // millis is running in the background so any program delays wont effect the timing
  // only copies are used so accuracy is mantained
unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // updates and holds a copy of the SecondMillis
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervalSec)
   previousMillis = currentMillis;   // updates and holds a copy of the previousMillis
    if (ledStateSec == LOW ){ledStateSec = HIGH; secondCount = secondCount + 1;}
    else {ledStateSec = LOW;}
unsigned long secondCopy;
 secondCopy = secondCount;  //updates and  holds a copy of the secondCount

// this section monitors the live psi and turns the compressor run bit on or off based off setpoints
  int psi = analogRead(0); // this reads the analog input(A0) and scales it
  psi = map(psi, 102, 921, 0, 150);             // this maps the raw analog input value to the converted PSI value
  if (psi <= Start){CompRunBit = HIGH;}         // if psi is less than start setpoint turn on run bit
  if (psi >= Stop ){CompRunBit =  LOW;}         // if psi is greater than stop setpoint turn off run bit
  if (psi <= Start){CompUnloadValveBit =  LOW;} // if psi is less than start setpoint turn off unload bit
  if (psi >= Stop ){CompUnloadValveBit = HIGH;} // if psi is greater than stop setpoint turn on unload bit

// this section monitors the raw analog input for errors
  CompPSIValue = analogRead(CompPSIRaw);
  if (CompPSIValue < CompPSIAlarmL){CompAlarmBitL = HIGH;} // if comppsivalue is less than the CompPSIAlarmL bit, set alarm low bit high
  if (CompPSIValue > CompPSIAlarmL){CompAlarmBitL =  LOW;} // if comppsivalue is greater than the CompPSIAlarmL bit, set alarm low bit low
  if (CompPSIValue < CompPSIAlarmH){CompAlarmBitH =  LOW;} // if comppsivalue is less than the CompAlarmBitH bit, set alarm high bit low
  if (CompPSIValue > CompPSIAlarmH){CompAlarmBitH = HIGH;} // if comppsivalue is greater than the CompAlarmBitH bit, set alarm high bit high

// this section controls the drain timing
  if (CompDrainOn >= secondCount) {CompDrainBit = HIGH;}
   else {CompDrainBit = LOW;}
int CompDrainOffCalc = CompDrainOff * 60;
  if (CompDrainOffCalc <= secondCount + 1) {secondCount = 0;}

// this section turns on or off the digital outputs based on the control and alarm bits
  digitalWrite(CompRun, CompRunBit && !CompAlarmBitL && !CompAlarmBitH);               // comp run safety interlock if sensor fails
  digitalWrite(CompUnloadValve, CompUnloadValveBit || CompAlarmBitL || CompAlarmBitH); // comp unload valve safety interlock if sensor fails
  digitalWrite(CompAlarm, CompAlarmBitL || CompAlarmBitH);                             // comp alarm if sensor fails
  digitalWrite(CompDrain, CompDrainBit);                                               // comp drain valve

// this is the serial monitor setion for testing and debug. remove the "//" to print value to the serial monitor
//  Serial.print(" Sensor raw value ");
//  Serial.print(CompPSIValue);
//  Serial.print(" Sensor psi value ");
//  Serial.print(psi);
//  Serial.print(", Start @ ");
//  Serial.print(Start);
//  Serial.print(", Stop @ ");
//  Serial.print(Stop);
//  Serial.print(",");
//  Serial.print(" Low alarm ");
//  Serial.print(CompPSIAlarmL);
//  Serial.print(",");
//  Serial.print(" High alarm ");
//  Serial.print(CompPSIAlarmH);
//  Serial.print(", CRB ");
//  Serial.print(CompRunBit);
//  Serial.print(", CUL ");
//  Serial.print(CompUnloadValveBit);
//  Serial.print(", CAL ");
//  Serial.print(CompAlarmBitL);
//  Serial.print(", CAH ");
//  Serial.print(CompAlarmBitH);
//  Serial.print(" CompDrain ");
//  Serial.print(CompDrain);
//  Serial.print(" Comp On ");
//  Serial.print(CompDrainOn);
//  Serial.print(" Comp Off ");
//  Serial.print(CompDrainOff);
//  Serial.print(" Comp Off calc ");
//  Serial.print(CompDrainOffCalc);
//  Serial.print(" ledState sec ");
//  Serial.print(ledStateSec);
//  Serial.print(" intervalSec ");
//  Serial.print(intervalSec);
//  Serial.print(", Seconds count ");
//  Serial.print(secondCount);
//  Serial.print(", Seconds copy ");
//  Serial.print(secondCopy);
//  Serial.print(", Previous Millis ");

// this is the lcd section
  // line 1
  lcd.setCursor(0,  0); lcd.print("Currently  @ ");  // this prints whats in between the quotes
  lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.print("   ");            // this clears the display field so anything left is deleted
  lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.print(psi);              // this prints the tag value
  lcd.setCursor(17, 0); lcd.print("PSI");            // this prints whats in between the quotes
  // line 2
  lcd.setCursor(0,  1); lcd.print("    Start  @ ");  // this prints whats in between the quotes
  lcd.setCursor(13, 1); lcd.print("   ");            // this clears the display field so anything left is deleted
  lcd.setCursor(13, 1); lcd.print(Start);            // this prints the tag value
  lcd.setCursor(17, 1); lcd.print("PSI");            // this prints whats in between the quotes
  // line 3
  lcd.setCursor(0,  2); lcd.print("    Stop   @ ");  // this prints whats in between the quotes
  lcd.setCursor(13, 2); lcd.print("   ");            // this clears the display field so anything left is deleted
  lcd.setCursor(13, 2); lcd.print(Stop);             // this prints the tag value
  lcd.setCursor(17, 2); lcd.print("PSI");            // this prints whats in between the quotes
  // line 4
  // this section displays the alarm/run status on lcd line 4
  if (CompAlarmBitL && CompAlarmBitH == LOW);        // if CompAlarmBitL and CompAlarmBitH alarm bits are low then its true and prints whats below
    lcd.setCursor(0,  3); lcd.print("      ");       // this clears the display field so anything left is deleted
    lcd.setCursor(0,  3); lcd.print("Sensor OK   "); // this prints whats in between the quotes
    lcd.setCursor(11, 3); lcd.print(" Raw ");        // this prints whats in between the quotes
    lcd.setCursor(16, 3); lcd.print("    ");         // this clears the display field so anything left is deleted
    lcd.setCursor(16, 3); lcd.print(CompPSIValue);   // this prints the tag value
  if (CompAlarmBitL == HIGH){lcd.setCursor(0,  3); lcd.print("ALARM: "); lcd.setCursor(7,  3); lcd.print("Xmtr Open ");} // if the CompAlarmBitL alarm bit is high then its in alarm and prints text
  if (CompAlarmBitH == HIGH){lcd.setCursor(0,  3); lcd.print("ALARM: "); lcd.setCursor(7,  3); lcd.print("Xmtr Short");} // if the CompAlarmBitH alarm bit is high then its in alarm and prints text

void DisplayStart() // this menu is for adjusting the start psi setpoint

// this section advances to menu 9 after 30 sec's, so the program doesn't stall if left on this menu selection
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval)
    {previousMillis = currentMillis; menu = 9;}

// this section reads the +/- buttons and adjusts the start value
  if(digitalRead(P2)== HIGH)
    if (Start == 150){Start = 0;}     // 150 is the max, sets back to 0
    else {Start = Start + 1;}         // incremnent by 1 per button press

  if(digitalRead(P3) == HIGH)
    if (Start == 0){Start = 150;}     // 0 is the min, sets back to 150
    else {Start = Start - 1;}         // decrease by 1 per button press

// this is the lcd section
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("   Start PSI Menu:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("  Set Start PSI to");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 3); lcd.print(Start,DEC);

void DisplayStop() // this menu is for adjusting the stop psi setpoint

// this section advances to menu 9 after 30 sec's, so the program doesn't stall if left on this menu selection
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval)
    {previousMillis = currentMillis; menu = 9;}

// this section reads the +/- buttons and adjusts the stop value
  if(digitalRead(P2) == HIGH)
    if (Stop == 150){Stop = 0;}       // 150 is the max, sets back to 0
    else {Stop = Stop + 1;}           // incremnent by 1 per button press

  if(digitalRead(P3) == HIGH)
    if (Stop == 0){Stop = 150;}       // 0 is the min, sets back to 150
    else {Stop = Stop - 1;}           // decrease by 1 per button press

// this is the lcd section
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("   Stop PSI Menu:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("   Set Stop PSI to");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 3); lcd.print(Stop,DEC);

void DisplayAlarmLow() // this menu is for adjusting the raw alarm low setpoint

// this section advances to menu 9 after 30 sec's, so the program doesn't stall if left on this menu selection
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval)
    {previousMillis = currentMillis; menu = 9;}

// this section reads the +/- buttons and adjusts the raw low alarm setpoint
  if(digitalRead(P2) == HIGH)
    if (CompPSIAlarmL == 1023){CompPSIAlarmL = 0;} // 1023 is the max, sets to 0
    else {CompPSIAlarmL = CompPSIAlarmL + 1;}      // increase by 1 per button press

  if(digitalRead(P3) == HIGH)
    if (CompPSIAlarmL == 0){CompPSIAlarmL = 1023;} // 0 is the min, sets to 1023
    else {CompPSIAlarmL = CompPSIAlarmL - 1;}      // decrease by 1 per button press

// this is the lcd section
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" Raw Alarm Lo Menu:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("   Set Lo Alarm to");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 3); lcd.print(CompPSIAlarmL,DEC);

void DisplayAlarmHigh() // this menu is for adjusting the raw alarm high setpoint

// this section advances to menu 9 after 30 sec's, so the program doesn't stall if left on this menu selection
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval)
    {previousMillis = currentMillis; menu = 9;}

// this section reads the +/- buttons and adjusts the raw high alarm setpoint
  if(digitalRead(P2) == HIGH)
    if (CompPSIAlarmH == 1023){CompPSIAlarmH = 0;} // 1023 is the max, sets to 0
    else {CompPSIAlarmH = CompPSIAlarmH + 1;}      // increase by 1 per button press

  if(digitalRead(P3) == HIGH)
    if (CompPSIAlarmH == 0){CompPSIAlarmH = 1023;} // 0 is the min, sets to 1023
    else {CompPSIAlarmH = CompPSIAlarmH - 1;}      // decrease by 1 per button press

// this is the lcd section
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" Raw Alarm Hi Menu:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("   Set Hi Alarm to");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 3); lcd.print(CompPSIAlarmH,DEC);

void DisplayCompDrainOn() // this menu is for adjusting the drain on time setpoint

// this section advances to menu 9 after 30 sec's, so the program doesn't stall if left on this menu selection
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval)
    {previousMillis = currentMillis; menu = 9;}

// this section reads the +/- buttons and adjusts the drain on/off setpoint
  if(digitalRead(P2) == HIGH)
    if (CompDrainOn == 10){CompDrainOn = 0;} // 10 is the max, sets to 0
    else {CompDrainOn = CompDrainOn + 1;}    // increase by 1 per button press

  if(digitalRead(P3) == HIGH)
    if (CompDrainOn == 0){CompDrainOn = 10;} // 0 is the min, sets to 10
    else {CompDrainOn = CompDrainOn - 1;}    // decrease by 1 per button press

// this is the lcd section
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("     Drain On: ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Set Drain on in sec");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 3); lcd.print(CompDrainOn,DEC);


void DisplayCompDrainOff() // this menu is for adjusting the drain off time setpoint

// this section advances to menu 9 after 30 sec's, so the program doesn't stall if left on this menu selection
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval)
    {previousMillis = currentMillis; menu = 9;}

// this section reads the +/- buttons and adjusts the drain on/off setpoint
  if(digitalRead(P2) == HIGH)
    if (CompDrainOff == 45){CompDrainOff = 0;} // 45 is the max, sets to 0
    else {CompDrainOff = CompDrainOff + 1;}    // increase by 1 per button press

  if(digitalRead(P3) == HIGH)
    if (CompDrainOff == 0){CompDrainOff = 45;} // 0 is the min, sets to 45
    else {CompDrainOff = CompDrainOff - 1;}    // decrease by 1 per button press

// this is the lcd section
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("     Drain off:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Set Drain Off in min");
  lcd.setCursor(9, 3); lcd.print(CompDrainOff,DEC);


void DisplayCompDrainManual() // this menu is for manually turning the drain on/off 

// this section advances to menu 9 after 30 sec's, so the program doesn't stall if left on this menu selection
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval)
    {previousMillis = currentMillis; menu = 9;}

// this section reads the +/- buttons and adjusts the raw high alarm setpoint
  if(digitalRead(P2) == HIGH)
    if (CompDrainManual == 1){CompDrainManual = 0;}           // 1 is the max, sets to 0
    else {CompDrainManual = CompDrainManual + 1;}             // increase by 1 per button press

  if(digitalRead(P3) == HIGH)
    if (CompDrainManual == 0){CompDrainManual = 1;}           // 0 is the min, sets to 1
    else {CompDrainManual = CompDrainManual - 1;}             // decrease by 1 per button press
    digitalWrite(CompDrain, CompDrainManual); // turns on/off compDrain relay based on CompDrainManual

// this is the lcd section

  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" Comp Drain Man:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" UP to turn On/Off");
  if (CompDrainManual == HIGH){ lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("Comp Drain, On");}
  if (CompDrainManual ==  LOW){ lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("Comp Drain, Off");}

void DisplayCompMan() // this menu is for manually turning on and off the compressor relay and unload valve relay

// this section reads the +/- buttons and adjusts the raw high alarm setpoint
  if(digitalRead(P2) == HIGH)
    if (CompManual == 1){CompManual = 0;}       // 1 is the max, sets to 0
    else {CompManual = CompManual + 1;}         // increase by 1 per button press

  if(digitalRead(P3) == HIGH)
    if (CompManual == 0){CompManual = 1;}       // 0 is the min, sets to 1
    else {CompManual = CompManual - 1;}         // decrease by 1 per button press
    digitalWrite(CompRun, CompManual);          // turns on comp run relay if Compmanual = 1
    digitalWrite(CompUnloadValve, !CompManual); // turns off comp unload relay if Compmanual != 1

// this is the lcd section

  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" Compressor Man:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" UP to turn On/Off");
  if (CompManual == HIGH){ lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("Comp On, Unload Off");}
  if (CompManual ==  LOW){ lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("Comp Off, Unload On");}
  lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("Dont forget to exit!");

// this section stores the setpoints into the arduino eeprom so the unit can start up after a power fail
void StoreAll()

  EEPROM.put(eeAddress1, Start);          // saves the start psi setpoint to eeprom if different from before
  EEPROM.put(eeAddress2, Stop);           // saves the stop psi setpoint to eeprom if different from before
  EEPROM.put(eeAddress3, CompPSIAlarmL);  // saves the raw low alarm setpoint to eeprom if different from before
  EEPROM.put(eeAddress4, CompPSIAlarmH);  // saves the raw high alarm setpoint to eeprom if different from before
  EEPROM.put(eeAddress5, CompDrainOn);    // retrieves the drain on time from eeprom
  EEPROM.put(eeAddress6, CompDrainOff);   // retrieves the drain off time from eeprom

// this is the lcd section
  lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("SAVING IN");
  lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("PROGRESS");

The Circuit

This is the wire circuit thats saved with the code.
  The circuit:
  Arduino uno r3
       5v to VCC
       gnd to GND
  20X4 I2C LCD display:
       SCL:  to A5 on arduino
       SDA:  to A4 on arduino
       VCC:  to VCC
       GND:  to GND

  push buttons: X 4
       button lead 1 to VCC
       button lead 2 to Arduino pins 2,3,4,5
       button lead 2 to lead 1 of 10k ohm resistor
       lead 2 of 10k ohm resistor to GND

  LED / Relays:
       long +LED leads to Arduino digital pins 10,11,12,13
       short -LED leads to 10K ohm resistors, resistors to ground
       if using relays:
       relay coil pin 1 to arduino pin 10,11,12,13
       relay coil pin 2 to ground

  Also be sure to use plastic stand off for all PC boards for isolation and noise dampening     
  After download start the serial monitor




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