I got some new toys in the mail this weekend! I got a new DF2301Q sound recognition module from dfrobot.com that's pretty amazing. It's under $20 US and you can train it with up to 16 different "wake" sounds. When it's asleep it ignores everything until it hears one of it's sound or voice wake phrases.
Not just voice wake phrases. Sounds. Like your cat meowing to dispense food from a feeder. Or the sound of the phone ringing for hearing assistance. Or the sound of thunder to roll up the windows in your car or close your greenhouse windows. All without needing access to the internet.
Or discreetly send an IR signal to mute a TV whenever a certain name or phrase is heard. 😉🧐😜😂🤣
Another great idea would be a game based off of the Stroop Effect where the words for colors are spelled out on a color display but they are displayed in different colors than the words say and you are tasked to say the color, not the word spelled. 😁 You could mix it up and sometimes ask for one or the other on continuous random color words, one player after another until someone gets it wrong and possibly set a high score. Like a Jack Box Party Game!
On top of that it recognizes 150 built-in command phrases once it is awake. You can also train it with your own command phrases or sounds as well that it will recognize once it is awake, I think you can add another 16 sounds or vocal phrase commands in addition to the 16 wake phrases. Either can be used as individual commands but only the wake phrase(s) will work until it is awake.
It uses either UART or I2C so you can add it to any microprocessor project. It has a switch to use an external speaker besides the one it has built in too. The volume for it's responses can be controlled or muted. All commands, wake phrases, training, editing, and deleting are all done completely using your voice. It works right out of the bag with just power even though there's not much point without something to tell the events to.
I used my laser clock base as a test bed for the experiment. 🙃
I trained it with the wake phrase "Hey Arduino" (it defaults to "hello robot"). Then I trained 6 different command phrases: (The last two use PWM on the laser and you can see the pulses stretched out)
"Turn the laser on."
- "Turn the laser on."
- "Turn the laser off."
- "Turn the laser off."
- "Turn the motor on."
- "Turn the motor off."
- "Make it cooler."
- "Even cooler."
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