// Realistic FireFlies / Lightning Bugs //
// Created by Robert Smith //
// https://www.youtube.com/c/robsmithdev //
// https://robsmithdev.co.uk //
// Designed for ATMega328 microcontrollers. The 'sleep' code may need modifying for others
#include <FastLED.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
// The data pin for the LEDs
#define LED_PIN 6
// Number of LEDs on the cable
#define NUM_LEDS 200
// Fade in/out time in milliseconds
#define FADETIME 50
// Maximum number of visible flies at a time
#define NUM_FLIES 10
// An array of LED values
// A class to manage each fly
class Fly {
bool isYellowType; // A yellow one flashes and moves, the white ones just twinkle
unsigned long when; // When it should appear
uint16_t duration; // How long for
uint8_t targetLED; // Which LED to control
// For 'yellow' types
uint8_t counter; // How many LEDs it can move along
bool movementDirection; // And in which direction (true is forward)
// Returns the current brightness at this time, or -1 if the fly is 'dead'
uint8_t getBrightness(const unsigned long now) {
// Calculate elapsed time
long elapsed = now - when;
// Not on yet? brightness is 0
if (elapsed<0) return 0;
// Fade in?
if (elapsed < FADETIME) return map(elapsed,0,FADETIME,0,255);
elapsed -= FADETIME;
// Stay on during the duation
if (elapsed < duration) return 255;
elapsed -= duration;
// Fade out
if (elapsed >= duration) return 0;
return map(elapsed,0,FADETIME,255,0);
// Get the colour we should show
CRGB getColor(uint8_t brightness) {
if (isYellowType) {
return CRGB(brightness, brightness, 0);
} else {
return CRGB(brightness, brightness, brightness);
// Handle the dead fly, depending on which type it is
void handleDeadFly(const unsigned long now) {
// If ran out of count, or its not a yellow one
if ((counter==0) || (!isYellowType)) {
} else {
// Move to the next one
if (movementDirection) targetLED++; else targetLED--;
when = now + 1000; // see again 1 second from now
// set which type this is
void setYellow(bool isYellowType) {
this->isYellowType = isYellowType;
// Reset the fly
reset(const unsigned long now, const bool longerInitialDelay = false) {
when = now + (random(1,5) * 1000); // upto 5 seconds before used again, lower for more at once
if (longerInitialDelay) when += random(1,10)*1000; // this allows them to gracefully appear rather than all at once
if (isYellowType) {
movementDirection = random(0,2)==1; // Movement direction
counter = random(2,10); // Number of movements
if (movementDirection) // forward?
targetLED = random(NUM_LEDS/2,NUM_LEDS-counter); // To start anywhere remove the NUM_LEDS/2
else // backwards
targetLED = random((NUM_LEDS/2) + counter,NUM_LEDS); // To start anywhere remove the (NUM_LEDS/2)
duration = random(50,100);
} else {
// Random flash
duration = random(50,100);
targetLED = random(0,NUM_LEDS/2); // If you want these to appear anywhere, remove the /2
duration += FADETIME * 2;
// Run the fly
void run(const unsigned long now) {
long elapsed = now - when;
// Has animation elapsed?
if (elapsed > duration + FADETIME + FADETIME) {
// Ensure its off
leds[targetLED] = CRGB(0,0,0);
// Reset
// Animate the LED
leds[targetLED] = getColor(getBrightness(now));
Fly flies[NUM_FLIES];
bool inDayMode = true;
void prepareAllFlies(const unsigned long now) {
randomSeed(analogRead(A1)); // seed based off random noise as the pin isn't connected
// Reset all flies
for (uint8_t fly=0; fly<NUM_FLIES; fly++) {
// This gives us a small number of yellow ones
flies[fly].setYellow( fly < (NUM_FLIES/4) );
flies[fly].reset(now, true);
void setup() {
delay( 300 );
FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, LED_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );
FastLED.setBrightness( 10 );
digitalWrite(MOSFET_POWER_CONTROL, LOW); // Turn ON to setup
pinMode(A2, INPUT);
pinMode(A1, INPUT);
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
// watchdog interrupt, just used to disable the watchdog
ISR (WDT_vect)
wdt_disable(); // disable watchdog
void loop()
// See if theres a small voltage coming from the solar panel
uint16_t voltage = analogRead(A0);
// The values here are different to prevent flicking as we move between the two
bool shouldBeInDayMode = voltage > 150;
bool shouldBeInNightMode = voltage < 100;
// Has the state changed?
if ((shouldBeInDayMode || shouldBeInNightMode) && (shouldBeInDayMode != inDayMode)) {
inDayMode = shouldBeInDayMode;
// If we went to day mode then turn the LEDs off
if (inDayMode) {
} else {
prepareAllFlies( millis() );
if (inDayMode) {
digitalWrite(MOSFET_POWER_CONTROL, LOW); // Turn OFF the Mosfet and thus the power to the LEDs
// We want to put the chip to sleep. Interrupts are off, millis won't work, but we dont need them.
// We'll be using the hardware watchdog to 'wake' from sleep, enable it for an 8 second sleep cycle
// But we dont want the watchdog to reset the system, just wake up. So we make it call an interrupt, which we dont bother implementing
WDTCSR |= bit(WDCE) | bit(WDE); // This line allows changes to be made to the watchdog
WDTCSR = bit(WDIE) | bit(WDP0) | bit(WDP3); // enable watchdog timer interrupt (no reset), for 8 seconds delay
wdt_reset(); // Reset the timeout
// We'll put the chip into Power Down state, which can only be woken by INT0, INT1, Pin Change Interrupts, and the Watchdog Timer (we disabled BOD - brown-out detection)
sleep_cpu(); // Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
} else {
digitalWrite(MOSFET_POWER_CONTROL, HIGH); // Turn ON the Mosfet and thus the power to the LEDs
// Run the firefly simulation
unsigned long now = millis();
// Update each fly
for (uint8_t a=0; a<NUM_FLIES; a++)
// Set brightness based on the value from A2 (variable resistor between 0 and 5v)
// Update output
// And pause
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