Saad Islam Tiwana
Created January 16, 2021

Water-buddy. Save environment using QORC and SensiML.

Use QuickLogic's Quickfeather with SensiML to detect/classify and track water usage in a washroom with the goal of saving water.

Water-buddy. Save environment using QORC and SensiML.

Things used in this project

Hardware components

QuickFeather Development Kit
QuickLogic Corp. QuickFeather Development Kit

Software apps and online services

QuickLogic Corp. QORC-SDK
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit


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Saad Islam Tiwana
8 projects • 34 followers
Practising EE, mostly working with Embedded systems. Special interest in Machine vision, AI and all things flying.


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