Sarah Al-Mutlaq

Soil Moisture Sensing

Making a plant self watering system using SparkFun's Soil Moisture Sensor

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Soil Moisture Sensing

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SparkFun RedBoard
SparkFun RedBoard
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor (with Screw Terminals)
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor (with Screw Terminals)
Serial Enabled 16x2 LCD - Red on Black 5V
JST Jumper 3 Wire Assembly
DC Motor
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Transistor - NPN (P2N2222A)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Motor to RedBoard circuit diagram

This is how I set up the gear motor to the RedBoard



Plain text
// SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor and Serial LCD example 2
// By Sarah Al-Mutlaq 2015
// Sketch reads sensor and desplays level and whether soil is wet or dry
// and turns on motor if dry

// Use the softwareserial library to create a new "soft" serial port
// for the display. This prevents display corruption when uploading code.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// Attach the serial display's RX line to digital pin 2
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3,2); // pin 2 = TX, pin 3 = RX (unused)

// We'll be controlling the motor from pin 9.
// This must be one of the PWM-capable pins.
const int motorPin = 9;

// Here we are setting up some water thersholds that we will 
// use later. Note that you will need to change these to match
// your soil type and environment. 

int thresholdUp = 400;
int thresholdDown = 250;

// We are setting up the pin A0 on the redboard to be our sensor
// pin input:

int sensorPin = A0;

void setup(){
  pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); // set pin controlling the motor as an output pin
  mySerial.begin(9600); // set up serial port for 9600 baud (speed)
  delay(500); // wait for display to boot up

void loop(){
  // Here we are declaring a string, which are lines of words,
  // and we want DisplayWords to be the words displayed on
  // the LCD screen, which will change based on whether the soil
  // wet or dry based on our threshold values above.
  String DisplayWords;

  // We need to set up a pin to get the value that the soil 
  // moisture sensor is outputting, so sensorValue will get the
  // analog value from the sensor pin A0 on the redboard that we 
  // set up earlier.

  int sensorValue;
  sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);

  // move cursor to beginning of first line on LCD:

  // clear display:
  mySerial.write("                "); 
  mySerial.write("                ");

  // move cursor to beginning of first line of the LCD screen:

  //Write what we want to desplay on the screen:
  mySerial.write("Water Level: ");
  mySerial.print(sensorValue); //Using .print instead of .write for values

  // Now we are going to check if the water level is below a 
  // out thresholdDown value we set earlier, and if it is have 
  // words "Dry, Water it!" display one column over on the first 
  // row:

  if (sensorValue <= thresholdDown){
    // move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:

    DisplayWords = "Dry, Water it!";

    // turns the motor on at a slow speed (0 is stopped, 255 is full speed):
    analogWrite(motorPin, 75);  

  // If the value is not below our thresholdDown value we want to 
  // check if it is above our thresholdUp value, and if it is 
  // change the display words to "Wet, Leave it!":

  } else if (sensorValue >= thresholdUp){
    // move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:

    DisplayWords = "Wet, Leave it!";

    // turns the motor off (0 is stopped, 255 is full speed):
    analogWrite(motorPin, 0);

  // Otherwise if it is inbetween the two values we want it to 
  // the display it had, so if our soil was really wet and drying 
  // the words would only change to "Dry, Water it!" when it got to the lower threshold
  // (thresholdDown), but if it was dry and getting wetter the words
  // would only change to "Wet, Leave it!" when it got to the upper 
  // threshold (thresholdUp_):

  } else {
    // move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:


  delay(500); //wait for half a second, so it is easier to read


Plain text
// SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor and Serial LCD example 1
// By Sarah Al-Mutlaq 2015
// Sketch reads sensor and desplays level and whether soil is wet or dry

// Use the softwareserial library to create a new "soft" serial port
// for the display. This prevents display corruption when uploading code.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// Attach the serial display's RX line to digital pin 2
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3,2); // pin 2 = TX, pin 3 = RX (unused)

// Here we are setting up some water thersholds that we will 
// use later. Note that you will need to change these to match
// your soil type and environment. 

int thresholdUp = 400;
int thresholdDown = 250;

// We are setting up the pin A0 on the redboard to be our sensor
// pin input:

int sensorPin = A0;

void setup(){
  mySerial.begin(9600); // set up serial port for 9600 baud (speed)
  delay(500); // wait for display to boot up

void loop(){
  // Here we are declaring a string, which are lines of words,
  // and we want DisplayWords to be the words displayed on
  // the LCD screen, which will change based on whether the soil
  // wet or dry based on our threshold values above.
  String DisplayWords;

  // We need to set up a pin to get the value that the soil 
  // moisture sensor is outputting, so sensorValue will get the
  // analog value from the sensor pin A0 on the redboard that we 
  // set up earlier.

  int sensorValue;
  sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);

  // move cursor to beginning of first line on LCD:

  // clear display:
  mySerial.write("                "); 
  mySerial.write("                ");

  // move cursor to beginning of first line of the LCD screen:

  //Write what we want to desplay on the screen:
  mySerial.write("Water Level: ");
  mySerial.print(sensorValue); //Using .print instead of .write for values

  // Now we are going to check if the water level is below a 
  // out thresholdDown value we set earlier, and if it is have 
  // words "Dry, Water it!" display one column over on the first 
  // row:

  if (sensorValue <= thresholdDown){
    // move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:

    DisplayWords = "Dry, Water it!";

  // If the value is not below our thresholdDown value we want to 
  // check if it is above our thresholdUp value, and if it is 
  // change the display words to "Wet, Leave it!":

  } else if (sensorValue >= thresholdUp){
    // move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:

    DisplayWords = "Wet, Leave it!";

  // Otherwise if it is inbetween the two values we want it to 
  // the display it had, so if our soil was really wet and drying 
  // the words would only change to "Dry, Water it!" when it got to the lower threshold
  // (thresholdDown), but if it was dry and getting wetter the words
  // would only change to "Wet, Leave it!" when it got to the upper 
  // threshold (thresholdUp_):

  } else {
    // move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:


  delay(500); //wait for half a second, so it is easier to read



Sarah Al-Mutlaq
1 project • 20 followers


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